57. He Catches You Staring

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Harry Potter:

Harry would give you a sweet smile every time he caught your gaze, thinking that it was a coincidence each time you locked eyes. It took him a long while to realize that you were actually staring at him, his heartbeat racing as he could see you in his peripheral vision still looking at him. He wouldn't call you out on it; instead, he would just try to look like he was busy and totally cool when you had your eyes on him.

Ron Weasley:

Ron would know that you were staring but wouldn't call you out on it. Instead, he would gulp and try extra hard to concentrate on his work in front of him, knowing now that his every movement would be watched. He'd fight off a sneeze or run a hand through his hair, refusing to look the slightest bit unattractive when he could feel your eyes on him. Eventually, he would be brave enough to glance back at you, though by then, he realized that you had looked away. It always ended up with him questioning whether or not you were staring in the first place; you turned out to be a lot more subtle than he could have expected.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco would take great pride in catching you staring, a suggestive smirk coming over his face as he eyed you down. You would feel your cheeks go warm, tearing your eyes away from him as he continued to stare at you. Draco would always wait for after class or after your meal (wherever he caught you staring) and chase you up afterward, asking you why he caught you looking at him... again. Of course, you would never give him the satisfaction, just make an excuse and run off. Draco didn't seem to mind; he almost liked that response more than the admittance of a crush.

Fred Weasley:

Fred wouldn't think that you were staring at him because you liked him; he would think that he had just coincidentally caught your eye. Because of that, he would jokingly stare back with a blank expression, almost beginning a staring contest that you didn't know you entered. Eventually, when you'd blink or pull your gaze away, he'd pump his fist in celebration, leaving you to laugh confusingly at his actions. He'd let you in on his secret, saying that you just lost a contest. It was the first of many staring contests from then on, though you didn't mind one bit; you got to look at him while he was looking at you, what more could you want than that?

George Weasley:

George would tease you when he'd catch you staring, making sure that everyone around you knew that you had been looking at him. Your cheeks would blush a deep red as George loudly announced, 'I know I'm pretty Y/N, but try to make it a little less obvious.' While you already had the type of friendship when you'd pull those jokes on each other, considering you were crushing on him big time, the last thing you needed was everyone else to think you truly did have feelings for him.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville's mind would immediately reach for reasons that would not have anything to do with you being attracted to him. He would feel insecure, thinking that there was something on his face or that you had caught him blushing at something you said, immediately trying to swat his cheeks to try and make himself more appealing. Of course, it only made you watch him more intently, thinking he was adorable in every way possible. You would end up having to reassure him that you liked his appearance being the reason for your staring, which only seemed to make his cheeks flush a red even more.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric was completely cool, calm, and collected when he would catch you staring. He'd shoot you a handsome smile, slowly drawing his eyes away as he could feel that you were blushing and quickly averting your eyes from him. He was the kind of guy to know he was attractive and know that other people were often staring at him. It just so happened that he only paid attention when you were the one doing the ogling.

Newt Scamander:

Newt wouldn't be able to help the blush that creeps to his face, a smile succumbing to him as he attempts to keep his eyes on his work. When you ask him what the matter is, he simply says, 'Stop staring.' Of course, you never would stop, which he didn't seem to mind one bit. He liked being reminded that you were just as infatuated with him as he was with you.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian would shamelessly flirt with you, making suggestive comments that would end up making you blush and wish that you hadn't been staring in the first place. His words would only be for you to hear, but you much preferred it that way. You'd see the cheeky smirk come across his face and know that he was purposely trying to fluster you. Probably because he was also blushing from the fact that you were staring at him and simply wanted to even the playing field.

Ominis Gaunt:

While Ominis couldn't see that you were staring, he started to notice the inflections in your tone or the way you spoke meant you were distracted by him. It took until being told about it by Sebastian for him to even notice that he was the reason for your distraction, but it seemed to flatter him more and more when he started to notice it constantly. He'd just say your name to grab your attention, saying 'I know you're staring.' You would always be left baffled, unsure of how he could even know. It just so turned out that you were the least subtle person in the world, and he didn't even need to see to notice that.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth would make jokes, saying that he knows he's incredibly attractive and that he doesn't blame you for staring at him. When he first started making the joke, you assumed that he knew that that was why you were staring and disliked that he thought so highly of himself. Though, to his surprise, you genuinely found him beautiful to look at, which seemed to make him like you even more.

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