26. He's Drunk

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Harry Potter:

Harry would become quite the storyteller when he's had a little bit to drink. He'd start with phrases like 'did I tell you about the time' and 'oh, that reminds me of when,' not even realizing that he's been the sole speaker for the past twenty minutes. His words would start to slur together, indicating that he's had a bit too much to drink, and it's probably time for him to head to bed. He'd carry on with his stories as you help him take off his shoes, the room seemingly spinning around him as he rests his head back onto the pillow.

During this time, he'd express how much he thinks you're the best, showering you with compliments repeatedly. He'd continue this pattern even as he drifts off to sleep mid-sentence, leaving you to smile down at him, eagerly anticipating the next day when you can tease him about all the amusing things he said while under the influence of alcohol.

Ron Weasley:

Ron would become incredibly affectionate when he was intoxicated. He'd lovingly wrap his arm around your shoulders, using you for support as he stood. Sloppy kisses would find their way to your cheek and down your neck, accompanied by mumblings of how much he loves you. The most challenging part would be when you attempt to disentangle yourself from his affection or guide him towards bed. As you tried to get him to sleep, he'd turn into a whining puppy dog, pleading for the attention. Seeing Ron so smitten with you in that state was adorable, and it's something you'd playfully tease him about the next day while he dealt with his hangover.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco is grumpy as you attempt to guide him to bed, his words a mixture of mumbling and grumbling as he leans heavily against you. With some effort, you manage to help him reach his bed, but not before he slurs compliments your way and tries to initiate a kiss. He playfully flirts and attempts to arouse you as you take off his shoes, though his failed efforts are more amusing than anything else. His speech is so slurred that you can barely understand him, all before passing.

You sit by his side for a few minutes, quietly observing the drunken and sleepy Draco. You're aware that his hangover will likely result in a day full of complaints. For now, you cherish this peaceful moment, knowing it'll be the last of it for the next twenty-four hours.

Fred Weasley:

Fred would shamelessly flirt with you in his lame attempt to arouse your interest. He'd use all of his usual tricks: whispering in your ear, holding you by your waist, saying things that were meant only for your ears. The only issue was that his intoxication resulted in slurred words and stumbling movements. His efforts were far from flawless as he tried to seduce you, leaving you to suppress your laughter when he asked you if you 'wanted to get out of here'. Of course, you and Fred never really did anything when he was that drunk, though it was a humorous story to recount the next day while Fred battled his hangover.

George Weasley:

George would be the adventurous drunk, the one you'd have to chase down out of fear that he'd get into trouble. He'd run out of the common room, leaving you to scurry through the school, attempting to find him while also trying not to get caught yourself. You don't know how George could manage to evade the teachers in his drunken state, but he always found a way to slip past them. What made it worse was that he was an incredibly fast runner, so while you were trying to track him down, he could easily dart away again.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville would surprisingly become super chatty whenever he drank too much. He would ramble about life and pose philosophical questions to you, all before apologising for talking too much. He's the type of drunk who would get himself into trouble because his sober thoughts would be spilled by his drunken mouth. You would laugh at his insights, though his questioning would be so thought-provoking that you would be stunned to silence at times. Drunk Neville would always give you the best advice, but completely forget the conversation you had when he woke up the next day. At least all your secrets were safe from him then.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric would be quite defiant when he's drunk, but in a playful way. You'd urge him to go to bed or drink some water, though he would just sit in place and say a simple 'no'. He was impossible to move physically, and he found it rather funny to watch you try. Instead, he'd just play with your hair as you tried to lift him to his feet, asking you to have a drink and relax as he pulled you into his lap. It always worked on you, no matter how many times you tried to resist his charm... maybe one day it wouldn't be so easy for him to seduce you.

Newt Scamander:

Newt would be extremely giggly as he compliments you over and over again. His compliments would progressively get stranger and more metaphorical the longer he was intoxicated, making himself laugh with his strange references. He also hiccups a lot when he's drunk too much, which often cracks him up too. He'll be pretty good at looking after himself - remembering to drink plenty of water and getting himself to bed. It was funny just to stand by and listen to Newt mutter away to himself as he tucked himself in... he was your sweet rambling mess.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian wouldn't know when to stop drinking once he started, wanting to drink more as the night went on. You'd have to chase him around all night, making sure he doesn't get his hands on any drinks from the other Slytherins who want him to have a good time. Sebastian would see it as a game, attempting to take a swig of anything he could without you seeing. You would often get very cross with him, and he would understand your serious tone as a sign that he needed to calm down slightly. That would only ever result in him complimenting you over and over again, needing to make up for the fact that he upset you even in the slightest.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis would constantly deny that he was drunk while his cheeks were flushed and his words were slurred. He'd giggle at the worst possible times, especially if he needed to be quiet as he snuck back to his dorm room. Most of the time he'll misplace his wand, making it difficult for him to navigate around the castle... basically, all his common sense would go out of the window if he had a bit too much to drink. It was the only time that you would ever see Ominis somewhat relaxed.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth is a clumsy drunk, always seeming to spill his drinks or drop something that he's holding when he's in his intoxicated state. It's hard because he's also considerably confident, thinking he'd be able to brew a potion without aid and that he's 'completely sober' and ready for another drink. You'd always laugh at him, trying to pry whatever he was holding out of his hands, for the safety of everyone around you. He'd very rarely put up a fight when that happened... mostly because he was too tired and dizzy to try and take it back.

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