20. You Fall Asleep On Him

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Harry Potter:

You fell asleep with your head on Harry's thigh as he talked with Ron and Hermione. The four of you would normally sit close with one another, but there was something special about every time you and Harry touched that made his heart skip a beat. When he noticed you had dozed off, he subconsciously started playing with your hair, knowing that this was probably going to be the only time he would get the chance to do such a thing. Ron and Hermione exchanged knowing glances, trying not to laugh at the sight of their friend so in love... you were the only person in the world who could make him smile that way.

Ron Weasley:

Ron is flattered but nervous when you rest your head on his shoulder. Without waking you, he tries to wrap his arm around your shoulder, rubbing your arm soothingly as you fall into a deeper sleep. It was the one time that Ron would stay so quiet, trying not to move a muscle in fear that he would wake you up. He just wanted to enjoy this moment with you, no matter how long it lasted.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco would admire you as you fell asleep, a slight smile gracing his lips while you softly snored on his shoulder. He'd wrap his arm around you, gently pulling you in to make sure you were comfortable. His fingers would trace soothing circles on your arm, his head resting gently against yours. It was indeed a heartwarming scene, with his friends passing by and exchanging whispered comments about how infatuated he appeared while sitting there. Draco would respond with a withering stare, telling his friends to leave so as not to spoil this precious moment between the two of you.

Fred Weasley:

Fred fiddled with his hands a lot when he was nervous, and when you fell asleep on his shoulder, that was no exception. His arm was draped around you, his fingers absentmindedly tracing shapes and letters on your skin. He used you as a canvas to spell out the things he was too afraid to voice aloud to you. When you were awake, he secretly wished you would ask about what he was doodling – it would be much easier for him if you initiated the conversation. However, you never did, and instead, he simply pined, treasuring that one moment when you peacefully dozed off on his shoulder.

George Weasley:

When you fell asleep on George's shoulder, he couldn't help but feel slightly nervous. He didn't want to wake you, so he decided to stay quiet... that was until Fred showed up and started making fun of him. Fred was probably the only person who knew that George was whipped, and he made sure to make as many jokes as possible when he saw the two of you cuddled up on the couch. George gestured for him to be quiet, afraid that you would wake to Fred making kissing sounds and exposing his secret crush on you. Eventually, George was able to shoo away his twin, finally able to breathe easy and enjoy those special few moments that he had with you.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville was too scared to move when you fell asleep on his shoulder. He attempted to stay as still as possible, afraid to breathe in fear that you would wake up. You looked so peaceful while you rested; he didn't want to be the one to ruin that for you. He couldn't really enjoy the moment, considering he was so stressed the entire time you were asleep. After you woke up, he cursed himself for wasting the moment on overthinking, vowing to himself that next time he wouldn't take it as seriously and would enjoy being that close to you.

Cedric Diggory:

You and Cedric were resting in the library, his friends mucking around and trying to impress each other. It wasn't until you fell asleep on Cedric's arm that he told them to be quiet and leave the two of you be. Of course, that prompted them to laugh and poke fun at the two of you, until Cedric swatted them away. He wanted to enjoy his time with you in peace and quiet, and the last thing that he needed was his friends ruining things and waking you up.

Newt Scamander:

Newt was reading while you were asleep when he felt your head rest against the side of his arm. He grinned down at you, finding comfort in the fact that his words had lulled you into sleep. He continued to read silently, not wanting to disturb you with his voice. He thought you looked adorable when you slept, stealing glances at you every now and then just to admire your peaceful expression. When you eventually woke, he acted as though he hadn't noticed you had dozed off. He wanted to come across as if he wasn't paying attention to you, and hopefully hide the fact that he secretly enjoyed every second of that moment.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian would try not to wake you when you fall asleep in his lap, though he would check on you every so often to see if you were rested and ready for an adventure. He would have to stop himself from bouncing his knee, torn between wanting to get up and do something and wanting to be your comfortable pillow. He would check your eyes every now and again, studying for any sign that you might be waking up soon. As soon as you woke up, he'd be up and ready for your next exploration, hoping you would hurry and awaken so you could come along too.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis wouldn't know that you'd fallen asleep until he heard your soft snoring. He had been rambling for a while about classes or Sebastian annoying him when you rested your head on his shoulder. Eventually, he recognized your heavier breaths as a sign that you had fallen asleep. It didn't bother him one bit that you had dozed off; he actually found it quite adorable. For now, he'd stay silent and let you enjoy your rest time, no matter how long it took for you to wake up.

Garreth Weasley:

The two of you would be sitting on the Gryffindor couches, both reading to yourselves by the fire. Garreth would make little comments to you about things he disagreed with on the page or found interesting that he thought you should know. He would sprinkle in random pieces of information every now and then... that was until he'd feel the weight of your head falling onto his side. He'd smile down at you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and gently rubbing your far arm as you rested, continuing to read his book in silence.

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