32. You're a Griffyndor

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Harry Potter:

Being a Gryffindor meant you had a lot of fun adventures with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Most of them consisted of sitting around and chatting about upcoming classes and the goings-on around the school. You would watch every single Quidditch game of Harry's together, with you and Hermione cracking inside jokes and cheering loudly whenever you had the chance. It meant spending every second of every day with your three best friends, and there's nothing else that you would ever want in the world.

Ron Weasley:

Despite the two of you being in the same house, Ron had always thought you were more courageous than any other Gryffindor in your year level. He aspired to be like you, seeing as you weren't afraid to put yourself out there and constantly impressed the people in your house. He couldn't believe that someone like you would ever be interested in him, considering there were times that he even questioned whether or not he belonged in the house. At least he had you to constantly reassure him that everything was okay with you.

Draco Malfoy:

You and Draco were known to be enemies both in and out of the classroom, and it seemed to be a source of entertainment for many of your peers. The two of you would always engage in a verbal spar, arguing and trading digs back and forth to defend yourselves and the honour of your respective houses. Of course, everyone was aware that you practically liked each other, and they most definitely knew that neither of you was going to admit it to the other. There were even a few bets going around as to whether or not the two of you would end up together... or who would admit to their feelings first.

Fred Weasley:

You, Fred, and George made up your own chaotic trio. While they specialized in pranks and inventing things for their store, your specialty was smooth-talking your way out of tricky situations, and you were practically the brains behind all of their operations. The three of you would tear through the school, with everyone either wanting to date you, be friends with you, or be jealous because they wanted to be you. The twins were insanely protective of you and would do anything for you at the drop of a hat... especially Fred, considering his strong romantic feelings for you.

George Weasley:

When you're a Gryffindor, you're somehow wilder and more outgoing than the Weasley twins. No one would think that it was possible, but you were unlike anyone that George had ever met before. Every guy in the house had some sort of crush on you, and George was no exception. Of course, Fred was his wingman and attempted to pair the two of you up when he could. Though you were so oblivious and worried about enjoying life that you didn't really think about starting romances during school... besides, considering everyone thought of you to be unattainable, you weren't even sure that anyone liked you like 'that'.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville started crushing on you the day you were sorted into Gryffindor. He stared at you from across the room and got nervous when you'd sit next to him in class. By the time you got to third year, the two of you became closer friends, which only intensified Neville's crush on you. When you practised dancing together for the Yule Ball, he knew for certain that he wanted to be with you... more than a friend. It was going to take a lot of courage for him to actually come forward and admit his feelings for you... though after all, he was in Gryffindor for a reason.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric had always had a crush on you, despite you being in a different house. He'd sometimes try to accidentally run into your path as you headed off to your classes, walking you to the door even if it made him late for his own. Your Gryffindor housemates would tease you about Cedric's blatant crush, considering he seemed to be in some sort of love daze ever since he started talking to you. It made winning Quidditch matches against Hufflepuff rather easy, considering he'd be so enamoured by you he wouldn't want to get in the way. He was a lovesick puppy and you practically had a spell over him... you just knew at some point it had to wear off (even though part of you didn't want it to).

Newt Scamander:

You had always inspired Newt to be brave, even in times when he didn't necessarily want to be. You would find creative ways to get him out of his comfort zone, involving him in school events and taking him on adventures around the castle. While he may have been anxious to experience things he wasn't necessarily interested in, he knew that he had you to look out for him and help him through every step of the way. You were quite the match made in heaven, or at least Newt thought so.

Sebastian Sallow:

You and Sebastian playfully spar, exchanging playful jabs at each other and your respective houses from the day you met. A part of him had always believed you should be in Slytherin, considering you had more charm and ambition than anyone else in his house. He'd seize any opportunity to stand by your side, the two of you flirting and teasing each other simultaneously. He'd especially feel a pang of jealousy during meals when he saw you laughing with the other Gryffindor students, resenting the house system for keeping you apart. The times he missed you were the only times he didn't enjoy being in Slytherin.

Ominis Gaunt:

To start with, you and Ominis were kind to each other in passing and chatted together every now and then. However, as the school years passed and the two of you grew closer, Ominis started to dislike the fact that you were a Gryffindor. Considering he was attracted to your bravery and kindness, it hurt him the most knowing that he could never be with you due to his heritage. He also knew that someone like you would never want to be with someone like him. Instead, he'd just appreciate the moments he was blessed with you and would sadly pine away as the days went on.

Garreth Weasley:

You and Garreth were surprising rivals, despite being in the same house. It was like the beginning of an enemies-to-lovers story; you and Garreth didn't initially see each other as worthy Gryffindors, and you made that very clear whenever the opportunity arose. However, it wasn't until an adventure outside of the forest, where the two of you were forced to spend time together, that you both realized the true bravery that each of you held. This experience led to a new level of respect for one another, and you finally saw each other for the true Gryffindors that you were.

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