33. You're a Hufflepuff

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Harry Potter:

Harry had always admired your calm and kind nature. The two of you were the kind of couple that everyone loved because you were so sweet together. Their hearts would warm at the sight of you holding hands through the corridors, with professors thinking the two of you were the epitome of young love. Everyone was rooting for the two of you, knowing there was no way that you would ever break up. You were too good to Harry, and he was extremely good to you. Harry was the best first love you could possibly ask for.

Ron Weasley:

Ron had always had a crush on you. The other Gryffindor boys didn't quite understand why, considering you were quiet and reserved and didn't often speak up. There were fleeting moments during classes or on the weekends when the two of you would have a laugh as you walked through the corridors. People would often turn up their noses at the sight, considering they couldn't quite picture the two of you together romantically. Though Ron didn't need the other people to know why he liked you; all that mattered to him was when he got to spend that time with you.

Draco Malfoy:

While it took Draco a while to adjust to the fact he was crushing on a Hufflepuff, he made sure that there was no way any of his Slytherin buddies would bother you as long as he cared for you. You were too pure and innocent for the world, and Draco became extremely protective of you, refusing his friends to even talk to you at times. You were confused about why the Slytherin group would often make fun of everyone else in your classes except for you... Not that you were really complaining. You were just glad to finally have the bullies off your back, even though you were blissfully unaware of the reason for it.

Fred Weasley:

Fred enjoyed hanging around you because you gave him a new perspective on life. You were hardworking with your schoolwork and helped him with his. When he was frustrated with his work, you were always patient and found new ways of explaining things, as school tended to be something he struggled with. He also did some work to try and get you out of your comfort zone, teaching you to live a life 'the Gryffindor way'. He was really appreciative of you, with the two of you making a surprising but wonderful team.

George Weasley:

George would always worry about you, considering he thought you were too precious for the world. If someone teased you or tried to poke fun at you, he and Fred would dive right in and turn the teasing on them instead. While he most definitely had a tiny crush on you, he wasn't willing to come forward and admit that to everyone just yet. Instead, he'd defend your honour when you needed it, staring at you from across the room and hoping you'd eventually have some sort of feelings towards him.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville often wished that he was in Hufflepuff, but when he met you, it only disappointed him more that he wasn't sorted into your house. The two of you bonded over so many things, becoming very close friends within a matter of days when you first met. You sat together in every class, studied together every chance you had, and spent every second of the weekend together. While it was disappointing that there were times your differing houses tore him away from you, it made those other moments with you all the more special.

Cedric Diggory:

You and Cedric were quite close throughout your schooling, being in the same house made it easier for the two of you to spend time together. You would sit together during house meetings, trying not to laugh as you cracked jokes under your breath, and would always pair up when it came to things like practising for the Yule Ball. Of course, over the years, the two of you started to realize that your feelings for each other were more than platonic, with your interactions becoming flirtier and more affectionate by the day. You were just glad to learn that he felt the same way... There was nothing better than knowing that Cedric loved and cared for you as much as you did for him.

Newt Scamander:

You and Newt were always caught chatting or daydreaming away with each other. While you had become the best of friends, you were a duo that needed to be split up, according to your professors. You were known for ditching classes, lying in a grassy field, and talking until the day ended. The two of you would fantasize about a life together, away from the world of textbooks and exams, where every day you could wake up and do the things you were passionate about. It was still a few years before that would come to fruition, but you were excited about it nonetheless.

Sebastian Sallow:

Being a Hufflepuff, it sometimes surprised Sebastian when you were able to keep up with him on his adventures outside the castle. He had fully expected you to be timid and unadventurous, strictly interested in schoolwork and staying safe inside Hogwarts. However, you never ceased to amaze him when you'd venture into the forest or follow him out into the fields. He enjoyed spending every moment with you and was glad that he had finally found someone he could fully trust and explore things with.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis very much admired your character, but only from afar. He'd hear you speaking in classes, laughing with your best friend Poppy, and participating when you could. While he secretly thought of you as somewhat naive at times and a little childish in class, he knew that you were a good person just from the way you talked to and interacted with others. He never had the courage to introduce himself, mainly because he didn't know how. But he knew that it would only be a matter of time before he would finally gather the courage to do so.

Garreth Weasley:

You had the greatest and most overwhelming crush on Garreth, and you didn't know what to do with yourself sometimes. Whenever he walked past, you always managed to say something wrong or laugh at the wrong time, embarrassing yourself in front of the one guy you were trying to impress. It was especially challenging since all of the Hufflepuff girls seemed to be fawning over the charismatic Gryffindor, and you felt like the only one acting foolish in his presence. While you might not have known it, Garreth found your nervousness rather endearing (luckily for you).

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