55. Your 'Red' Song

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Harry Potter: Run

"My so-called friends they don't know that I'd drive away before I'd let you go."

Your friends had always thought they knew you better than anyone else in the world, and that might have been true... that was until you met Harry. He changed your world view and everything you ever believed about love and relationships. While your closest friends had noticed you spending more time with him from day-to-day, they would laugh it off and tell other people that you would never be with 'someone like Harry'. Of course, it turned out that they didn't know you at all, since you ended up marrying him shortly after graduation... their opinion didn't mater though, considering all you cared about was Harry and the family you would soon be starting.

Ron Weasley: The Moment I Knew

"What do you do when the one who means the most to you is the one who didn't show?"

There were very few times in your life where you had felt pure heartbreak. Unfortunately, one of those times was when Ron failed to show up for a special occasion, cutting you deep to your core. You tried to convince yourself that it wasn't on purpose, and that he just so happened to forget that you had your birthday coming up. Though nothing hurt more than standing alone in a crowded room, just praying that the one you loved would be walking through the doors at any given moment. It was going to take a lot more than an apology for him to make up for this one.

Draco Malfoy: All Too Well

"You called me up again just to break me like a promise, so casually cruel in the name of being honest."

There were many things that Draco had promised you while you were together, though never did you think that he would turn around and break each one of them in only a matter of seconds. You loved each other dearly, though his reasoning for ending things were still unknown to you after all this time. You knew that he had to have ended things because he stopped feeling as strongly for you as he used to... it was just something you weren't willing to believe just yet.

Fred Weasley: State of Grace

"I never saw you coming, and I'll never be the same."

You had never been the kind of person to fall for the troublemaking sort... that was until you started spending time with Fred Weasley both in and out of your classes. While he was someone that you had known over the years by name, he was never someone you knew personally until later down the line. After a few afternoons of hanging out and strolling around the castle together, you started to realise that your unexpected friendship was slowly turning into the romance of your dreams. You knew for certain that Fred was going to be the one for you... you just wished you had realised it sooner.

George Weasley: Holy Ground

"I don't wanna dance if I'm not dancing with you."

There were many times throughout your relationship with George, where he made you feel more alive than ever before. He made everything exciting, with not a day passing without a laugh or a smile. When you broke up briefly, you tried your best to find that spark with someone else, throwing yourself into social events to try and recreate that joy. Of course, nothing could suffice - nothing could ever compare - the love you shared with George was a once-in-a-lifetime kind of bond... and you would do anything at this point to try and get that back.

Neville Longbottom: Begin Again

"I think it's strange that you think I'm funny cause he never did."

After you were burned in your last relationship, you were hesitant to try and find love again in fear of it ending the same heartbreaking way. Though after spending time with your closest friend Neville, you couldn't stop yourself from falling for him and finding joy in his company. You shared so many laughs and so many wonderful memories together, that you could barely remember the name of the person who last hurt you. You never quite believed that love could be found in the most unexpected of places, though after falling for Neville, you could certainly say with confidence that you have found some truth to that statement.

Cedric Diggory: Treacherous

"I'd be smart to walk away but you're quicksand."

Cedric was the charmer of your year, and everyone at Hogwarts knew it. There wasn't a person that didn't find him attractive or enticing in one way or another, and after spending some time alone with him on the weekends, you found that you had fallen victim to his ways like everyone else had. Considering his reputation, you first tried to distance yourself from him, in hopes to preserve your dignity in the slightest when he decided to move onto the next person. Though what surprised you most was the fact that Cedric never seemed to take an interest in anyone else after you... it turns out that he was just as smitten by you as you were with him.

Newt Scamander: Come Back... Be Here

"This is falling in love in the cruellest way. This is falling for you and you are worlds away."

When Newt first travelled to New York for work, it was one of the hardest things that the two of you faced in your relationship. You had only just figured out you loved each other, so parting from one another was difficult beyond belief. When he left, he didn't dare to look at you over his shoulder, knowing that if he turned around he probably wouldn't get on the ship. He needed to do this for himself and for his career... he just wished that he didn't have to leave you to do it.

Sebastian Sallow: Red

"Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you've never met."

Once you knew Sebastian Sallow, there was no way you would forget him. You found yourself making memories with him around every corner, whether it be a buzzing classroom or the quiet hallways. He made everything in your life wonderful, and once he was gone, there was no knowing what to do with yourself. While you hoped that in time you would eventually find your way to one another again, every day seemed to drag on when you had his memory everywhere you turned.

Ominis Gaunt: Everything Has Changed

"Come back and tell me why, I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time."

Ominis had completely changed your life. Knowing him and getting to know him was an eye-opening experience, as he shared his world-views and articulated himself in a way you had never heard anyone speak before. Unfortunately, when you both parted, you couldn't help but feel as if you could not remember life before you met him. The two of you shared a kind of love that some people are never blessed enough to stumble upon... you just wished that it hadn't have taken losing him to realise that. 

Garreth Weasley: The Very First Night

"I drive down different roads but they all lead back to you."

You had been crushing on Garreth for quite some time now, though looking at how things stood between the two of you, it was looking to stay as a friendship for the time being. You often tried to forget about your feelings for him - distracting yourself with schoolwork or by spending time with other people. Of course, Garreth always had a way of sneaking back into your mind or into your line of vision, almost making it impossible for you to go a second without thinking about him. You hoped that in time you'd eventually get over him, though through the eyes of everyone else around you, your feelings were most definitely reciprocated.

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