75. Your 'Folklore' Song

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Harry Potter: Mirrorball

"I'm still trying everything, to keep you looking at me."

You often tried to do whatever you could to keep Harry's attention on you. Even though he constantly reassured you that he loved you for who you were, you couldn't help but try to be the interesting person that he initially fell in love with. It was almost exhausting to try and be different versions of yourself, just to see which one he liked the most. It would be ages before you realized that Harry loved you and not the people you were trying to be. He just wished that you could have realized it sooner.

Ron Weasley: Cardigan

"And when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed, you put me on and said I was your favourite."

There were times when you sometimes felt alone in your relationship with Ron. He didn't mean to ever make you feel that way; he just sometimes forgot to prioritize you over everything else that was going on in his life. However, when he'd catch on to his behavior and realized he had been upsetting you, he would shower you in affection unlike any other time before. He would continue to remind and reassure you that he feels the same way for you that you do for him. You just wished that you wouldn't have to feel alone for him to notice his actions.

Draco Malfoy: Exile

"I can see you staring honey, like he's just your understudy, like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me."

Draco hated that you were with someone else. To him, it felt like you were flaunting your new relationship to make him jealous and gauge some sort of reaction from him. He would always watch the two of you in the courtyard - his fists clenched and eyes hooded as he thought of ways to try and get you back. The feat was almost impossible, considering you looked happy with your new partner. However, Draco had somehow convinced himself that you were better with him, and for as long as he believed that, he wouldn't stop trying to win you back.

Fred Weasley: Illicit Affairs

"Don't call me 'kid', don't call me 'baby', look at this godforsaken mess that you made me."

You and Fred had a secret relationship, mostly because he was worried about what others would think of him being with someone who was the same age as his younger brother. While you adored Fred with all your heart, it still hurt to hear him talk about you as if you were as immature as Ron sometimes was. You wanted him to see you as more than someone to sneak around with, and you hoped he would eventually fall in love with you. Unfortunately, he ended your secret meetings, leaving you in a wallowing mess. You hated that he broke your heart, more so because it turned out that he was right all along.

George Weasley: The 1

"But we were something, don't you think so?"

When you and George broke up, the news seemed to rock through the entire school. People had always admired the relationship that you built, and hearing that it was over was as heartbreaking for them as it was for the two of you. No one dared to try and impress you or even flirt with you, knowing that your heartbreak was like no other. You had always hoped that George would be the one for you for the rest of your life, but for now, it seemed to be very unlikely.

Neville Longbottom: This is Me Trying

"And it's hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound."

Neville did everything in his power to make sure that you were okay, though there was only so much that a positive attitude could do. While you loved him dearly, there were still times that your inner demons would take over and ruin your mood for the two of you. You tried to pull yourself out of the rut just so you could make him happy, but as of late, it seemed to be more of a chore than anything else you've experienced before.

Cedric Diggory: Invisible String

"Isn't it just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?"

One night, while sitting in the common room together, wrapped in each other's arms by the cosy fireplace, Cedric shared an idea he had. He believed that the two of you were tied together by a piece of invisible string. In his heart, he felt that this metaphorical string had connected you, eventually pulling you together to form the beautiful love you were experiencing today. It was a sweet concept that resonated with you, and it became something you carried through your day-to-day life for the rest of your relationship. It made you believe that you had to go through everything you did to get to where you were, and you were just glad that Cedric was there to meet you in the middle.

Newt Scamander: August

"Wanting was enough - for me it was enough."

Your romance with Newt ended as quickly as it began. From the moment you met him, you were attracted to him, but there were little hints in his behavior that made you worried that you weren't enough for him. As time went on, he slowly began to pull away from you, eventually ending a whirlwind romance that left you both scarred. He had his reasons, none of which he was willing to share, for why the two of you were better off separated. You aimed to change his mind with time, but it seemed impossible with how set in his ways he appeared to be.

Sebastian Sallow: Peace

"All these people think love's for show, but I would die for you in secret."

There was a raging war inside Sebastian's mind, and you were often left to deal with the repercussions on your own. While he never took it out on you, it was difficult to try and keep a brave face knowing he was struggling with so much in his life. While you couldn't fix everything, you knew that you could at least try to make things a little more bearable by being there. Sebastian loved you with all of his heart, though it was most definitely something he was going to have to work through to get through all his tough times.

Ominis Gaunt: The Lakes

"I don't belong, and my beloved, neither do you."

You and Ominis bonded when you both wanted to stray from your family lineage. You had dreams of running away together, living in the country, and raising your children to be loved for who they were, not pressured into doing things they didn't want to do. It was incredibly heartbreaking to part over the holidays, returning to your homes where your families dreaded hearing about your personal lives. You would just count down the days until you were back in Ominis' arms and everything would be okay again.

Garreth Weasley: Seven

"And I've been meaning to tell you, I think your house is haunted. Your dad is always mad and that must be why."

Garreth could tell very easily that there were days when your home life would get you down. While his childlike innocence didn't allow him to notice the hints at first, the more hints that you dropped, the more difficult it became for him to ignore anything. While he would often try to bring the subject up with you, he knew that you didn't like talking about it. For now, he'd try to distract you from it as much as he could, but it was almost impossible when he could see it hurting you so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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