39. How You Hug

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Harry Potter:

Harry would be slightly stunned when you pulled him in for a hug. He'd blink slowly, trying to comprehend if what was happening was even real, all before he slowly wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled his face into your shoulder. He only lets go when he starts to feel you pull back, his heart sinking slightly as you step away from him and the moment is over. He's the kind of guy who would only hug you for as long as you need because he knows that he could probably hug you forever.

Ron Weasley:

Ron had a way of making you feel safe when he pulled you in for an embrace. His arms would wrap around you, with his hands resting on your back as he pulled you in. He'd rest his chin on your shoulder, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to take in every moment of the exchange. It would be a tight hug, but not overwhelmingly so... it's the kind of hug that makes you feel safe and cherished, no matter how long it lasts.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco would always have one arm around your shoulder, while you hugged his waist, walking down the halls together glued to each other's side. While it looked more like a side hug, it wouldn't be until you had to part that he'd pull you in for the tightest embrace, kissing you on the forehead before you had to separate. He would try to look uninterested so as not to seem too eager to be holding onto you, but you knew deep down that he loved the physical contact, since he was always the one to make the first move.

Fred Weasley:

You would rest your head on Fred's chest as he pulled you in for a hug. He practically towered over you, so when you'd embrace, he'd rest his chin on your head after giving you a quick kiss. You could hear his heartbeat steadying since hugging you was always a way for him to calm himself down. It was like being covered by a warm blanket... there was nothing cozier than being embraced by Fred Weasley.

George Weasley:

George would never reject a hug from you, especially when you were upset. He'd know that something was wrong if you'd hug him without a word, immediately wrapping his arms around you and hoping to be a source of comfort. He'd mutter things like 'there, there' or 'it'll be alright,' taking note of every shiver and movement you make. While he much preferred it when you were running and jumping into his arms with excitement, he still enjoyed being your shoulder to cry on when you needed it.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville's face would go bright red when you pulled him in for a hug, his eyes widening in disbelief as he tried to comprehend what was happening. It takes him a few moments to reciprocate, his arms awkwardly making their way around you and patting you on the back. A small smile would eventually play on his lips as comfort washes over him, his frigidness dissolving as he pulls you in tighter, hoping to have the moment last forever.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric would see you studying or standing with your friends, with a cheeky grin playing on his lips. He'd kick into a bit of a run before swinging his arms around you from behind, almost knocking you over. He'd place a quick kiss on your neck as your heart rate attempted to get back to normal. While you would always scold him for scaring you, while he tightened his grip around your waist, you didn't mind the affection one bit... you just wish you didn't have to suffer from a heart attack every time to receive it.

Newt Scamander:

Newt would always hug you like it was going to be the last time. It came about each time he had to travel for work, with his arms wrapping around your waist tightly as he buried his face into your neck and shoulder. He'd choke back tears as he tried to make the most of his last few moments with you, remembering the small details like how you smelled and how you ran your fingers through his hair to comfort him. When it was time to leave, he'd quickly pull away without another glance, knowing that if he looked back at you, he probably wouldn't get to where he needed to be.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian had always been the affectionate friend/boyfriend, though his hugs would only come around when either of you was upset or disappointed about something. Most of the time, he would just quickly kiss you before heading to class, or wrap his arm around your shoulders when he teased you. Though when he'd embrace you with desperation in his eyes, you could always tell that there was something wrong. While you couldn't take his pain away, you knew that returning the favour could, and that was all you could do for him at that moment.

Ominis Gaunt:

When you wrapped your arms around Ominis' middle for the first time, he was quite confused. He even asked 'what are you doing' in a gruff and confused tone, having very rarely received any physical affection from anyone before. However, when you informed him you're hugging him because you're friends and you appreciate him, his expression softened as he hesitantly returned the gesture. From there, you were always the one to initiate a hug, but never once did Ominis reject it.

Garreth Weasley:

You would initiate a hug with Garreth, catching him off guard when you throw your arms around his middle. He would then immediately reciprocate, wrapping his arms around you and refusing to let you go. When you'd finally try to pull away, Garreth would refuse, saying 'Nope, not done yet' as he pulled you in tighter. You'd be laughing and squirming, trying to get out of Garreth's grip, but really you didn't mind since it was a sign he wanted to still hold you, regardless of the fact you had to part.

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