2. Sneaking Around

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Harry Potter:

Harry would always use the invisibility cloak to sneak in and out of forbidden places. He hated having to sneak around, but if it was the only way he could see you, then he was willing to do whatever it took. Whenever you were seconds away from being caught, he'd throw the invisibility cloak over both of you and place his hand over your mouth. The two of you would stare into each other's eyes, waiting until the coast was clear before bursting out laughing and finally breathing a sigh of relief. While there was a slight thrill in sneaking around together, Harry patiently waited for the day he would be able to kiss you in a crowded room... and he'd wait for as long as you needed him to.

Ron Weasley:

You hated the moments when Ron had to leave after a night of sneaking around together. His departure would often be met by a chorus of whining and pleading, as he begged you to let him stay a little longer. While you fought back your laughter, you would nudge him towards the door, his feet dragging reluctantly as he grumbled. It was a predictable routine that played out each time, and though it was annoying when you were exhausted, you couldn't help but find amusement in his over-dramatic antics. Deep down, you knew that this goodbye was only temporary and that the two of you would reunite again soon... you just wondered if Ron felt that way too.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco despised having to leave you in the middle of the night and would always reluctantly return to his dormitory. Your secret rendezvous in the common room became the highlight of his day, with you being the only thing he eagerly anticipated. Waiting a whole twenty-four hours to see you again felt like an eternity, making it the most frustrating aspect of your forbidden relationship. The reason for these meetings was due to Draco's fear of his family and friends discovering his connection to you. However, as he spent more time with you, his desire to openly acknowledge his feelings for you grew stronger. Late nights in the common room were no longer enough to satisfy him; he yearned for a deeper, more authentic connection with you.

Fred Weasley:

Despite you being in a relationship with someone else from a different school, it didn't stop Fred from shamelessly flirting with you at any chance he could get. The mischievous Weasley constantly challenged the boundaries with his affection, trying to meet up with you in quiet corners and making his attraction known to you behind closed doors. Reluctantly, you found yourself drawn to his charm, gradually spending more and more time alone with him.

While these interactions were all innocent on the surface, guilt still gnawed at you whenever Fred mentioned your partner's name. Deep down, you knew it was wrong to want Fred while you were committed to another. Doubts filled your mind, convinced that he could never reciprocate the kind of love you'd wanted from him. For now, you settled for stolen moments, clinging to the hope that a clear decision would emerge before the situation grew too complex.

George Weasley:

Whenever it was time to bid farewell during your secret meetings with George, he would go to great lengths to make it difficult for you to part ways. Standing behind you, he would hold you in his arms, placing kisses on your neck, and teasingly questioning if you truly wanted to say goodbye. Deep down, you never wanted him to leave, but you knew you had to maintain the secrecy of your relationship. Eventually, George would recognise your tone, indicating that you were serious about him leaving, and he would reluctantly make his way out of your room. Over time, you learned to end your meetings ten minutes earlier than necessary, allowing for the additional time it took to persuade him to leave.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville never put up a fight when it was time for him to leave your secret meetings. He harboured a belief that you were ashamed to be seen with him in public, yet his affection for you compelled him to continue seeing you. Whenever you gently insisted that it was time for him to leave, he would let out a sigh, his shoulders drooping and his head hanging low. Witnessing him so upset always pained you deeply, and no amount of reassurance could convince him that your feelings for him were genuine. You longed for the opportunity to prove to Neville that you cared for him the same, hoping that one day he would truly believe in your love.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric would employ his charm to persuade you to let him stay. He would playfully toy with your hair, whispering sweet nothings into your ear, all while you gently guided him towards the door. Despite his efforts, Cedric would eventually begin taking small steps towards the exit, all the while pleading for just another hour. Eventually, he would concede and say goodbye, knowing deep down that it was only a matter of time before the two of you would reunite once again.

Newt Scamander:

Although Newt longed for a relationship where he didn't have to sneak around to see you, it didn't dampen his enthusiasm every time the two of you arranged to meet. He looked forward to the moments he would get to spend with you, cherishing every second as if it were precious. Even when he was away on work assignments or engrossed in caring for his magical creatures, thoughts of you filled his mind, providing him with the motivation to carry on. Deep down, he yearned for a more permanent connection, hoping that the fleeting hours each week would eventually evolve into something lasting and meaningful.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian would exhaust his charm to persuade you to let him stay. The mere thought of parting ways with you upset him... it was obvious since he moped around and sulked whenever the time came for him to leave. Initially, his whining was somewhat amusing, but as time went on, his frustration was hard for you to witness. His sadness tugged at your heartstrings, but deep down, you knew that staying a secret was best. You just wished that he would see the same thing soon enough.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis never quite understood why the two of you had to sneak around. He would often try to pick apart your logic and reasoning as to why you could only spend time together behind closed doors. Eventually, you'd be frustrated by his constant questioning and would tell him to leave in a firm tone. It was fifty-fifty whether or not Ominis would be angry by your forcefulness and put up even more resistance, or if he would realise that it was time for him to let it go and leave. Either or, he would leave wishing that things would be different for the two of you soon... considering he wanted to publicly declare his love for you as soon as he possibly could.

Garreth Weasley:

You and Garreth were never that good at sneaking around. Despite your efforts to keep your relationship a secret, it seemed like everyone in the school had caught glimpses of you hiding behind corners or skipping classes to be together. The two of you had convinced yourselves that you had successfully fooled everyone into thinking you weren't seeing each other, but there was no hiding the way you looked at each other... the affection in your gazes made it clear that something was going on between you.

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