41. You're On Your Period

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Harry Potter:

Harry is quite sympathetic towards your period pains and symptoms, though he's initially unsure how to help, as he had no prior knowledge about it. He seeks advice from Hermione, bombarding her with questions to better understand what you might need. You're surprised by his transformation from cluelessness to bringing you chocolates, heating packs, and gently rubbing your back. You find it amusing that he turned to Hermione for guidance on this topic, but you appreciate his efforts.

Ron Weasley:

Ron initially reacts with fear when he learns about your period, mainly due to the false information his brothers, Fred and George, fed him when they were younger. He tries to keep his distance from you during that time but eventually opens up to Hermione and Harry about what he believes. In classic Hermione fashion, she said 'Honestly Ronald, do you really think any of those things actually happen when a girl is on her period?'. After a lengthy explanation of true information, and advice on how to help you, Ron eventually forgot all the nonsense that his brothers taught him and learned how to actually be there for you when you needed it.

Draco Malfoy:

The first time you got your period, it freaked Draco out slightly. He would try to avoid you for those few days, waiting until the week was over before he thought it was safe to talk to you again. You didn't understand why Draco was so disgusted by your period, though you later learned that he had very little knowledge of the fact and was taught that it was something to be repulsed by, by his father. Eventually, you taught him that it was a natural part of life, and there was nothing you could do to stop it from happening. While it didn't stop him from entirely being weird about it, you could tell that he was trying to make an effort from that moment forward.

Fred Weasley:

While most of his mates may have thought it was difficult to adjust to their girlfriends being on their periods, Fred knew that he wanted to go above and beyond to be the most help for you he could. He'd always be checking in on you at the strangest times, but also asking the most unnecessary questions that sometimes you wished you could avoid (one of them being how your 'flow' was managing that day). While it was hilarious to look back on, you'd have to swat his arm away and tell him not to worry. Otherwise, the entirety of Gryffindor would end up knowing that you were bleeding for the week.

George Weasley:

George would stay by your side the whole week, and make sure you were alright. Unfortunately, there were still times when he forgot about your current state and would make jokes about you with Fred that you didn't necessarily like. When you'd snap at him to stop, his eyes would widen, immediately quietening down because he remembered that he had to be nice to you. Fred would have no idea what was happening, but it was the first time that he saw fear in his brother's eyes, and for that, he wouldn't push you any further.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville will look up anything that he could about periods, attempting to help soothe you with the knowledge that he learned from books and research. Unfortunately, that meant he was reading some possible outdated information and strange facts that you didn't want to hear about. You'd be eating breakfast in the Great Hall when he'd randomly spout the fact that women spend an average of 3,500 days menstruating in their lifetime. While it often made you lose your appetite, you thought it was amusing to see Neville take a special interest in something that was so normal to you. You just wished that he didn't have the need to talk about it in front of people who didn't necessarily need to know about it.

Cedric Diggory:

Seeing you happy was all Cedric ever wished for in life. Because of that, seeing you in any sort of pain or discomfort was really tough for him, and he would do anything he could to try and minimise your negative feelings. While there wasn't much he could do, he would often (even maybe too often) check in on you and offer his service. While most of the time you wanted to be distracted from your cramps, he would draw your attention back to them by asking if you were okay. You learned eventually that it was just his way of showing that he cared, and was grateful for him nonetheless.

Newt Scamander:

You spent a lot of time resting when you were on your period, since unfortunately, it was very painful and draining for you. Newt would often poke his head into the room as you rested in bed, checking if you needed anything. When he'd pull himself away from his work, he'd make sure to bring you anything you needed and that you were okay. You were grateful to have Newt who was so caring for you, someone who had your back even if you couldn't always have his.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian didn't really know how to help when you were on your period but would get you anything you needed when you asked. When you'd ask him for a heat pack or if he could run and get you sanitary products, he wouldn't ask you any questions and would head off to do it. Mostly because he wanted to help you out in any way he could, though it was also because he felt slightly awkward and didn't know how to talk to you about it. It made things especially awkward for you when he'd return with various sizes of tampons and pads, mainly because he 'didn't know what size you needed'. 

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis was very sympathetic when you would be on your period, and would do anything he could to help you out. While he hated that even his getting things for you wasn't enough to make you feel better, he knew that it was a natural thing you had to go through each month, and there was nothing he could do to stop that. It was hard to witness you in pain every month, but he knew that in a matter of time, everything would be back to normal.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth would trial many remedies and concoctions to lessen your physical pains and discomfort. There were times when you had to beg him to let you go to the hospital wing so you didn't have to drink the blue/red/green potion that he held up to you. Part of you almost dreaded your period, purely for the fact that you knew Garreth was going to try and 'fix things' for you with a new experiment. In the end, you were just glad to have something who loved and cared for you enough to put in the effort to make you feel better... you just wished that it was chocolates and sweets you could have instead of murky magical mixtures.

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