12. Everyone Knows But You

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Harry Potter:

You, Ron, Hermione, and Harry would always sit together in the Great Hall for meals. The four of you could talk about absolutely anything and everything under the sun, though you noticed that there seemed to be a bit of tension whenever you talked about your new Herbology partner.

Ron and Hermione exchanged a subtle glance, their eyes casting over with concern as you rambled on about how funny your new guy friend was. Harry sat silently, picking at his food as he tried to distract himself from what you were talking about.

"Yeah, he seems alright," Harry tried to force nonchalance in his tone.

Hermione, ever observant, picked up on the situation immediately.

"Yes, he is quite bright. It's wonderful that you two got to talk," she commented, attempting to steer the conversation back to a neutral topic. "So, has anyone started that History of Magic assignment?"

Ron, clearing his throat, knew exactly what Hermione was up to. "I've actually been meaning to ask you something about that."

Harry managed a smile, knowing what his friends were up to and appreciating them wholeheartedly.

You continued to namedrop your partner throughout the conversation, resulting in a subtle tension lingering among the group. Ron and Hermione constantly exchanged glances, both silently agreeing to be more cautious with their topics around Harry. They understood the delicate dance of emotions at play, and they didn't want to inadvertently make things uncomfortable for their friend. Maybe one day you'd know the truth about their relationship... just today was not the day.

Ron Weasley:

You had joined the Weasleys for the summer, considering Ron was one of your closest and oldest friends. The family had gathered around the dining table for dinner, the atmosphere lively with the clinking of utensils and laughter of the family. Ron stole glances from you throughout the night, smiling as you bonded with his family the same way you had over the years. The only difference being that his gaze looked over to you with love, rather than the platonic appreciation that he used to see you with. Across from you, Fred and George couldn't resist the opportunity to inject their signature mischievousness into the conversation.

Fred leaned forward in his chair with a sly grin, glancing between you and Ron. "So, Y/N, did Ron tell you the big news? We brewed our first batch of love potions this morning for the store."

George, mirroring his twin's grin, chimed in with a mock-innocent expression. "Surely, one of you two would be willing to test it out for us."

Ron's ears turned slightly pink as he shot his brothers a warning look. "Shut up, you two."

A devilish smile played on Fred's lips. "I mean, Ron probably doesn't need it... ain't that right, little brother?"

Molly Weasley, bustling around the kitchen, shot the twins a stern glance. "Now, boys, that's enough teasing for one evening. Let's keep the focus on enjoying dinner together."

The conversation eventually flowed to safer territory, Molly smiled over you and Ron, seeing now that her youngest son's secret was safe. She had already seen the signs, as well as the twins, and knew that now was not the time or place for Ron's crush to be known to you. As much as she would have loved to tell you herself, it's something that the two of you needed to sort out and figure out on your own.

Draco Malfoy:

As you made your way to your next class, you found your path blocked by the group of Slytherins that normally sat in the back of the classroom. They all loitered without their leader - Draco Malfoy - almost looking as if they didn't know what to do with themselves when they were without him. However, as you approached, sinister smiles crept onto their faces.

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