Chapter 34 Home at Last

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Dr Sean Green P.O.V.

I felt bad having to wake my pookie up so she could pump and dump. She looked like she wanted to cry, because right now she can't breast feed them. I tell her just a few more weeks. She looks at me and then down at Lilly and you could see the love in Sangs eyes. Even though Lilly was the smallest, she ate more than her brothers. It was weird the boys would wake up as soon as we picked Lilly up. They were her protector, even at their young age. After Lilly eats we place her back with her brothers. Then the three of them fall back asleep. I know my pookie is going to need all the help she can get. She is 17 years old, and already has 5 children to take care of. I look at the clock and see it is already 7am. I tell pookie that Gabe has put the clothes he picked for her in the bathroom. I ask her if she needs help. She tells me she thinks she will be ok. Although she will still keep the door slightly cracked open. That she will call us if we need her. As I turn to leave I catch a slight glimpse in the mirror in the room. It shows Pookies naked back side. I start to feel my pants tighten in the front some. Owen looks at me, and he smirks. Just my luck Owen wakes up just in time to see my problem. He asks me, Sean, I think you have a small problem it may seem. I say ha ha ha Owen real original.

Narrator P.O.V.

By this time all the boys are waking up. Wondering what it is we are talking about. Sean walks over to the mirror and throws a blanket over it. He says it is no concern to them. So the boys start to pick all the sleeping bags up and organize the room. Gabe gets a call from uncle. He tells Gabe that he needs to grab about 6 of the guys to go get the rooms and house ready for Sang and the kids. So Gabe grabs Silas, North, Mark, Corey, Nate, and Raven. He also tells Axel that the car seats and stuff the babies need is in the closet in the room. Then the 7 guys turn around and leave. When Sang gets out of the Shower, she dries off and gets dressed. When she steps out of the bathroom. She notices the babies all have very cute clothes on to go home in.

 She notices the babies all have very cute clothes on to go home in

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They are so adorable in their thing 1,2,and 3 alfits. Then Sean also shows me his phone of pictures of the kids. To see which ones I chose.

For Alex and Corey

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For Alex and Corey

For Alex and Corey

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For Lilly Ann

Sangs P.O.V.

I love them all. I tell the guys that are still here to choose for me. The guys help me get the kids in their car seats. That's when my siblings and their dad walk in. My sister looks at me, then them, and says I thought someone was joking with us. Then she quietly screams O.M.G. I'm an auntie. My brothers are all looking like they are proud uncles. I then remember what I was told. I tell my siblings that we need to talk. If it's ok if everyone else can leave the room please. William asks me if I want him to leave also. I ask my siblings and they tell me he is also our true brother, from another mother. I laugh at that. Boy it felt good to laugh again. I am starting to feel like I can live again.

I then go into explaining to my siblings who our family actually is. I tell them our last name is Colter. They all looked shocked. I tell them I'm happy with them and the family u have right now. I do not want to get to meet my blood family that has real blood on their hands. I don't want to have my kids grow up in the Mafia. They would be ones to take over after my grandfather stepped down. Or my brother Zamir could. The 4 of us finally agree on one good thing. None of us wants to be a part of the crime family. We then talk about everything we have missed with each other. I tell them I'm being sprung from this place today. My siblings tell me that they have my room all ready for me. We still have to build a nursery. But with my brothers and the guys it should not take too long. I explain to my siblings, trying not to hurt their feelings, that the kids and I are moving in with the Taylors. They also found out they are Auntie and Uncles to 5 kids, not three. They were shocked again. I told them once everything calms down we can all sit and talk more. I would also love to have sleepovers with them, and the 6 of us. They were happy about that. When we were all hugging I hear Gabe outside my door. Open up Trouble we need to get a move on. My siblings and I shake our heads. Then laugh, I tell him Meanie I'm just taking a few minutes with my siblings. He tells me I'm not Meanie. I tell him like I did before, that if I'm Trouble then he is my Meanie. He laughs then him and the guys grab all our stuff to take it down to the car. Dr Sean and Dr Roberts walk in, they have my discharge papers for me to sign. Dr Roberts tells me that the 6 of us are always welcome at his house. His home is always our home. That he would love to become a father, and grandfather to us. I tell him I will like that. But one of his kids has already left the nest. He is glad I'm going to be Staying with the Taylors. Dr Roberts gives me a kiss on the cheek. Then he tells me to call him if I need him. Or if I just want to talk. Then my siblings and Dr Roberts leave the room. Dr Sean makes me sit in a wheelchair. Then Gabe grabs Corey, Lukie grabs Lilly, and Victor grabs Alex. Then we all head out of the hospital ready to start our new lives.

Narrator P.O.V.

As Sang and her guys load up in the vehicles. Sang thinks she sees a man in a mask watching her. When she looks to see if the kids are all secured in. She looks for the man again. This time the man has already left. Axel notices the way Ms Taylor is looking at an empty bus stop. She then shakes her head and looks away. Axel asks her what is wrong. She tells him that she thought she saw a man in a mask. When she looked away, then back again he was gone. Axel sends a look to Corey and Victor, the technology part of the team. The tell him through silent communication they are already getting the traffic cameras footage. They all start to drive to the Taylors home. Each driver making sure no one is following them. When they get to the house, Sangs mouth drops open, she says wow it so big. Then Luke says that's what she said. North smacks his in the back of the head. I guess Lukies joke passed right over me. I guess my ears are to virgin to understand certain things. I ask the guys what the saying meant. I get Dr Sean shaking his head. He tells me oh pookie you are way to innocent for us group of guys. Then Gabe says we will corrupt you one way or another. We all laugh as we walk into the house.

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