Chapter 33 Babies

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Sangs P.O.V.

I look at everyone in the room and ask if they have any suggestions. They look at me like they won the lottery. I figure if we are going to be a part of their family. We can all agree on three names. Luke throws out names of all kind of candy. North hits him on the back of the head and says you can't name a baby Hershey. Then Cory says, hey Poppet how about your dad's name? Not Stevens but your real dad. I say it in my head yeah Alex is a great name. So the oldest triplet is Alex Mason Colter. Colter is the last name I'm supposed to have. The guys look at me and say thee Colter. As in Colter the Alex Colter a.k.a the notorious Italian Mafia boss. Whose son was murdered in cold blood. I shake my head yes. The guys all look like there presents were just ripped away. I shake off the weird feeling and say I think for a girl name. We should call her Lilly Ann Colter. They all like the name. The last boy, I look over at my Hacker. I tell him I know that he is not his blood child. But could we name him Cory Mason Colter. Corey looks at me with tears in his eyes. Then he says he would love that. Thank you. I look at all my guys and tell them. That no matter who I am, I will always stay the same as I am. I really don't want to meet any part of my blood family. I tell them family is a choice. I made my choice. I faught tooth and nail to find this family. That I will never let them go.

Dr Sean clears his throat to get our attention. He tells me pookie I think we can finally fill out the birth certificates now. So I hand her the papers for her to fill out. She asks if one of us could help her. Mr Blackbourne takes the papers and asks Pookie, what name for her does she want listed. She starts to fidget with her hands. We notice she is starting to get stressed out. She keeps looking at Uncle like she wants to ask him a question. So Uncle walks over to Sang, and asks her what is wrong? Sang talks really fast. Iwaswonderingifwecouldtakethebtaylornameforourlastnameplease. Everyone looks at her and laughs, Luke tells her to slow it down. So we can understand her. I was wondering if we could take the taylor name for our last name please. With tears forming in Uncles eyes he tells her it would make him the happiest old man alive. My Pookie very excitedly says thank you to uncle. She grabs him and hugs him. When they share a few more words. Uncle gets up and lets Mr Blackbourne help finish the papers. So the first certificate says that Sang Melody Taylor gave birth to Alex Mason Taylor on October 14th 2023 at 1:54 pm. At the academy hospital. The second birth certificate said that Sang Melody Taylor gave birth to Corey Mason Taylor on October 14th 2023 at 1:55 pm. At the academy hospital. The third birth certificate said that Sang Melody Taylor gave birth to Lilly Ann Taylor on October 14th 2023 at 1:56 pm. At the academy hospital. After everything was filled out Sang rested a little while. Then she was going back to see the triplets. That's when the kids pediatrician came in the room. He explained to us that the boys were perfect, weight and all. Lilly Ann was a bit underweight but she is breathing on her own also. As he is telling us this I see that three of the guys snuck out when I was sleeping. Nathan, Victor, and Gabe they are bringing in my babies, and the stuff we need while we are still here. The pediatrician tells us that he is discharging the triplets and as soon as I can go home. We can all leave together. Dr Sean tells me that as long as I take an easy, and follow my discharge instructions. That we can all go home in the morning. I guess we get to go home kids I tell them. I can't wait to get all my babies back in one place. I am excited for tomorrow, but I have a fear of a what if. What if Volto finds out he has kids. Over my dead body will I let my babies come to any harm. That's when I get a thought. I turn to Mr Blackbourne and ask him if we could change my other two babies last name also. He said that they already have it in the process. He also tells me that we have full custody of little Luke. But Marie even though she is locked up. Wants to take her son away from Sang. Sang looks very frightened, Mr Blackbourne reassures her that she will not lose custody of her son. That our family has very powerful, and influential people in our corner. Sang starts to fall asleep, so Sean brings us all the sleeping bags. Sean thinks to himself I know none of us will be going home tonight. Well except Erica and Uncle.

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