44. You Give Him a Hickey

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Harry Potter:

You had left a hickey on Harry's collarbone, though neither of you really knew about it until one day where he changed his shirt in his dorm room. Seamus Finnegan was the first to spot the mark, jumping up and down and pointing at it as if he were a kid in a candy store. The other boys in the dorm quickly caught on, giving him a standing ovation as Harry blushed immensely. They hassled him about who left it, practically begging him for a name (since no one knew that the two of you were secretly hooking up). Instead, Harry just smiled, his eyes admiring the love bite in the mirror as he said 'Sorry boys, a gentleman never tells'.

Ron Weasley:

Ron is slightly worried when he gets a hickey, knowing that his mother would most definitely scream at him if he walked downstairs with a lovebite. While she was a bit confused as to why he was wearing a scarf indoors, he was lucky that she was still the slightest bit clueless in that department and let it slide. Ron couldn't let go of the fact that he was somewhat proud of the mark, showing it off to his brothers. That proved to be a mistake since the twins then made it their mission to make as many subtle jokes about it in front of their parents at dinner time. It did make for some hilarious conversations though...

Draco Malfoy:

Draco would proudly walk around the school with hickeys on his neck, smiling triumphantly when he caught people staring. Considering the two of you had been seeing each other in private for some time now, he was glad that this seemed to be the thing to get people wondering who he might have been seeing. It was like a soft launch of your relationship (that was still currently just a situationship) and he knew it wouldn't take long before the truth would come out. If you had left those hickeys down his neck, then surely that meant that you weren't entirely trying to hide your affection for him... or at least that seemed to be what he was convincing himself.

Fred Weasley:

Fred would casually walk up to George and his friends, the hickey practically shining on his neck like it was a new piece of jewellery. He'd say coolly 'hello boys', as he sashayed towards them, praying that someone would bring it up and ask him about it. As much as he wanted to talk about it them, he wanted to play it off cool, continuing to pretend like it wasn't a big deal as he carried along with his day. He adored the mark, but he wasn't going to let anyone else know that any time soon.

George Weasley:

It wouldn't be a big deal to George if he had hickeys littered down his neck. Most of the girls would look on and whisper, trying to figure out who would be game enough to leave such a 'statement' like that on one of the most crushed-on guys in the school. When people would ask him about it, he'd nonchalantly shrug them off, knowing that only you, his brothers and Harry knew the truth behind those love bites. It was nice to have an inner circle that you could trust... and it was even better to be with someone who didn't see that kind of affection as a big deal or something to gossip about.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville would be extremely stressed when he noticed the hickey on his neck. He'd rub it with his fingers, saying 'no, no, no' repeatedly as he tried different things to try and hide it. He wasn't well equipped with a spell that would help him hide it and knew that he was just going to have to live with it for the next few days. While he was surprised that no one made fun of him for it, his posture seemed to straighten and his chest puffed out when the people he past shot him a thumbs-up and told him 'nice one, Longbottom'. It was so much of a confidence boost that when you apologised for it later that day, it didn't even bother him one bit to have the mark.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric's friends would all pat him on the back and cheer for him when they spotted the accidental hickey you had left on his neck. You felt so embarrassed, knowing that you'd go from class to class and have at least one person make kissing sounds at you or sticking their neck towards you for 'their turn'. Cedric had to constantly remind you that it wasn't a big deal and to not let their jokes get to you... even though they were incredibly annoying at times. All that mattered was that the two of you had each other... and nothing else was going to stand in the way.

Newt Scamander:

While it doesn't embarrass Newt to have a hickey in plain sight on his neck, he did proceed to politely ask you to hide it the next time you decided to leave one. He didn't mind that level of affection, though he did believe it to be unprofessional when he travelled and interacted with people, all with a clear love bite on his neck. From then on, you just made sure to keep it to his collarbone and chest, somewhere where only he would be able to see and reminisce over them.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian would brag to anyone he could about the mark, telling a highly exaggerated story to the ears of anyone who would listen. While to you, it was just a casual and almost accidental love bite, Sebastian would proceed to tell his buddies that you 'couldn't get enough of him'. This almost drove a rift between the two of you, considering rumours started to evolve into you being 'desperate' for him. When things were cleared up between you, the hickeys became more subtle, and the stories were kept to a minimum... practically just between the two of you after that.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis wouldn't have a clue about the hickey until Sebastian asked him about it when the two of them were alone in the common room. He felt slightly embarrassed, realising that he had just walked around for who-knows-how-long with a bright purple mark on his neck, though once Sebastian pointed out the shape of it, Ominis couldn't help but find himself tracing the mark with his fingers at any given moment. Especially when he went to bed alone in his dorm, he'd think about those moments with you, his fingers lingering over the spot where your lips once were.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth could tell that people were staring at the hickey you left behind. While he didn't care one bit about the whispers that arrived, he did find it rather annoying to have so many eyes on him while he went about his day-to-day life. It got to the point where he'd stare back, asking the person if they'd 'ever seen a bruise before', before walking away abruptly. While he liked having the mark to stare at when he was alone with a mirror, he'd rather people weren't so weirded out by it.

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