31. Your 'SOUR' Song

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Harry Potter: Happier

"I hope you're happy but not like how you were with me."

When you saw Harry moving on, you couldn't help but wish that his happiness with his new girlfriend wasn't anywhere near the level of joy you had brought him during your time together. It hurt to see him smiling with someone else, knowing that once you were the reason for his laughter. You had heard through the grapevine that Harry missed you, and that his new girlfriend was simply there to fill the empty void you had left behind. You just had to hold onto that belief, as it hurt too much to think otherwise.

Ron Weasley: 1 Step Forward, 3 Steps Back

"I'm the love of your life until I make you mad."

You constantly doubted Ron's affection towards you, mainly due to his inconsistent behaviour when the two of you were together. Some days, you felt like the centre of his world, while on others, you could sense his annoyance for no apparent reason. Just when you thought you had resolved your issues, something would happen between the two of you, and you'd fall back into a toxic pattern. You had hoped that one day Ron would become more consistent in his feelings, but unfortunately, that realization only came after he lost you and realized he wanted you back. By then, it was too little, too late for your liking.

Draco Malfoy: Traitor

"You didn't cheat, but you're still a traitor."

You wanted to believe that Draco didn't betray you, but his quick rebound into a new relationship shortly after your break-up left you questioning his loyalty. As you observed from a distance, it seemed as if he had started seeing that person while you were probably still together. It later turned out that this new girl was solely helping him cope with your difficult break-up - not dating him. Both of you aimlessly roamed the school's halls, both heartbroken by your separation. Perhaps, with time and improved communication, you could find a way to reconcile... it was clear that it would take time and effort to reach that point.

Fred Weasley: Drivers License

"You said forever now I drive alone past your street."

You often find yourself reminiscing about the memories you shared with Fred, even though it's painful to think about them now. The moments you both experienced and the things you said to each other now seem surreal, and you can hardly believe you were once so deeply involved. As you both grapple with the pain of the break-up, you can't help but worry that he's already moved on and is creating new memories with someone else. It's a sharp pang in your heart to see him in the hallways, sharing laughter and conversation with the new mystery girl who has seemingly replaced you. You can only hope that, in time, this disappointment will fade, and you'll eventually find a way to move on.

George Weasley: Jealousy, Jealousy

"I wanna be you so bad and I don't even know you."

It was widely known that you found the Weasley twins, especially George, unbearable. Your professors would often attempt to separate the pair during their classes, which meant that you were one of the unlucky few who had to deal with a twin sitting next to you. However, it wasn't until later that you realized your dislike for the Weasleys stemmed from their carefree and outgoing nature, which happened to be the kind of person you aspired to be in life. Of course, you'd never share that fact with them; the last thing you needed was to inflate their egos even more.

Neville Longbottom: Hope Ur Ok

"I hope you know how proud I am you were created."

You often had to remind Neville that he was more worthy and courageous than he believed himself to be. He was the light of your life, but he didn't seem to believe it, even when you told him directly. However, since you loved him so much, you didn't mind reminding him about how much he meant to you. In the end, your words helped boost his self-esteem significantly. Eventually, Neville learned to believe that your love for him was real, and he woke up every morning knowing he would get to spend time with you.

Cedric Diggory: Deja Vu

"A different girl now but there's nothing new."

Cedric did his best to move on after your break-up, but it was hard for him because your memory was everywhere he went. He knew the things he liked to do for dates and the places he enjoyed going. So, when he took his new girlfriend to those places, he realized it was more because he associated those moments with you rather than the places themselves. While it angered you to hear that he was trying to recreate all these memories with his new partner, you knew Cedric well enough to understand that he'd be thinking of you every step of the way. You didn't know what was worse: witnessing the two of them acting like a couple and going to all your old favourite places or dealing with the disappointment of knowing that Cedric was moving on while you were still in love with him.

Newt Scamander: Enough For You

"I don't want your sympathy, I just want myself back."

You were constantly doubting Newt's affection towards you, considering there were times when he didn't know how to treat you. He had lived his entire life just worrying about himself and his interests. He didn't exactly know what it meant to be in a romantic relationship and how to make you feel special. Eventually, you confronted him about how you felt in your relationship and showed him ways that he could treat you the way you wanted to be treated. He just didn't want to lose you over the fact that you believed you weren't good enough for him. In actual fact, you were more than enough for him; he just needed to learn how to treat you better.

Sebastian Sallow: Good 4 U

"Good for you, it's like you never even met me."

When you and Sebastian broke up, you couldn't believe how easy it seemed for him to have moved on. He was laughing with his friends, doing well in school, and living as if your break-up hadn't even affected him. Seeing him like that made you incredibly angry, not necessarily at him, but just at the thought that he was perfectly fine while you were hurting. It turned out that Sebastian had only been distracting himself to try and get over you, trying to avoid thinking about his heartbreak in order to move on. Of course, that was an ineffective way to recover from a break-up, so you both eventually had to confront your feelings and heal in your own ways.

Ominis Gaunt: Favorite Crime

"Everytime the siren sounds, I wonder if you're around cause you know that I'd do it all again."

Even though you knew it was wrong to be with Ominis, you couldn't help but fall for him despite your differing family histories. After you broke up due to constant scrutiny, you looked back on your relationship fondly, knowing you would never want to take any of it back. You still cared for Ominis deeply, and nothing that anyone could do or say would ever change that. You just wished that things didn't have to end the way they did.

Garreth Weasley: Brutal

"They say these are the golden years, but I wish I could disappear."

You and Garreth often wished that the two of you could leave Hogwarts sooner rather than later. While you both enjoyed school and all of the wonderful experiences it brought, you couldn't help but dream about what it would be like to be adults and pursue your ambitions. You didn't always get along with your classmates, and sometimes, that made all the difference as you progressed through the years. You hoped that with time, everyone around you would grow up and become better people, but until then, it seemed as if it was going to be you and Garreth against the rest of the world.

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