Chapter 47 To Rescue or Not to Rescue

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When the doctor came to check up on Sang. I knew I would probably be beat for asking him to help us. But every time I begged him, he never told Volto. I guess Volto hurt Sang so bad that he knew without hospital care, she probably would not make it. So the doctor told Volto that he needed me to clean up all the blood in his office. The guard took me to the doctor's exam room. As I was cleaning up, the doctor told me. I can call anyone but academy members. So I told him I wanted to call my boyfriend. He could at least help me. So the first person I rang was Victor. I hoped to God he would answer me. No go, the call got declined. The doctor was looking more nervous. But he let me try again. This time I called Nate's phone. Again I got sent to a voicemail. The doctor grabbed the phone from me. I begged him one more try. Then I will never ask him again if I don't get through. He agreed to let me try one last time. I knew in my heart that Sang only had a little fight left in her. She was basically knocking on death's door. The last person I tried to call was Sean. The phone rang one time. He said hello Dr Sean Green speaking how can I help you. I took a deep breath and said hey baby how are you doing. I have not heard from you in awhile. I think my brother Sean figured out what I was doing. He said oh my God baby you have been gone over 6 months. I thought you left me. I told him to listen very hard. I told him that I needed him to go into my safe. The code is 2-3-2. I said all 9 letters needed to be sent soon. Or one of the letter would no longer be accepted. That that person would be cut from our family forever. Then I said that i was trying to get back home to him. Then the doctor grabbed the phone. Because Volto walked into the room. He told me that I did a good job cleaning all of Sangs blood off the floor. He then told the doctor, that he had an emergency meeting with the big wigs. That he was gone to make sure his dear and their seven children stayed safe. Then he left the room. I saw the phone light still on. So the phone never disconnected. I got a good feeling in my heart. I asked the doctor if he is close to Sang. Like she is his daughter, then why not help us leave while Volto is out. He thinks about this. Then tells me no. That the whole compound is heavily guarded. That we would never make it out. I asked him where we were at. He told me it don't matter if he tells me or not. That we would never make it out of this fortress. Then he said you know that old insane asylum just outside of Charleston in south Carolina. I said how does no one know we are here. He then says that Volto owns everyone even the Academy big wigs. Not all of them, but mostly all. I let a breath out when I see the call just disconnected. Thankfully Sean hung up in time. I now head back to my room. Waiting on our family to break us out of this place. I just hope they are fast enough.


Was that just Jessica, Kotas sister. I can't believe she was able to call us. Wait did she say my Pookie was alive. Then she gives me a code 2-3-2. I look at Kota and he is trying to figure the code out. Wait did she really say my Pookie is alive. Then she said something about fading fast. She must be delirious. Sang and the kids were cremated. Then Kota hold up a sign. It say 2 for little Luke and Melody. 3 for the triplets. The other 2 must be for Kevin and Blakes twins. Add that plus Jessica and Pookie. The total is 9. We get upset thinking the person in the room hung up the call. Then we hear Volto over the phone. He said Sangs name. If she was dead, why would he say Sangs name. Then he said to take care of his children also. Then we hear Volto leave the room. Then our smart sister gets the person in the room to tell her where they were exactly. Then we heard some more disturbing news. We found out that Volto has many connections, even in the academy. So it looks like it will be our team, Uncles team, the Anderson Team, and lastly the Williamson team.


I just got the best news of my life. My sister and My 10 (my new nickname for Sang for Kota) is alive. Along with the rest of our family. Now we had to make a plan and hit fast. Jess said Sang is fading fast. Does that mean she is dying.

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