64. You're In The Hospital Wing

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Harry Potter:

Harry stays by your side the entire time, studying your every movement as you sleep and calling over Madame Pomfrey when he suspects that something is wrong. He sits hunched in his seat, his elbow propped up on his knee as he watches you. Every time you shuffled in your sleep, he'd sit up a bit straighter, hoping you would be recovering and waking up. Though Harry was happy to wait for however long it took, he didn't mind one bit as long as he was near you.

Ron Weasley:

Ron would talk to you about his day when he came to visit you in the hospital wing, regardless of whether you were awake or asleep. There were times where you were on the cusp of waking up from a slumber, listening as Ron would babble on about his basic day-to-day activities or conversation topics he had with his friends or brothers. It took you a while to realise that you were the one person who Ron so desperately wanted to talk to and be near, that he would just do it out of his own accord. Besides, you were desperate to hear about news from class or from your friends... life was rather boring when you were stuck in bed all day.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco would often get into little arguments with Madame Pomfrey, considering he'd linger around in the hospital wing when he was supposed to be in class, or when curfew was nearing. He'd often snap at her, vowing to stay by your side until you were feeling better or ready to head back to your common room. It was killing him that he didn't get to walk you to class every day and he would come in to visit you just to see if you were at least a little bit closer to coming back to classes. While he'd never say it out loud, you could tell from his actions that he missed you dearly.

Fred Weasley:

When you were in the hospital wing, it was probably the first time ever that anyone had seen Fred so quiet and reserved. He sat with his hand over his mouth, his brows knitted together as he watched you intently. While you would often reassured him that you were fine and just needed a bit of rest, he'd make sure that you were well looked after and accounted for. It was almost impossible to relax when you had Fred more stressed than anyone else in the school, though it was nice to know that he cared... considering it was rare for that side of him to show.

George Weasley:

George, of course, would try to crack jokes and keep you entertained as you rested in your hospital bed. He'd tell you long stories and strange jokes to try and keep you entertained, aiming to get a laugh while you dealt with your bout of pain. Of course, when you'd wince or cough in a way that sounded concerning, George's face would wash over with worry, waiting patiently for you to feel better before he cracked a smile again. You would always reassure him that you were okay, though George would never feel completely okay until you were finally allowed to leave your bed.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville would do whatever he could to try and get you up and moving again, even if despite his efforts, sometimes the best medicine for you was rest. He'd try out various potions or remedies, trying to help Madame Pomfrey (who would quickly dismiss his suggestions and say that you were fine just with spending the day resting). Despite his efforts being far from necessary, to still were grateful nonetheless. It showed you that he truly cared for your health and wellbeing, and you knew from his actions that he was the kind of person you wanted to be with forever.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric would sit at your bedside all weekend, from the moment he woke up to the moment curfew came around. He'd rarely even leave you for meals, making sure he'd eat a lot of breakfast in the morning so he could stay with you for the entire day. There were times that he'd doze off from the boredom, leaving you to admire him from your bed as he snored softly in the chair. Of course, he always woke and regretted wasting that time on an unnecessary nap. You didn't mind one bit though... just having him near you was enough to make your day worthwhile.

Newt Scamander:

Newt would distract himself as much as possible, waiting for you to be well enough to leave the hospital wing. While he wished he could stay as long as possible, he'd only spend ten or so minutes with you at a time because it hurt too much for him to see you in pain. Of course, he spent the time away from you doing your assignments and learning about your favourite things. He'd always return with a stack of finished papers and a beaming smile, relieved to know that you were feeling a lot better now that you were sitting up in the bed.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian is completely distraught when you are in the hospital wing, blaming himself for you being there. Whether it be an injury or a dreadful sickness that seemed to catch only you, he would curse himself over and over again for not being able to help you in any way. You often had to reassure him that you were fine and that he had nothing to worry about, hoping that he wouldn't be so hard on himself. Though after observing the distress on his face when he first laid eyes on you in the hospital bed, it almost seemed impossible to make him think otherwise since he cared for your wellbeing so much.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis would sit by your bed, holding your hand the entire time as you slept. He'd wait for your fingers to twitch, immediately sitting up in his seat as he called your name, hoping you had awaken and would respond in some sort of way. Most times, you were just shuffling in your sleep, to which Ominis would immediately slump back down in his chair and continue to daydream until you moved again. He just couldn't wait for you to wake and be able to talk to you again... any sign of life from you was enough to make him breathe easier.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth would always bring you things to keep you entertained in the hospital wing, often finding a way to get kicked out by Madame Pomfrey for disturbing other people in the room. He'd bring you a joke from Zonko's to brighten your day, or sweets from Honeydukes to lift your spirits. He definitely ended up being Madame Pomfrey's least favourite student in the school, though she did seem to be making an exception for you, considering how much your face lit up whenever he walked through the door.

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