59. Rumours

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Harry Potter:

You were one of the only ones who believed Harry when he told everyone the truth about Voldemort's return. He grew increasingly frustrated that no one would believe him, despite there being no reason for him to be lying in the first place. You stood by him through every comment the haters made, ignoring the rumors floating around about him being a lying attention seeker. While the world was not quite believing him just yet, he was just glad that he had someone like you to support his every word.

Ron Weasley:

Ron was never one to pay attention to rumours, especially to the ones people said about you. He would always defend your name, refusing to let anyone try and bring you down. You weren't quite sure why he was suddenly getting detentions, but it turned out he was getting into verbal arguments during classes whenever he overheard people gossiping about the two of you. You appreciated the gesture, but told him that no rumour is worth getting in trouble for. He never listened though - to him, there was nothing more important than defending your honour.

Draco Malfoy:

There were many rumours about who Draco was hooking up with - people trying to take stabs at his reputation in their attempt to drive you away from him. Though while you couldn't control what other people were saying about him, you could control what you believed. Sometimes, the rumours would bother him, hating that there were people out there trying to tear the two of you apart. Though you were always there to reassure him that there was nothing they could do to drive you away.

Fred Weasley:

Fred liked to play into the rumours about him, confusing people and leaving them to believe what they wanted. Once rumours started going around about the two of you possibly dating (even though you weren't), Fred made it his life mission to try and convince everyone that you were in love. You'd laugh at his silly pet names, Fred trying to make a point of showing everyone how ridiculous their gossip was. Of course, the affection and pet names slowly turned into less of a joke; the two of you truly appreciated each other's company and liked each other in the way everyone assumed you already did.

George Weasley:

George was very protective of you and knew there were a lot of rumors floating around about you trying to flirt with them. As revenge on the people who would start rumors about you, the two of them would often place pranks in the path of the people they heard of pranking. Their victims would always be confused as to why they were targeted, though you would always smile to yourself knowing exactly who caused the prank and why they did it.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville would often hear rumours about you floating around, and he was unfortunately believing them all. The rumours scared him, hearing things about the trouble you caused or how you secretly hated everyone in your year and it was only a matter of time before you started taking it out on them. Of course, once he started spending more time with you in class and on assignments, he started to realize that your tough exterior was just a way to ward off people that were mean to you. He felt bad for ever believing the rumours, but he was glad to know the real you.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric had never believed a single rumour about you, no matter how often you tried to use it as an excuse to push him away. You didn't want him to waste his time with you, knowing that the awful things people were saying about you might eventually get to him. No matter how many times you tried to convince him that you weren't worth his time, it only seemed to make Cedric want to be with you more.

Newt Scamander:

Throughout school, you had heard a lot of rumours about how strange Newt was and how no one wanted to go near him due to his obsession with beasts. Once you started spending time with him, you started to realize that his passion was quite endearing, and it wasn't strange at all that he was following what he wanted. You wished that you had ignored all the rumours earlier so you could have gotten to know him, though you were just glad to have come to your senses eventually.

Sebastian Sallow:

There were always rumours of Sebastian dating other people - with many claiming to reject his advances and telling anyone who would listen about it. While you built the idea that he was desperate for anyone in your head, you quickly learned that he had actually been the rejecting them all, and those people spread rumors out of annoyance for their rejection. It turned out that the entire time that Sebastian had been holding out for you and was quite uncaring of what other people had to say about him.

Ominis Gaunt:

You had heard some awful things about Ominis' family and how they treated half-bloods and Muggleborns. After spending some time getting to know him, you realized that he did not think the same way as the rest of his family - that he actually was against the pureblood views of his family. The two of you soon made plans to run away together and escape the world you lived in, wanting nothing more than to only be with each other.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth would often hear rumours about you that you were trouble or up to no good. Of course, that seemed to only intrigue him more and pulled him towards you. No matter how many times you tried to push him away, he wanted to get to know this person that everyone seemed to be talking about. Once he got to know you, he learnt that people were just making fun of you for the sake of being mean. He fell for the real you - the one you were willing to let him push past and get to know.

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