Sang Sorenson

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Today is my 7th birthday. I am my mom and dad's princess. Even my older sister Marie, calls me her little bit. I have the best family anyone could ever want. I woke up to a beautiful surprise. First I noticed that my room has a brand new princess canopy bed, a beautiful vanity with a mirror. Everything in my room is my favorite color pink. I am so excited to see all my friends and family. Plus it's my party. I feel like I'm still dreaming, and if so I don't want to wake up.

 I feel like I'm still dreaming, and if so I don't want to wake up

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(What Sang Sorenson room looks like)

Excited as I am, I jump out of bed and run out of the room. The first thing I smell is mine and my best friend in the whole world, my brother I never have but wanted, Lukie favorite breakfast food ever chocolate chip pancakes. My mouth is watering at the sweet aroma that surrounds me. I started to run down the stairs excited to get my day started. I accidentally run into my dad Steven. When he grabs me and tickles me asking me where the fire is at. I laugh like it is the best joke I had ever heard. He then passed me to my 13 year old sister Marie. To take me down so I can eat breakfast and get ready for my party.

After breakfast I am rushed upstairs and thrown in the shower. I love the shower because I love to feel the hot water hit my body everywhere. After my shower I am put in a beautiful pink princess dress. With a matching tiara, gloves, necklace, and shoes. From the beginning of waking up I feel like I'm on cloud nine. My sister Marie helps my mom get me ready. They brush and curl my hair, so the tiara will sit nicely. That finishes my princess look.

 That finishes my princess look

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(Sangs Princess Dress Up)

It's about 1:00 p.m. when the guests start showing up. My best friend lukie is here first. His name is Lucian, but he goes by Luke, he will always be my lukie. He has his sleeping bag and clothes for our sleepover. This is my first sleepover that I will ever have. Everything is going great. Some of my friends are jumping in the bounce house, or swimming in the pool. Everything was going great, until it was time to cut the cake. As the guests were singing happy birthday there was a loud knock on the door. I would have never ran to answer the door if I thought at that moment. The person at the door would ruin my happiness I felt, with my loving family.

There was a lady younger than my mom holding a little blue blanket. All of a sudden I hear a noise coming from the blanket that sounds like a baby. I am told not to let people in I don't know. So I holler for my parents. My mom was lost along with my sister and myself who the person was. My dad looked like he just aged 30 years, and he knew exactly who was here. My dad turned and looked at my friends and family and told them the party was over and to all go home. I did not even get to have my sleepover or open my presents. After the people all left I was sent to my room.

Narrator P.O.V.

After Sang was sent to her room, her parents sat down with the young lady and talked. The lady went on to tell Sangs mom (Kristy Sorenson) that the baby was Sangs dad Steven Sorenson) and they have been together for the past 2 years. Kristy looked at the lady and was shocked. She could not be no more than 17, and Steven was 42. She asked the lady how old she was and when she heard the answer. Kristy went blank. She could not feel anything anymore. It was like she was numb all over. Mrs Sorenson found out that her husband was cheating on her with a 13 year old girl. All she kept thinking their oldest daughter Marie was 13 years old.

Kristy looked at the lady and Steven and told them to get out of her house. When Steven got up to get his stuff, she told him to take his nasty incest daughter with him. It turns out he cheated on Kristy before with his 14 year old niece. Even tho she agreed to take the baby because his niece died giving birth to Sang. Steven looked up at her and told her she is her problem now, and he was giving her custody of both kids because he now had his son. With that said Steven grabbed the young lady and baby and walked out the door.

Kristy was in such a rage over what her husband just did. She felt like she was on fire. She ran upstairs to Sang's beautiful princess room. To ruin the life of the step daughter that she accepted, because she had too. She faked the love and care she had for Sang. Kristy decided to take out her anger on the one thing she hated in her house. For the last 7 years.

Sang Sorenson P.O.V.

After I was sent to my room. I realized I was so tired after all. So from the excitement of my birthday party. I passed out in my new beautiful bed, not knowing it was the first and last time I would be sleeping in it.

I was woke up to my door being kicked open. My mommy grabbing me by the hair and being thrown onto the floor. My mom kicking, punching, and screaming at me, until I passed out from the pain and loss of blood.

When I woke up I found myself laying in a pool of my own blood. I also noticed I was in the basement locked in. I was so sore and dizzy I just laid down and hoped I would leave this world behind. Wishes only come true in fairy tales. I was living a nightmare I was begging to wake up from. After many hours I fell asleep in a dark, musty basement. The next day I was woken up by my mom screaming, and telling me to get upstairs and clean myself up. Then to clean the whole house of all the decorations from my party. And to move all my stuff out of my room. She then told me that a mattress with springs sticking out and poking me will be my new bed. My new life was nothing but pain and suffering from that day forward.

 My new life was nothing but pain and suffering from that day forward

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(Sangs old new bedroom now)

When my friend Lukie and his Uncle (I love him so much I call him Uncle too) came over. My mom told them I moved in with my dad. So they stopped trying to see me. I wanted to see them so bad. Losing them was worse than losing my dad. My life for the next 10 years was nothing but torture. My mom hated me, well turns out Kristy is my step mom. My sister Marie blamed me for my dad leaving the family. She said I caused all the problems that happened in our life.

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