13. Bedroom Headcanons

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18+ NSFW. You've been warned.

Harry Potter:

- Kisses you soft and slow. Foreplay mostly consists of intense making out over anything else - he just enjoys kissing you.

- Incredibly easy to turn on. A suggestive glance or phrase would be enough to get him excited... though he'd always be able to hold off until you had a moment alone. He'd suffer through classes if he had to, knowing that you'd be alone together at the end of the day.

- Mainly missionary - he's one of those guys who see it as 'making love' rather than just having sex.

- Harry isn't necessarily verbal when it comes to sex... though he does tend to issue a soft moan in your ear every now and again.

- When you first started getting physical, he was rather timid and afraid to touch you. Though with more practice he became very handsy, getting used to running his hands under your skirt or shirt.

Ron Weasley:

- Lots of angry/post-argument sex. Either apologises or teases an apology out of you during it.

- While he tries to be sweet and prioritise your needs, he does tend to get carried away and gets a bit rough at times. He'd apologise for the hair-pulling or dark hickeys, though you didn't mind it at all.

- In the early days, he would be too nervous to have sex anywhere outside of a bedroom. Though in the later years of school, he started encouraging you to sneak out of class with him to have sex in the most absurd places.

- Very loud (mostly consisting of 'bloody hells'). He often has to bury his face into your neck to contain himself.

- Will often talk about your sex-capades to his friends afterwards, no matter how uncomfortable it makes them. He'll go on tangents, talking about the things you're good at, causing Harry and Hermione physically gag at the stories he tells.

Draco Malfoy:

- You can tell he's horny by the way he looks at you. With one glance from across the room, you know that he's turned on.

- The kind of guy to do what he wanted to you when he wanted. Quickies in the bathroom between classes, missing meals in the Great Hall so you'd have the dorm room to yourselves... and most definitely fingered you under the table during class at some point.

- Very kinky. Also loves to hear you whimper.

- Cocky little motherfucker will smirk when you say his name. He lasts forever and will make you finish multiple times before he does.

- Will secretly be obsessed with you and your body after your first time together. He'd never admit to sleeping with you because he enjoys it... will always claim that he's doing it only for you.

Fred Weasley:

- Mr 'any time, any place'

- Loves going down on you. He always gets that mischievous glimmer in his eye when you say his name.

- Likes it rough and can get carried away at times. He often has one hand tangled in your hair - the harder he pulls, the closer he is to finishing.

- Experimental, loves trying out new toys, positions or places. He keeps note of your favourites, though the fails end up being something the two of you can laugh about later down the line.

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