37. You Wear His Clothes

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Harry Potter:

Harry quickly recognized his jacket was missing, as it was the only one he owned that wasn't part of the school uniform. However, when he saw you wearing it in the common room, waiting for him to join you for a trip to Hogsmeade, he couldn't help but find it adorable. He failed to wipe the smile off his face as he kissed you on the forehead and pulled you in for a hug. You didn't quite understand what the big deal was; you were just a bit chilly. But to Harry, it was sweet. While he knew he probably would never get to wear that jacket again, he could always count on it being in safe hands.

Ron Weasley:

When you walked into the Great Hall wearing Ron's sweater, you were surprised to see the many conversations in the room fall to hushed murmurs and whispers. Everyone knew exactly what the gesture meant for the two of you, and Ron couldn't help but let the smile widen on his face. The Gryffindor boys around him murmured in jealousy, seeing that you were now officially taken by the most unexpected Weasley of them all. Ron was just glad that everyone in the school now knew you were together, and he was happier than ever considering you weren't afraid to show it.

Draco Malfoy:

You were fiddling with Draco's belongings in his dorm while he laid out on his bed to watch you. While he tried to maintain a face of annoyance and displeasure that you were rifling through his things and trying on his clothes for fun, he couldn't help but smile as you pretended to be him in a black tie and his suit jacket. You poked fun at his mannerisms and the things he said - considering you were the only person who he'd allow to do so. Draco would always end up pulling you into his lap and kissing you to shut you up... the best way to quiet you down from your over-the-top impression.

Fred Weasley:

Fred let you borrow his shirt one night to sleep in, not realizing the massive impact that it would have on your feelings for him. You had never slept so well in your life, smelling like Fred as you drifted off, replaying the moment he gave you the shirt over and over in your mind. You hoped that he would forget to ask for it back (which thankfully he did) and that you could keep it as a keepsake for the time being. Fred didn't realize that telling his brother and friends about his shirt meant that the two of you were slowly moving out of the friend zone and straight into more romantic territory... not that either of you minded really.

George Weasley:

While watching the Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw match, George couldn't help but notice that you were shuddering at the feeling of the cold air against your skin. In a moment of chivalry, he took off his outer layer jacket, draping it over your shoulders. The students behind and beside you all whispered amongst each other, finding it adorable to see the gesture first-hand. While George went the rest of the match feeling quite chilly, he also felt warm inside knowing that he did something nice for you and that you'd hopefully see it as a gesture of affection... not just friendship.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville was quite confused when you wanted to steal one of his jumpers for the winter. He handed it over to you hesitantly, unsure of why you would want to wear one of his clothing articles when you had your own. Though it wasn't until Seamus and Dean ruffled his hair and congratulated him for making things official with you, that he finally asked someone what the gesture was all about. He was completely flattered that you would want to wear something of his in public... he just wished that it didn't take him so long to figure that out.

Cedric Diggory:

When you and Cedric sat together with his friends, the two of you would be in your own world and only focus on each other. Before you started dating, it was so obvious that you had a crush on him, considering you were always stealing his tie or asking to wear his extraordinarily long robes. Of course, due to Cedric's crush, he would just let you take whatever you wanted, all while he smiled and laughed at you. The friends around you would just laugh to themselves, wondering if either of you would ever admit to liking each other.

Newt Scamander:

You always missed Newt when he went away for work, and it hurt you deeply to be alone for so long. When he was away, you'd find yourself wearing his clothes around the house, considering they smelled like him and felt as if he were actually home. One trip, he came home early to find you sliding around in your socks, wearing one of his dress shirts. He couldn't help but laugh at how cute it was for you to be wearing it... it was a sweet way of finding out that you were missing him as much as he had missed you.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian would be strangely turned on when he saw you wearing his clothes, thinking you were very attractive in a shirt a few sizes too big for you. His voice would lower as his gaze would linger over you, the bigger set of clothes making it much easier for him to slip his hands under and hold your waist when he pulled you into his body. You didn't exactly understand why Sebastian was so flirty when you wore his clothes, though you didn't mind one bit... you always seemed to catch his stare when you were sporting one of his very few outfits.

Ominis Gaunt:

One night in the common room, you and Ominis sat by the fire and cuddled on the couch. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, though his brows furrowed when he felt the familiarity of your clothing. The heat rose to your cheeks as you confessed to stealing his clothes, Ominis chuckling away at himself when he realized you had taken the one jumper he thought he had misplaced. While of course, he did want it back, he trusted that it was in safer hands when it was with you.

Garreth Weasley:

It took Garreth a few seconds at first to notice that you were wearing his clothes. He looked at you with a confused expression on his face, attempting to piece together what he was seeing in front of his eyes. When it finally clicked for him, a smile broke onto his face as he pulled you in for a hug and kissed you on the cheek. He made a joke saying that maybe you should give him your skirt to wear, trying to hide the blush creeping to his face and the fact that he very much liked seeing you wear his clothes around the school. 

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