25. Friendly Touch (Crushing)

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Harry Potter:

Harry's face would turn bright red, attempting to keep his cool as he freaks out internally. When you leave and his friends ask about it, he tells them that it was just probably friendly affection and nothing more. He has to convince himself that it meant nothing romantic to you... though it didn't stop him from thinking about it every second for the rest of the day.

Ron Weasley:

Ron gulps when you brush against his arm, his eyes darting around as he tries to focus his mind on something else. He's entirely distracted by your close proximity, missing any question or sentence that you say to him. Harry and Hermione try to hold in their laughter as they see his nervous habits coming to light. You were quite unsure what the fuss was all about... maybe one day your friends would tell you.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco sat in the Great Hall to study when you came along and rested your chin on his shoulder to see what he was doing. The act caught him off guard, but he seemed to be pretty good at hiding his surprise since he just looked over at you with a smirk. However, after that moment, he realized that you had reached the point in your friendship where you were okay with physical affection. After that, there wasn't a day that Draco wouldn't put his arm around you or the two of you would hug. Most people started to mistake you for dating... but you weren't... not yet anyways.

Fred Weasley:

Fred will play it off coolly, acting as if you hadn't leaned against his shoulder at breakfast. However, all the way to his first class with George, it was all that he was able to talk about. George would tease him, saying that he was reading too much into things. Though Fred would justify your actions as you returning the crush he has, considering there was 'heaps of space' between you and the person on the other side of you and you chose to lean on him instead. He'd never end up convincing George of his delusion, but it was something that he wouldn't be able to stop thinking about.

George Weasley:

George will immediately see your physical touch as a sign that the two of you are now affectionate. You'll lean against his arm, to which he'll look down at you and smile. He'll wrap his arm around you, carrying on the conversation as if nothing happened and smirk at the startled look on your face. After that moment, the two of you grew a lot closer and were quite the affectionate pair of friends... now it was only a matter of admitting your feelings to one another.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville will jump away involuntarily and immediately regret doing so. He was just so caught off guard by you brushing past him that he didn't think to stay put in his stance. His mind immediately thought that he was invading your personal space so he moved to not make you uncomfortable. Of course, the lack of communication left you thinking that he didn't like you that close to him and you would think not to try it for some time. If only the two of you weren't so nervous to tell each other how you felt.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric immediately beams when he feels you lean against his shoulder, thinking it's rather sweet to have you that close to him. He cautiously reciprocates, hoping he isn't reading too much into your action. His heart melts when he puts his arm around you and you cuddle up to him more. Of course, he ended up going back to his friends and bragging about how the two of you are on your way to becoming a couple... unlucky for him, they want to see it to believe it.

Newt Scamander:

Newt will ramble nervously, completely distracted by the fact that you're that close to him, and will let his mouth run rampant. You'll watch him curiously, his cheeks turning a shade of pink as words fly out at a million words per minute. You could barely understand what he was talking about, and he most definitely didn't know what he was talking about himself. He doesn't reciprocate the affection, mostly because he was so caught off-guard that he didn't think to return the favour. Maybe in time, he'd get used to having you that close, though for now your proximity would fluster him every time.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian's heart would race immediately when you pulled him in for a surprise embrace. He wouldn't know what to do, possibly the first time in his life that he is lost for words. Eventually, after a period of confusion, he'd end up reciprocating, hoping it doesn't weird you out and that you don't pull away. You could tell he was nervous, but you didn't say anything, considering you didn't want to embarrass him and scare him off in anyway.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis would straight up ask you what you were doing when he felt you close, confused when receiving any sort of physical affection. You immediately apologized, hoping that he wouldn't have made a fuss out of your touch, though you should've known better with Ominis. When you pulled away, he was quick to assure you that it was okay. While he didn't quite reciprocate, he liked the warm feeling in his stomach when you were close, and it wasn't something he was going to let go of easily.

Garreth Weasley:

You had assumed that Garreth had thought nothing of your friendly touch, almost feeling a sense of rejection when he carried on like nothing had happened. In actual fact, internally, he was freaking out, unsure of what to do or how to react to the gesture. His heart raced a million miles an hour as he contemplated reciprocating in that moment. He was confused over the next few days as to why you had distanced yourself from him... he just hoped that his sudden freezing wasn't the reason he had pushed you away.

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