53. He Takes Your Virginity

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Harry Potter:

Harry would stop himself every now and again to check that you were okay and that you were sure you wanted to keep going. While he had only slept with one other person before, you could tell he was mostly pretending to be confident and act as if he were super experienced. While you could tell he was just as nervous as you, the two of you would find laughter amongst the slight awkwardness of the situation, ultimately sharing a nice and memorable experience that neither of you would ever forget.

Ron Weasley:

Losing your virginity to Ron was the most serious you had ever seen him, especially considering he was entirely focused on not losing himself in the heat of passion. If you winced or let out any noise that made him think you were in pain, he'd pull away and study your gaze, making sure you were okay before the two of you continued It was nice to know that he was so caring about your first time, mostly because you've never seen him so caring about anything before then.

Draco Malfoy:

While he was a little hesitant to be taking your virginity - knowing that you would remember this moment forever - he refused to let his anxiety show. Draco didn't like when people got attached to him after he slept with them, though after your first time with him, it turned out that he was the one who found himself quickly attached to you. Seeing you enjoy yourself and moan his name was like a drug that he found himself being instantly addicted to. You were confused as to why Draco had suddenly become so obsessed with walking you to class or studying with you in your spare time... you had no idea that he was falling for your every action.

Fred Weasley:

Fred would forget that it was your first time and fall back into his usual habits and rhythms. You'd shift uncomfortably, quickly tapping his shoulder and reminding him that he needed to go easy with you. He would sheepishly apologise and feel slightly embarrassed over his behaviour, immediately bringing himself back to the moment and focussing on you and your pleasure. You couldn't help but notice that he was quickly becoming obsessed with your every sound and movement... the cheeky smile on his face showing that he was secretly relishing every second of that encounter. 

George Weasley:

George could tell that you were nervous, and was doing everything in his power to diminish that as much as possible. He was worried that he was forcing you into doing something you weren't ready for, so would always check if you were okay throughout it. He tried his best to make sure that you were having a good time, making you laugh when the two of you were quiet and focussing all his energy on pleasing you. You could tell that he was solely focussed on making your first time a memorable experience, and for that, it only made you fall for him more.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville was more nervous than you were, worried about hurting you if he moved too quickly. When you'd make any noise (whether it be of discomfort or pleasure), he would instantly panic, his eyes examining your every feature to make sure you were okay. You'd laugh it off, reminding him to relax and enjoy himself too. Of course, it never ceased his anxiety... he was wholeheartedly in love with you and the last thing that he ever wanted to do was to hurt you in any way.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric gave you a whole spiel before you did anything intimate together that all you had to do was say the word and he would stop at any time. While you wanted to lose your virginity and have a nice time with Cedric several different occasions, unfortunately, the pain of your first time was too much to bare and you ended up having to stop part way through. Cedric was completely understanding, the two of you cuddling beneath the sheets, just talking and distracting yourself from your urges before you felt ready enough to try again.

Newt Scamander:

Newt is incredibly sweet every second of the way, solely focusing on you and your pleasure throughout the experience. While you thought that he was just being sweet and careful because he knew it was your first time, it was actually because he was head over heels in love with you, and wanted to make sure it would be a night you would never forget. He couldn't believe that he even had the opportunity to be with you like that, and he wasn't going to waste a second of it.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian is probably a little bit too excited that it's your first time. He was crazy about you and was blessed to be the first person you were going to let love you in that way. While he was thrilled, he did manage to find a way to be careful and slow with you when you needed it. It didn't take you long to get into the rhythm of things, Sebastian probably having the greatest night of his life with you. He wore a beaming smile for days after the fact, though never shared with anyone what the cause of it was.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis was hesitant to take your virginity, worried that he wouldn't be able to make the moment as special as you deserved. Before you slept together, he shared his anxieties and the horror story of his first time. It was a very open and honest conversation, the two of you revealing to each other that you would continue liking one another no matter what happened. It was there that Ominis found himself trusting you completely, partially wishing that he had waited around to share his first time with you.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth is super confident and cocky when you first agree to sleep with him, though it unfortunately grew to the point where you worried that he was bragging about it to other people. When you expressed your hesitation to Garreth, he immediately felt guilty, assuring you he hadn't told anyone about your plans and that he was just excited that you were willing to lose your virginity to him of all people. He quickly learned to be more careful with his words, protecting the secrets of your whispered sighs like his life depended on it.

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