Chapter 44 The Aftermath

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Corey's P.O.V.

I can't believe it's only been 3 month since our world was ripped apart. Not only did I lose my Poppet and kids. I just was able to meet my daughter I knew nothing about. I also claimed the rest of my babies. I just want to wake up from this nightmare that my life has become. I also have not seen my love Raven since everything went down. For two months my brothers and I have tried to help Kevin and Blake find his twins. Plus to kill Volto like he killed our family. Everyone has been at each other's throats. Each blaming the other for us being stupid. Why did we leave our hearts unprotected? How could we know what Volto was planning? How could he kill his own child. I have made the decision to leave the team. I am going to Russia to be with my love. I know with him by myself. I might be able to heal from this terrible tragedy. I know I will miss my twin brother Brandon. But he has also been withdrawing from us anyways. I have already sent my resignation letter to the Academy. Dr Roberts told me to go find myself, but he would not accept my letter. He said he will put me on medical leave, like he did Raven. Dr Roberts also told us we were too important to just let us slip away. That the Academy is my family also. I told him thank you and left his office. I also left an email for my brothers. Telling them I love them, but it's too hard being here with them, and Raven. I tell them in the letter I will keep in touch. I look up as I hear Flight 747 to Russia boarding now. I grab my backpack and go to the boarding zone.

6 months after
Owen Blackbourne P.O.V.

Losing Sang and the kids was like me losing my mother all over again. This mostly falls on Axel and myself. We were the team leaders. We were the ones to make sure everyone was safe. We failed our family. I have watched my family slowly breaking apart. There have been fights, and hateful words said to one another. The first to leave our family was Raven. Then the next ones were North, Luke, and Silas. They made a new academy team with North as team lead. The last I heard about them was that they have been taking the missions, that no one wanted. They risk their lives everyday. The next person was my best friend/brother
Sean. He stayed with the Academy, but as a doctor only. He never goes on missions anymore. He just over works himself. He even sleeps at the hospital also. We talk once a month, but never like we used too. His flirting and charmed side is now gone. I really want my best friend back. I myself have stopped doing missions for the Academy. Now I just sit around and think about the old days. I have had a few of my brothers stop by. I just ignore them and go into my deep depression mode. I no longer wear my suites. I sit around in sweats all day. Which I never would do. I look down when I hear my phone ring. It says Axel on the caller ID. I just let it go to voicemail. Then I turn the TV off, go upstairs to sleep.

8 months later

Axel Toma P.O.V.

It's been 8 months since we lost them. It was my job to protect them. My job to keep them safe. I will never forget watching the Williamson team carry the six of our loved ones out. Our babies were in such small body bags. I could not take it. I started to go hysterical and tried to fight my brothers. So I could go to them. After the service, I started to go downhill. I felt so guilty that I could not save them. I started to alienate from everyone. Everyone but Marc that is. He stayed by me through the hard part of our lives. Marc is the one who's is keeping me going. As the two of us are sitting down eating dinner. I get a call from an unknown caller. I let it ring, but Marc decides to answer the call. Marc starts talking to the person, which I found out that it was Mr Bubbles the Academy main boss. They talked for a few, then they hung up with each other. I asked Marc what the call was about. He told me that our Brothers Brandon and Nathan were on a mission. They were undercover to bust a drug ring. They got exposed from a person they had locked up. The person I'd them as the police. So they were beaten, shot, and left for dead. They were in an academy hospital in L.A. . They were in the ICU, barely alive. The Academy had the plane ready to take us there. We quickly got ready and headed to the airport.

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