5. First Date

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Harry Potter:

You and Harry agreed to have your first date at the Three Broomsticks, away from the chaos of the castle. While the air was slightly awkward for the first few minutes of your date, with butterbeer after butterbeer, the two of you slowly started to warm up to each other. In between giggles and laughter, the conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with shared stories, inside jokes, and newfound interests. Time melted away into the background as you found yourself lost in Harry's eyes. It was a first date that made you feel like you were starting a new chapter of your life—a kind of date that you'd remember forever.

Ron Weasley:

When Ron asked you to meet him by the Quidditch Pitch for your date, you didn't quite know what to expect. Your curiosity was piqued as Ron sauntered up with a cheeky grin and a blanket to spread out on the grass. To your surprise, he had brought a collection of treats and snacks that looked a lot like the spread laid out at the Great Hall. The two of you shared bites of food and exchanged playful banter, filling the air with laughter and kicking off the start of your relationship. Despite the sun going down and the autumn chill finally setting in, you couldn't help but still feel warm from the heat rushing to your cheeks and the butterflies flying around in your stomach.

Draco Malfoy:

When Draco planned your first date, he was determined to impress you beyond belief. Your only concern was that his idea of being impressive was very different from your own. He believed that to prove himself worthy of being with you, he had to shower you with expensive gifts and take you to fancy places, showing off his status and fortune. However, halfway through your dinner at an expensive restaurant where the meals were tiny and unpronounceable, you told him that you wanted to get to know him for his personality and interests, not for his title and heritage. After that, the two of you went on a long, romantic walk through the town, engaging in deep and meaningful conversations about life. It was during this time that Draco realized you were truly the one for him, as you liked him for more than just his exterior.

Fred Weasley:

When Fred told you to meet him after dark, you already knew to brace yourself for some trouble-stirring. In the dead of night, you met Fred in a dark corner of the common room. Hand in hand, he led you through every secret passageway and echoing hallway he could think of. The two of you shared whispers and laughter, ducking behind corners when you heard someone coming and stealing kisses from each other as you playfully chased one another down the halls.

Reluctantly, as the castle stirred with early risers and students ready to start their day, the two of you parted ways, promising to meet again under the cover of night. It was a first date to remember, filled with magic and laughter, and you both knew deep down that it wouldn't be long until the second one came around.

George Weasley:

On your first date with George Weasley, he surprised you with an adventure on the Quidditch pitch. Considering you weren't the best flyer in your year level, you were a bit nervous when you found out he wanted to teach you how to play his beloved sport. It was quite sweet to see him explaining the rules so passionately and checking on you constantly as he guided you around the field. From that day on, you returned to the pitch, cherishing each moment that you stepped onto the fields together. The start of your relationship was filled with fun and adrenaline, and for that, you only had George to thank.

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