Chapter 45 Jessica's Fate

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When I wake up I'm in another room. I start to look around. Ok I know I am dead. Because I am seeing Angels right now. When 2 of the little angels see I woke up. They run to me screaming and crying auntie Jessica we have missed you. I wrap my arms around them crying. I pick both my niece and nephew up. Then I walk up to my sister. How are you alive I ask her. She looks at me and tells me she is so sorry, he caught her. I tell her I'm ok. Let me just enjoy my family again. I then see the triplets playing in a play pen. There are also two twins playing with them also. I look at Sang with questions of who are the two twins. She tells me they are also the kids to my brothers also. That Kevin or Blake is their dad.
I hold off the rest of the questions until the kids are asleep. I look at Sang, she has bruises and cuts all over her body. I also noticed she is extremely underweight. The kids all look like they have been taken care of. Mel grabs my hand with Little Luke. They ask me to tell them a story of their daddies. I want to cry for all my nieces and nephews. How could someone take someone's family. Fake their death, and make them suffer like they are. I tuck the kids in their bed. Or should I say a torn blanket on the floor. Then I started to tell them a story when Kota and I were kids. Then how we met the rest of their daddies. As I'm telling the kids this memory I have. I see the man, he is not wearing a white mask anymore. He had a few men with him. I guess it's for his safety because 5 infants, 2 toddlers, and 2 teenagers could beat him down. He looks at me with Mel and Luke. The kids look really scared of him. I grab and hug them. Trying to make them feel a little better. Then Sang says is it already time Volto? He says yes my dear it is. When he calls her his dear. Sang looks like she wants to throw up. He grabs her and takes her from the room. Sang stops and tells me where everything for the kids is at. Let them sleep as long as they want too. Then she is pulled out of the room. You could see the tears in her eyes, that she tries to hide.


How do you like your surprise my dear. She looks like she wants to kill me. I told her if she keeps denying what I want. I will keep taking people from her chosen family that she loves. She screams at me to take Jessica back home. She tells me she will do anything. Just take her and the children back. I have to remind her that everyone thinks the 6 of them are dead.

Sang Taylor
He then shows me pictures of all my chosen family. He tells me to do as he says and behave myself. I feel my strength leave my body. I tell Volto that I will do as he says as long as he leaves the rest of them alone. I feel sorry for Jess. He tells me that he brought Jessica to help me out with the kids. He wants me to raise the kids in his image. It makes me sick of what he wants my children to do. I pray my family will find us before Volto could corrupt my children. Yes I claim the twins. I feel a connection to them, just as much as I do myself. It's funny that Volto always says the twins are also my biological children. How could that be, when their mom is that nasty bitch Kali. Their dads are also two of the brothers I have never gotten the chance to meet yet. As soon as we arrived here at this prison. Volto had his doctor do a DNA test on my triplets. He found out he is indeed their dad. He also found out Luke is his son also. That made me feel shocked. He also found out he is not Melodys dad. He beat me until I told him Corey is her dad. He told me that's fine. I will still raise them as our kids. He takes me to the special dungeon. My heart sank when it hit me that tonight was going to be such a painful night. I still have marks from the last time in this room. I know that I have to stay alive for my children, and now Jess.


I grab my loves hand and drag her to the St Andrews cross.

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