Chapter 46 Ashley Waters Mission

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I hate this damn school. All the teachers need to be shot. Most of the students are criminals, or victims. It's been 6 long months and I have stopped so many people from being hurt. It seems like the students that come up missing are right after the football games. Some even at the after parties. I send a quick text to my brothers. Informing them what I just overheard. It looks like all of us are going to the game. Then some of us will be going to the after party.


God I really hate going to these damn after parties. But since we are the star players, we had to show our face. When Si and I arrived at the party. Everyone was mostly shit faced already. Danielle was all over us when she saw we showed up. She acted like she lost balance, and plopped down in Silas's lap. He has really quick reflexes. As soon as she sat down, Si pushed her off. She acted all hurt, but Si ignored her. I told him in Greek. Let's get something to drink. We saw all kinds of drugs going around. Especially the new drug. We saw Rockey slip a pill in a girl's drink. Si and I acted like we were playing and knocked into the girl's drink. It spilled all over. Si told the girl sorry. I was finally getting on my last nerve. Until Rockey and Mike went into a secret room. I texted Luke to check out the room. As soon as the two walked back out. Then Silas got the idea to start a game in the house. So we started to pass the football around. A lot of the football players were trying to show off to the chicks. So we were able to distract Rockey and Mike long enough for Luke to sneak into the secret room.


I got the sign to sneak into the room. When I snuck in I saw a ton of illegal shit going on. I had to stay in the shadows. Because there were a lot of people around. There were people making the drugs, then some was packing them up. Others were literally fucking each other. It seemed like an orgy going on. The next thing I saw was a shit ton of Automatic Rifles (ARs). They were packing them in crates. It looked like they were getting ready for a war. I told a few quick snapshots of everything. Then I snuck out the room the same way I came in. As soon as I was out I sent the pictures to the team chat. Everyone was shocked at what we found. Now we had to decide if we wanted to bust them fully here. Or wait for a better opportunity, to find out where mostly the girls taken too. We all came to the conclusion that we would have the academy handle this situation. We all left but North and Silas. We really hated leaving them behind. But we could not blow their cover as of just yet.

About 15 minutes later about 20 academy members busted up the party. They found the secret room. They were able to confiscate the guns and drugs. Plus they arrested everyone, including my brothers. I was kind of pissed off that Mr Blackbourne and Axel let them be arrested. I kept it to myself. But if I lose anymore of my family. I will go loco. All my brothers met up at home. Well except North and Silas. The plan was to get any of the football players to spill.


I can't believe that North and I got arrested. I know it's a fake arrest. But I still hate the feeling from it. I start to push my brother North around. Blaming him for what happened. Telling him I just wanted to stay home. Then he drags me to a party, that gets raided. I scream at him, my family is going to kill me. North gives back as much as I give him. The guys break us apart. Then Mike says chill dudes. Our boss will get the charges dropped real soon. I tell him he must have an important boss. Mike says yep he is the best. Rockey snacks Mike and tells him to shut his trap. Then Mike says come on dude. They got arrested with the rest of us. Then he says the one word I hate to hear. The one person I could kill with my bare hands. He says Rockey don't you think Volto would like to sign the star players up. The ones who all the girls want to date or just fuck. Rockey tells Mike to shut up, then he sits down. Like he is waiting on someone. After around 15 minutes, a guard is unlocking the door. Telling us that the DA has dropped all the charges. I tell Mike and Rockey that was awesome what they did. Rockey shakes his head, he grabs Mike. Then they walk to a silver limo. They get in and it drives away. I think to myself wow there are some big wigs that have their hands dirty in this shit. The next car that pulls up in Nate. We get in and go home wow did we get a lot of information today. When we arrived at the house none of my brothers were happy. Especially since he had his hands in all the illegal stuff going around. But more importantly he is the one who killed our family members. As we are all getting ready to explode. Victors phone starts to ring. We see it's from an unknown number. He really does not want to deal with his parents bullshit already. So he declines the call. The next person whose phone rings is Nathan's. Again it says unknown caller, Nate looks at the team leads. They tell him to answer his phone. But it rang to much and the caller hung up. The third person whose phone rings is Sean's. He answers it right away. Then he put it on speaker. He said hello Dr Sean Green speaking how can I help you.

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