36. He's Jealous

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Harry Potter:

You joined Harry, Ron, and Hermione in a single carriage as you boarded the Hogwarts Express. The four of you couldn't stop chatting about your summer holidays and the random memories you made over the few weeks. Eventually, the conversation turned to your recent visit to Diagon Alley, where you developed a surprising crush on one of the group's biggest enemies.

"You know, I ran into Draco Malfoy when I was buying my books," you said, causing their laughter to stop and their expressions to drop.

"That couldn't have been pleasant," Hermione murmured, trying to interpret the dazed look on your face.

"Actually, it wasn't that bad," you said with a soft smile on your face. "We walked around for a bit, he carried my books... I don't know, he was rather sweet."

The compartment fell into silence as you watched all their expressions fade. You had never seen Harry's face so deadpan in your entire life, considering his normally warm demeanor had turned icy cold and unreadable.

"I know you guys don't like him," you pleaded, hoping to convince them otherwise. "But maybe this year things are different."

You looked to Harry, who pulled his gaze away, staring out the window of the carriage and avoiding your eye. You couldn't take that one of your closest friends was that upset with you. His opinion mattered most to you, though you also wanted to be as happy as possible, and hiding the truth from your friends wasn't going to do that.

"Harry, say something," you said, hoping to get a gauge on his feelings.

He sighed, avoiding your gaze as he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "I just think... you could do better."

His words were monotone and uninterested, with Harry trying to get his mind off of the thought of you and Draco laughing together. He could barely even picture it...

"Maybe you just don't know him well enough yet," you defended, gluing your eyes to your lap and refusing to talk about it for another second.

Harry's bubbling jealousy had him calm as he thought to himself. Hermione and Ron exchanged a concerned glance as they mouthed 'what do we do' to each other and shrugged their shoulders. They were very much aware of how difficult that story was for Harry to hear and hoped that the coming year would result in you drifting from the Slytherin and towards the one who truly had feelings for you.

Ron Weasley:

You sat with Ron, Harry, and Hermione at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, the three of them listening to you as you rambled and giggled about the upcoming Quidditch match. You had taken up an interest in Cedric Diggory, and you were excited to see him in action against Gryffindor the upcoming weekend.

"You know he walked me to class yesterday," you gushed, not noticing Ron as he rolled his eyes. "He's so incredibly sweet."

Before you could say another sentence, Ron cut in with a loud and annoyed groan. "Are you ever gonna stop talking about him?"

You observed the angered expression on his face. It was only now that you realized that Ron's cheeks were red, and his brows were furrowed, clearly annoyed at the constant mention of Cedric's name.

"He's way older than us, he'll never be interested in you," he said harshly. "Why are you even supporting him anyway? He's the enemy, he is."

Your excitement quickly faded away into disappointment, your lips forming a thin line as you wracked your brain for a response. However, you didn't like talking to Ron when he was this upset with you, and considering there were tears threatening to spill over, the best thing you could do was walk away while you still had your pride.

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