Chapter 59 The Second Trial

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As the log cabin and the maze starts to disappear. Suddenly the three family members are in the emptyness. When North looks at his Sang baby and his brother Luke. He is trying to figure out who was the one to spend time in this empty place. As the three decide to start walking they come to a dead end. It has two arrows pointing away from each other. Then a voice comes from out of nowhere.

Unknown voice

The second trial you will have to do is live the mistake of others you love. Each one of you will have to go through the worst mistake you would have or did make. The test at the end is to see if you three hold the same love for each other. If you do, then you will make it to the next trial. If you don't, then you three will move on to your final resting place. The first one would be the decision of one Lucian Taylor. Lucian please choose a path to take. The path you choose could be your last.


This is crazy, is this what my brother and girlfriend have had to do while here. I know they made it through the last trial. I was told it was a huge one. They both were so out of it, they rested for a week. I decide to ask the voice a question, hoping that it will give me an answer. Can you give me a hint of what each path might lead too? When it tells me yes, it can give me and North a hint. But the last one for Sang, they would choose. When I look at both North and my cupcake. Cupcake grabs both are hands, then she tells the voice that she agrees. Then the voice tells me the left arrow leads to a door with you being 13 years old. The path to your right will lead to a door with you on a mission. That is all I can tell you. The voice says. So I decided to pick the path when I was 13 years old. So the three of us hold hands and walk through. We are basically watching the memory as it plays. It starts out with my brothers and I sitting in the Academy conference room. We have them all around the world. The one we are in now, was the one in West Virginia. Where we are all discussing the Volto mission. My brothers and I have tracked him to the small town of Wallace. We are discussing how to go further into our investigation. When we get an emergency call from Dr. Roberts. He explains to us that he needs our team to help on a survival mission. That a young teen looks to be severely beaten and malnourished. So we get the place she is, then we take off to find this poor, injured bird. When we get there, she is in a tree, at the very top. As I'm watching this I hear a small hurtful sound coming from cupcake. Then she squeezes my hand. Then she says something really quiet that I did not hear much of. But it sounded something like I knew it. Then my brother North tenses a bit. Then the memory resumes. When I look around all I see is trees. There are no houses or buildings close by. I wonder how they found this poor little bird. That's when I saw a few teenage boys holding some teenage girls while they sobbed. Then I overheard them tell the police that they were just hanging out when a few drops of blood fell in one of their faces. That when they looked up, they saw a body. That's when they decided to call 911. But since my brothers and I were working on the Volto case. This call was rerouted to the Academy. I looked at my brothers Mr Blackbourne and Sean, asking them if they wanted me to climb up and help her. They both gave me a nod, telling me to be careful. Then up I went. The tree was a pretty good size. When I got half way up I started seeing more of her blood. When I got close by, she looked like she was dead. I said a quick prayer for her. Then I slowly put her on my back in the harness. Then I slowly made it down the tree. When I got her down, Sean helped me get her off my back. Sean had the same expression on his face. That it's too late for her. But when we slowly laid her down. We heard a very quiet whimper. I looked at Sean, he looked at me. Then he started to help her out. He noticed she needed blood Stat. So he grabbed Mr Blackbourne since he was O negative. Then he piggybacked the IV to draw from Owen to give to the young girl. We quickly got her in the back of the ambulance. My brother Raven took over. When Mr Blackbourne told Raven to drive like the Russians do. He drove like a bat out of hell. When we got to the hospital the young girl kept going in and out of consciousness. Her eyes were swollen so badly. That Sean put gauze over them, to keep the light out. Then him and Dr Roberts started surgery on her right away. My brothers and I stayed by her side until she woke up a few weeks later. The whole time we were there no one reported her missing, or visited her. When she finally woke up. She got really frightened. When she felt her body wrapped up in nothing but bandages. My brothers and I got to know her some. She kind of reminded me of my cupcake.

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