3. Studying

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Harry Potter:

You and Harry sit across from each other in the library, each reading your own books. Harry flicks through the pages as if he were reading, though his eyes are on you the entire time. Sometimes you catch him and laugh, telling him to focus his gaze on the information in front of him. He always proceeds to say something cheesy along the lines of "but I'd prefer to look at you." A blush creeps onto your face as you keep your head down in your book, still feeling Harry's eyes on you. Nothing you can do or say will ever seem to make him focus.

Ron Weasley:

You don't even bother trying to get Ron to study. He watches you intently, showering you with compliments as you work. You try to find him something productive to do, in an attempt to divert his attention from incessantly staring, but it always ends with him wearing a smug look on his face as you re-explain yourself for the fourth time. Very rarely, when you become concerned about Ron's academic progress, he puts a minimal amount of effort in. However, it often results in you eventually taking over and completing his tasks for him... just watching him try to study was painful enough.

Draco Malfoy:

You had studied so much with Draco that it was very easy to spot when his frustration started to bubble over. It was very rare that it would get to the stage of him throwing a book across the room, however, you could always tell from his furrowed brows and clenched fists that he was about to give up. When those times came along, you would speak to him in a soft and soothing voice, distracting him from working for a few minutes so he could calm down. It became an effective study routine for him - just being near you was enough to make him feel better. His grades were improving and your relationship too... if only it were enough to prove to his family that you belonged together.

Fred Weasley:

Fred would do his best to distract you from studying as much as possible. He would steal your books and your quills in his terrible attempt to get your attention. You'd often laugh and ask for your stuff back, jumping as he holds your things up high above your head. Eventually, it would get to the point where you'd be annoyed by his efforts, giving him the silent treatment until you'd get your stuff back. When you'd stop responding in the giggly way you normally do, Fred would finally give you your things back and would leave you until you get your work done... however, it wouldn't stop him from trying to distract you in other ways ;).

George Weasley:

While George wanted to support you and everything that you did, he couldn't help his mischievous personality hijacking your study sessions at times. While he read his own book beside you (bored out of his mind), he would get the random urge to say something out-of-pocket just to get your reaction. He would shock you with random information - things you had never heard of or even thought to be true. He'd say them in a tone that would make you think it was fact, leaving you to question everything you've learned so far. Eventually, the cheeky smile would crack onto his face and he couldn't contain his laughter anymore. You couldn't help but just smack him with a small book and laugh with him as you tell him off for wasting time. While it would often distract you from your schoolwork, George's pranks were always welcome when it came to study sessions.

Neville Longbottom:

You and Neville would always help each other study. He was one of the reasons why you were doing so well in your classes. Considering he was good company and the fact that he was an extremely hard worker, you always looked forward to your study sessions with Neville. The two of you would quiz each other on your subjects, check each other's homework and proofread each other's assignments. You were so glad to have him help you throughout school... it made your years at Hogwarts much easier to get through.

Cedric Diggory:

You and Cedric would start off by attempting to study, both of you with your heads down and mouths shut as you worked diligently. However, a thought would inevitably pop into your head (or Cedric's), compelling you to share it with the other. Once the silence was broken, there was no stopping the flow of conversation. Hours would pass by effortlessly as you engaged in discussions about anything and everything. While you enjoyed the wonderful chats with Cedric, it did come at the expense of your schoolwork. You were just grateful to have had some great conversations to remember while you scraped through your classes by the skin of your teeth.

Newt Scamander:

When you and Newt would study or work alongside each other, you would be sure not to distract him for the longest amount of time possible. You knew that the second you tore his attention away from his work, he'd start talking about something else or try to convince the two of you to take a break. When it came to Beasts class and talking about the wonderful creatures of the world, it was easy because he would almost want to do your work for you. However, trying to get him to do the work in any other class was close to impossible.

Sebastian Sallow:

You and Sebastian wouldn't even try to study together. Before everything got serious in your later years of schooling, the two of you would spend all of your time exploring the castle and grounds together, forgetting that you were actually at Hogwarts to learn. Eventually, as the coursework grew more difficult, the two of you started to understand that there was a reason for studying. Of course, it didn't mean that you would do it... you couldn't bear to waste your time doing something you didn't care for.

Ominis Gaunt:

You never mean to distract Ominis, it just somehow happens. Whether you're reading a book that has nothing to do with your schoolwork, eating snacks in the library, or just humming to yourself quietly, just knowing that you weren't doing homework with him was distracting enough. Sometimes, you would tell him you were working on an assignment when really you were preoccupied with something else. Ominis wasn't stupid though - he knew exactly what you were up to. He just hoped to believe your words so he could finally focus.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth often had you convinced that he was studying for his subjects, when in actual fact, he was researching techniques and ingredients for potions he would like to carry out. When you would ask him a question on how he 'figured out the answer' to a particular question, he would stumble through a lie to try and continue his ruse. However, you would then realise he had been distracted the entire time, vowing to confiscate his potions book if he didn't complete his other homework. Your study sessions often consisted of endless bickering, ending with you taking his book, and Garreth disappointedly attempting to finish the rest of his homework in less than an hour.

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