67. First Fight

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Harry Potter:

You and Harry had started talking about what you were planning on doing after finishing up at Hogwarts, and you were surprised to hear that he hadn't quite factored you into his future plans. You didn't want to argue with him, but you did walk away and hide from him as you attempted to process the news. Harry couldn't bear the thought of you being mad at him and searched to find you immediately to clear the air. He wanted you in his life more than anything... he just wasn't great at putting it into words.

Ron Weasley:

Ron started to get frustrated when you would prioritize school and homework over spending time with him. While he quietly simmered over the course of weeks, eventually, it came to one day where he blew up at you out of nowhere. The verbal sparring was quickly followed by the silent treatment, leaving both of you miserable without each other as you calmed down from your anger. Eventually, Ron would miss you and crawl back, needing to apologize thousands of times for you to be truly okay with him.

Draco Malfoy:

You and Draco would often have little tussles about his jealousy, but there was one day where you couldn't take his snide comments anymore. You blew up at him, Draco stunned considering he had never heard anyone lash out at his childishness before. He took on everything that you said to him, and while some things stung, he knew that he had to pull himself together to keep you.

Fred Weasley:

As much of a jokester as Fred was, in an argument, he was impossible to beat. He would logically outsmart you, which would just make you angrier and angrier as the argument went on. Eventually, you would storm off, leaving him wondering what he did wrong. He was mostly continuing the argument as a joke and didn't know how to recover when you were properly angry with him. He had to reach out to his siblings and friends on how to make it up to you - he had never been in that situation before.

George Weasley:

George refused to let you leave until the two of you fixed things. You thought it was annoying when the two of you were arguing and he stood like a wall in front of your path. Though you were much smaller than George, and there was no way to make him move other than to talk it out. It did irritate you at first, and you did give him the silent treatment for a long while. Of course, you eventually resolved things after a long go of wearing each other down.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville wasn't even sure how the fight started, but he believed that it was the first time he had ever raised his voice in his life. He felt incredibly guilty afterward and stopped the two of you halfway through the screaming match, saying you weren't getting anywhere by yelling at each other like that. You wanted to finish your point, but you knew he was right. You needed to fix things, and continuing to yell at each other was not the way to do it.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric had been constantly reassuring you that he only had eyes for you. However, after a tiring day, he made the mistake of sighing heavily and rolling his eyes when you brought up your concerns once again. Feeling insecure and angry with him for reacting that way, it sparked an argument between the two of you that didn't really need to happen. It didn't take long for both of you to realize you were in the wrong and apologize to each other.

Newt Scamander:

Newt doesn't take an argument seriously and ends up leaving you to believe that he didn't care about being with you. He was confused as to how that conclusion was drawn from his reactions and what he said, but he knew that he had to fix things before it was too late. He did his best to try and win back your affections, swearing that he needed you more than anyone before. It took a while for you to believe him, but you knew that he was truthful from just one look in his eyes.

Sebastian Sallow:

Your first argument with Sebastian was incredibly heated—much more than it needed to be. You were almost concerned when you saw a side of Sebastian you had never seen before and didn't know how to go about continuing a relationship with him. You knew that he had learned from his mistake of getting too carried away, but you weren't sure how to not let it affect you in the future.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis felt entirely dejected after you had your first fight, especially considering he wasn't sure how to deal with the aftermath of it. He barely even participated in the argument, keeping within himself as you talked his ear off about your frustrations. You felt horrible afterward and immediately apologized, though it didn't change his thinking that it didn't take much to lose you at the end of the day.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth wouldn't take any of your disagreements seriously, and it was getting to the point where he seemed like he didn't care at all. You wanted him to take even just the minor things seriously, but he never seemed to give you the attention you were asking for. It took almost losing you to realize that he needed to take your relationship more seriously, something he would never let happen again.

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