52. His Favourite Hook Up Spot

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Slight NSFW.

Harry Potter:

Harry would often take you to the Room of Requirement to hook up, knowing that no one would be there during certain parts of the day. When the room emptied after practice with Dumbledore's Army, the two of you would lag behind, spending a bit of alone time together before leaving the room with messy hair and flushed cheeks. The two of you would always jump out of your skin when you heard someone coming, smoothing down your ruffled clothes and hair as confused faces appeared in the doorway. They always seemed to know exactly what you had been up to, but it was quite entertaining for them to watch you try and explain yourselves through stutters and stammers whenever you had been caught.

Ron Weasley:

Ron liked the thrill of hooking up in the common room late at night when everyone else had gone to bed. While there were times you were slightly cautious, considering someone could bound down the stairs and catch you, Ron always found a way to convince you with his electric touch that it would be okay. The cosiness of the fireplace and warmth of each others' company always found a way of getting you both in the mood... it seemed that even the risk of you getting caught wasn't enough to stop you from getting wrapped up with Ron.

Draco Malfoy:

While you and Draco seemed to always find new and exciting places around the school for you to get hot and heavy, for Draco, nothing could beat having you back in his room at Malfoy Manor with no one else around. He hated needing to be quiet with you around school, especially when he'd much rather hear the full force of your moans or the sound of you calling his name. The only way that he could fully enjoy his time with you alone was at home when he had you all to himself.

Fred Weasley:

Fred loved pulling you into any empty classroom, ignoring your giggles and warnings as he locked the door and attached his lips to your neck. For him, there was something thrilling about sitting you up on a desk and leaving a mess of papers and ink sprawled across the classroom. While you would always feel a heated blush creep up to your face when you left the room to a line of confused students waiting outside, it didn't stop you from looking forward to your next encounter in an empty classroom.

George Weasley:

With George knowing the routes of all the professors when curfew came around, it made for some very interesting adventures and hook-up spots for the two of you. While it was rare that he would convince you to meet him in the Great Hall, you knew that he absolutely loved hearing your moans bounce off of the walls of the echoey corridors. He'd lay you down on one of the tables, pleasing you as much as he could so your memories of the moment would be as sweet as his. His favourite part would be at mealtimes afterwards, sending a suggestive wink your way after his eyes lingered on the sacred spot where you once hooked up. The memory would make you choke on your breakfast every time... the two of you laughing between yourselves as you ignored the confused glances of your friends.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville would only ever hook up with you in the comfort of his empty dorm room. While there were times that he tried to make things exciting for the two of you and venture outside of his comfort zone, he would always find himself falling back into a pattern and only purely enjoying his time with you if you were completely alone. In his dorm, he felt safe enough to say or do whatever he'd like without interruption, and for that, you enjoyed it too knowing that he was fully comfortable.

Cedric Diggory:

While Cedric was normally a traditional bedroom kind of guy, he couldn't help but find a little bit of excitement when the two of you would sneak under the Quidditch seats when the stadium was empty. While you would sometimes try and pull him by the hand to head there during a Quidditch match when his house wasn't playing, that seemed to be a little bit too far out of Cedric's comfort zone for him to enjoy it. He just liked it when the two of you were entirely alone... with no one else to catch you.

Newt Scamander:

Newt only liked to be intimate with you in the safety and comfort of his room. He had grown very comfortable there and there was no risk of anyone interrupting. You were never one to be adventurous either, so Newt's bedroom seemed to be the best place for you both to spend that special time together. There were times you looked back fondly over your hookups from school, wondering how you were ever that brave enough to venture outside a locked room... it was something you most definitely could not do nowadays. 

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian would always pick a secluded corner of the library after dark as his favourite place to hook up. He loved watching you squirm in silence, finding it rather funny when you would try to be as quiet as possible. The two of you were quick to escape when you heard the librarian coming, running back to your dorm with your clothes ajar and your hair a mess. While he loved having you anywhere around the school, nothing was better than him clawing at you in the darkened corners of the bookcase.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis would always take you to the one place in the entire school that no one else knew of besides the two of you and Sebastian - the Undercroft. While at first glance you believed that it was a little creepy to even step foot into, you soon learned that the two of you could be as loud as you wanted with no interruptions. Of course, there was sometimes the risk of his best friend walking in and disturbing you if you didn't warn him to stay away (though telling him to stay away would only make him want to visit you more). You just learned to sneak off whenever Sebastian was preoccupied with something, knowing that that would be the only time that you could be completely alone.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth loved sneaking into your dorm at night, always finding a way to fumble through the dark and into your bed. The two of you would cast a silencing charm with the curtains drawn, ensuring that no one around you could hear anything. You never understood why Garreth liked your room so much, though eventually learned that he liked how much nicer your dorm smelled than his. It was an answer that managed to make you laugh, though something told you deep down that that was not the only reason why he liked to sneak in at night.

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