45. Your 'Fearless' Song

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Harry Potter: Hey Stephen

"All those other girls, yeah they're beautiful, but would they write a song for you."

There were a few times throughout your schooling experience where you, unfortunately, shared affection towards Harry with the other girls in your year. While the two of you were quite close and you knew him better than anyone with a superficial crush on him, you knew for a fact that you were going to have to go above and beyond to get his attention. Sharing your feelings through written words seemed to be the way to Harry's heart, considering you had a way of wording things to show him exactly how you felt.

Ron Weasley: Come In With The Rain

"I'll leave my window open cause I'm too tired tonight to call your name."

There were times that you and Ron would need to take a break from your relationship, considering you would feel as if he was taking you for granted. Of course, those breaks were harder than anything you had ever experienced, slightly hoping that he'd be calling for you the second you turned to walk away. You knew that it was for the best, but there was always a part of you that was wishing that things would instantly be right again. You loved Ron more than anything, and you hoped that he would soon realise that he felt the same.

Draco Malfoy: The Way I Loved You

"I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain."

While most would say that your relationship with Draco was slightly fractured, you couldn't help but miss the excitement of it all when you started seeing someone new. Your new beau was incredibly kind and perfect for you, but there was just something about the danger of Draco Malfoy that made you want him back. You'd never dare to compare your new partner to him, and when Draco made a snide remark about him, you'd always defend his honour. It didn't however stop the two of you from staring at each other across the room at any given moment... even if it was a look of displeasure or rage.

Fred Weasley: The Other Side of The Door

"I said leave but all I really want is you to stand outside my window throwing pebbles, screaming 'I'm in love with you'."

There were times that the arguments between you and Fred confused everyone around you. Some people assumed that you picked fights with him sometimes just to get his attention. He was so swept up in the chaos of his day-to-day adventures that sometimes you needed to beg for his attention to be on you. Fred was your entire world, and despite knowing that things were heading south every now and again, you knew, in the end, you would always forgive him and makeup, considering you loved him so dearly.

George Weasley: Fearless

"You're just so cool, run your hands through your hair absentmindedly - making me want you."

George was the epitome of the 'fearless' kind of love. He encouraged you to live your best life, exhausting you with constant adventures, laughs and pranks around the school. He was entirely unaware of how happy he made you, just taking you along for the ride and hoping that you were enjoying yourself. You were forever grateful to have George in your life, and he made you want to have your Hogwarts days last forever.

Neville Longbottom: Fifteen

"Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday but I realised some bigger dreams of mine."

You had a lot of strong feelings for Neville when you were younger, though you knew as you got older that it was never going to last. You wanted desperately to travel and see the world before settling down, and Neville was happy to skip that first part and comfortably live the rest of his life in solemn bliss. In time, you came to see that your fifth-year break-up was worth the amazing life you built for yourselves... though it didn't stop the two of you from eventually returning to each other's arms later down the line.

Cedric Diggory: Jump Than Fall

"I watch you talk, you didn't notice."

Cedric had no clue of the effect that he had on you when the two of you were crushing on each other. You watched every little thing that he did and observed every little detail. You hoped that secretly he was doing the same thing about you, falling harder for him with every encounter. Thankfully, you learned once you got together that he was feeling the same way... you just wished that it didn't take so long for the two of you to finally admit it to one another.

Newt Scamander: You All Over Me

"No amount of freedoms gets you clean, I've still got you all over me."

You couldn't quite shake the memories of Newt when the two of you finally parted ways. You had always thought that all you needed was to cut all ties with him and things would go back to normal, though everywhere you went, his memory lingered with you. You saw his favourite things and his favourite places wherever you went. You couldn't shake the feeling that you were never going to forget him... as hard as it was to admit to yourself.

Sebastian Sallow: Forever & Always

"It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone."

Your relationship with Sebastian was quite the topsy-turvy affair. There were times when he made you the happiest you've ever been, and times when you felt the lowest of lows. When you were apart or together, he always seemed to have you on a rollercoaster of emotions. While most would brush it off as young love and foolishness, you and Sebastian were both determined to make things work until the end. Or at least, that's what you promised each other. Now... it was just a matter of carrying out that promise until the very end.

Ominis Gaunt: Don't You

"Don't you say you've missed me when you don't want me again."

When you and Ominis broke up, he desperately wanted to fix things despite the messy end. While you had no clue that he wanted to make amends and hopefully get back together with you, you took his niceties as an extension of friendship, not a make-up. You didn't necessarily want to be friends with him again, since it hurt too much for you to see him every day. Everyone just hoped that one day your miscommunication would be rectified... they couldn't stand to see the two of you moping about any more.

Garreth Weasley: Love Story

"Romeo, save me, they're tryna tell me how to feel. This love is difficult but it's real."

You were unsure of why your family was so against you befriending Garreth Weasley, but it only seemed to make matters worse when you picked up a romantic interest in him. You wanted to stay true to your family's wishes, but you knew that in the end, your happiness was more important than their grudge. You knew that Garreth was the one for you, and there was nothing that they could do or say to change that.

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