62. You Meet His Family

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Harry Potter:

You were incredibly nervous to meet Harry's godfather, despite all the glowing things that Harry had reassured you about Sirius. You didn't know what to expect from him, considering you only knew about him from the rumors and the television. When visiting Grimmauld Place, you could tell immediately that Sirius cared deeply for Harry and that he was very grateful that his godson had found someone like you. When you were out of earshot, helping clean up after dinner, Sirius made sure to lean towards Harry, giving him a good nudge, and telling him that you were a keeper.

Ron Weasley:

Dinner with Ron's family was everything you expected. The twins made kissing noises from the table at the two of you, Ginny badgered you with questions about your personal life, and Molly practically started planning your wedding. It was chaos and fun all rolled into one, and while Ron's face was bright red by the end of the night from embarrassment, you were forever grateful that he offered to bring you along in the first place.

Draco Malfoy:

Meeting Draco's family was incredibly awkward for everyone, with nothing but the sound of knives and forks scraping on plates to be heard. There were times when Narcissa would try to start a conversation with you, as she was happy to see that her only child had finally found someone he was happy to bring home. However, it was clear that there was a silent feud across the table between him and his father, which only made the tension seem to run higher.

Fred Weasley:

Fred was on his best behavior when you met the Weasleys, putting on a particular facade as he tried to impress and date you. His family recalled embarrassing stories and outrageous pranks he pulled, most of them being so crazy that you could hardly believe your sweet Fred could ever do something so dastardly. Of course, that's when you surprised everyone with tales of your own antics, some of which made Fred seem like he needed to up his game.

George Weasley:

Arthur was so excited to hear that George had found a Muggleborn partner, asking you an endless string of questions to try and learn about your life as much as he could. It got to the point where the other kids and Molly tried to pry his attention away from you, subtly asking him questions on other things and getting him to help out with chores. That only seemed to encourage him to ask more questions, inviting you to join him or relating it back to the Muggle world. You adored his fascination, and while George gave you a sympathetic look, you didn't mind one bit.

Neville Longbottom:

It was hard for Neville to introduce you to his parents, considering you didn't quite know what to expect from them. It was a somber experience being there with them, as you could see how much Neville cared for them and how helpless he felt. You provided a comforting presence in the room with him, knowing that while they might not be fully present mentally, he was just glad that they were there. He appreciated having someone like you who was willing to go with him through such a difficult situation.

Cedric Diggory:

You went hiking with Cedric and his father one evening, instantly regretting agreeing to it as soon as you started. You did your best to keep up with them, though it was impossible considering they often hiked and traveled, and this was your first time. Cedric's father was still impressed by your ability to keep up with them, though Cedric jumped in with an excuse for both of you once Amos offered to take you on an even longer hike another time.

Newt Scamander:

You met Theseus and could immediately tell that tensions were high in the air. You weren't quite sure why the two of them seemed to hold a silent grudge against each other, though they were both still pleasant to you and each other despite their discomfort. When you asked Newt what the issue was between them, he seemed to have no idea what you were talking about – that was how he normally interacted with his brother.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian was nervous to introduce you to his sister, considering both you and she were the two most important people to him. When he saw the two of you laughing and getting along, he was so happy. It wasn't long until the two of you started getting along so well that you both began teasing him about certain things. While he didn't like that you were becoming better friends with each other than with him, he was still grateful to have both of you in his life nonetheless.

Ominis Gaunt:

There was nothing worse than meeting Ominis' family, and it was something that both of you thought. He hated how cold his family was towards you and that they couldn't be the slightest bit happy for him. He defended you until the very end, making sure to give them a piece of his mind before the two of you angrily left Gaunt Manor. You appreciated him more than anything and were glad that he stuck up for you, though you did feel guilty about having put him through that to begin with.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth came from a completely loving family, and it was clear when you met them that they already considered you as one of their own. He had a little sister who adored you and a few brothers that slapped him on the back proudly when they saw the beauty he brought home. Garreth smiled all night after that, happy that he had you in his life and that you got along with his family so well.

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