Chapter 43 The Reveal

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Narrator P.O.V.

Both teams sit down to have the meeting. Each one of the 19 people in the meeting are really nervous. The BlackbourneToma team are worried how the Andersons are going to take the new information. The Anderson team are wondering what the BlackbourneToma going to tell them. Corey and Victor start to set the equipment up. The equipment will Jam any bugs or signals from listening in, or watching us. After a few minutes they look at Axel and tell him it's safe.

Axel P.O.V.

I take a deep breath and just start telling them what they need to know. Maybe this new information will help them find Volto. I know that once he is found. He will probably not live to see the next day. That is fine by us. We don't want him around our triplet's. We are the only dad those babies will ever know. Sang said that she will probably tell them, but when they are much older. Some of us agreed too. Some of us did not agree to tell them.

Ok what I'm going to say needs to stay here. No other team should find out about this. The way we found out this information, is because it affects us all. It's about your case you guys are on. The Volto case. The Andersons look at each other and are highly anxious to find out more. Some of the BlackbourneToma team don't even know yet. So everyone is really anxious for the meeting. Yesterday we were sitting down eating dinner. When Coreys fake work phone went off. We did not want to interrupt our family dinner. So we let the call go to voicemail. The reason for this is the only ones that knew that number was our team. This phone was made up from an idea from Victor. It was in case any of us were in trouble, we were to use this number. So we figured it was the wrong number. As we started eating again. A text came through the phone. I grabbed my phone and showed him the text.

(Text message you probably already red. In the bad guys chapter.)
Blake: hey are you guys still open. We got your number from a few guys.

Computer repair: yes we are. Sorry the phone has been dropping people's calls.

Blake: aren't you a real business? What does that tell us customers. I'm sorry maybe we should call another company.

Computer repair: No we're fine. We just have been busy and stuff. What seems to be the problem.

Blake: my laptop keeps shutting down on me. It takes a picture, then shuts down.

Computer repair: yeah it sounds like you might have a bug or something.

Blake: when can you come by and fix it.

Computer repair: can't you just bring it down here to my shop.

Blake: Sorry no can do. I thought I was told you make house calls. If not I'm sorry to bother you.

Blake goes to hang up. Playing the part

Computer repair: No wait. I squeeze you in. What's your address.

Blake: 12345 Coleman st.

Computer repair: That's only 10 minutes from us. I can fit you in in about half an hour. I will be with two other people.

Blake: Wait why do I need 3 people to fix a laptop.

Computer repair: Nope they are just training with me. They have been my shadow for a while now. So they can also do house calls.

Blake: I guess that's fine. Ok see you soon.

Computer repair: Um sorry what did you say your name was?

Blake: I didn't. Good bye

After the Anderson team read the text messages. They were a little intrigued. So I continued the meeting. We made sure that 3 of us went. I was one of the ones. The other 2 people that went were Owen and Corey. When we got to the apartment. You could tell the place was run down. There were druggies on the corners, and drunks everywhere. Finally we found the right place. When the two people opened the door, we got the shock of our lives. The two people who answered the door were our long lost brothers, Blake and Kevin. I knew by the looks now, the Anderson team was concentrating on my words. I explained to them what Kevin and Blake told us. Plus how Volto had Sangs stepmother, and sister released from jail. By taking the judges family, and threatening him. Telling him his family will be tortured to death, or get the Sorensons case thrown out. But the people the judge hired was our brothers. Hearing this the Anderson team was pissed off. They have seen first hand what those two monsters have done to their new family. I then told them about Kali and that she claimed she was attacked. She was beaten so badly, that she had a miscarriage. Also that the baby was from one of our brothers. The Anderson team gave us their condolences. I told them to hold on, that we looked into the attack. So far no case files were found to say she was even pregnant. Then I told them what my 2 brothers said. That if we want to find Volto, follow Kali when she leaves their place.

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