51. He Tries To Hide His Feelings

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Harry Potter:

You would always catch Harry staring at you, whether it be from across the room or when he sat next to you at dinner. He couldn't help but admire your beauty, taking in as much of the moment as he could before the two of you parted ways. There were times when his closest friends would catch him, urging him to be more subtle if he wanted to keep his feelings a secret. You had told them about how you had noticed his stares as of late and were thinking of confronting him about it. From there, Harry did his best to try and make it less obvious when he looked at you... though of course, it didn't seem stop him completely.

Ron Weasley:

Ron would ask you question after question about your love life, making sure that you weren't seeing anyone or interested in anyone in your classes. He wasn't necessarily good at hiding his interest in you, considering he asked those questions almost every day. You had told Harry about how you suspected feelings for Ron, and Harry immediately tried to shut down the idea for the sake of his best friend. He ended up having to have a long and serious talk with Ron about subtlety if he wanted to hide his affection for you.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco would tease you mercilessly, almost trying to make you dislike him so his feelings would go away. It was quite an unhealthy way to look at it, but you couldn't help but notice how he'd quickly look away when you caught his eye. You started to distance yourself from him, knowing that he couldn't make fun of you if you weren't anywhere near him. He was just disappointed that his plan to push you away from him actually worked... he was hoping that he'd still somehow end up impressing you despite his douchebaggery.

Fred Weasley:

Fred would often flirt with you to get your attention but didn't want to make his feelings toward you too obvious. To hide his affection, he intended to flirt with every other girl that he could, especially if you were standing nearby. He didn't want you to think that you had all of his attention, in fear that you didn't reciprocate feelings. There was not one person in the school who knew of Fred's crush on you, but unfortunately, it only seemed to be pushing you away day by day.

George Weasley:

George would really exaggerate the fact that the two of you were best friends and brush off any friendly affection as strictly platonic. While it killed him to say it every time, he knew that the only way to protect his secret would be if he kept up the illusion that he only thought of you as a friend. That seemed to make things difficult for you, considering you already felt the same way about George and he kept putting you back into the friend zone. The two of you were just left thinking that you didn't stand a chance with the other, and you just had to wait and hope the other would step forward and admit their feelings at some point.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville is absolutely awful at trying to hide his feelings. He would stumble through his sentences, laugh at everything you said (even if it wasn't supposed to be a joke), and would run to his next class every time he saw you. You thought he was incredibly strange, but found it rather endearing. You just wished that you knew why you scared him so much. You attempted to make yourself more approachable, talking to him calmly and with a smile on your face... that only seemed to make things more difficult for him though.

Cedric Diggory:

All of Cedric's friends knew that he had feelings for you. While he was pretty good at hiding his crush when he was around you, it didn't stop his friends from trying to get the two of you together at every chance they had. When you'd walk their way, he'd tell them to shut up about you and not to mention anything about his slight affections. Of course, they would always find ways to drop hints and make jokes under their breaths. Lucky for Cedric, you couldn't pick up on his friends' subtleties... it didn't stop him from berating them after you left, anyway.

Newt Scamander:

Newt always seemed to ramble endlessly to you whenever the two of you spoke, and it happened so often that you just assumed that it was a part of his personality. However, after speaking to his family or some of his closest friends, they could hardly recall a time when he spoke for that length of time, leading you to think that you made him nervous in a way that no one else did. You didn't want to get your hopes up in thinking that he had a crush on you, but you hoped that in time he would eventually come forward about this possible crush he had on you... only because you knew that he had one on him too.

Sebastian Sallow:

It was no secret that the people in your year level were crushing on you... it was just a mystery to you as to why none of them had asked you out quite yet. There were times that you felt as if you could even see fear in their eyes when you smiled or walked past them... because unknowingly to you, Sebastian had gone around the school and threatened anyone who intended to ask you out. While you were deeply annoyed when you first found that fact out, you couldn't help but be left to wonder why that would be the case.

Ominis Gaunt:

You had noticed that recently Ominis' attitude toward you had shifted quite significantly. You would always hear him muttering under his breath whenever you commented on anything, or he'd make some sort of rude remark when he thought you weren't listening. While it hurt to have one of your closest friends treating you differently all of a sudden, you couldn't confront him about it in fear of him lashing out and possibly cutting you off altogether. While it didn't make anything better between the two of you, you both hoped that one-day things would change... and maybe Ominis would tell you the truth about his feelings rather than hide them.

Garreth Weasley:

You had liked Garreth for quite some time now, though he was as blind to your feelings as you were to his. You decided that the only way you could make your feelings known was if you dropped subtle hints and flirted with him slightly whenever you had the chance. Though Garreth thinks that you only saw him as a friend, would brush off your affection and make a joke out of it. It would break your heart to hear it every time, but you weren't afraid to keep trying... no matter what it took.

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