Chapter 31 Sangs Past Finds Her

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Dr Sean Green P.O.V.

After a few minutes of watching my brothers, and our family. I am brought out of my thoughts. When I remember it's time to wake my Pookie up. How am I going to tell her, that she has 3 more babies now. I don't even think she knows she was even pregnant. I explain to everyone (mostly Uncle since he is in charge of her medical decisions). That we are going to bring Sang out of her medical induced coma. They all look at me with hope in her eyes. So I walk over to her bed. Then grab the syringe that holds the medicine to bring her out of her sleep. I inject it through her IV. Now I tell them like before. Now we wait for her to wake up. It's on her now. As soon as I say this I hear a sweet angelic voice behind me. Asking me what happened, and why is she in a lot of pain? I tell her I can give her something for the pain. First she needs to hear me out. I ask her if she wants everyone to leave. Or does she care if they all know her medical conditions. Plus some hard to explain things. This sweet girl looks at everyone in the room. She smiles at everyone, and says you all are my family now! Right? We all tell her yes. Then she says very quietly until you know what happened to me. Then you will all leave me like everyone else has. Plus you will think I'm a nut case. She looks down at her hands picking at her fingers. She does this or bites her lip when she gets worried. Then the person I never thought to hear from. My best friend of 15 years Owen. He walks over to Pookie, he lifts her chin. Then tells her nothing she can do or say. Will make her leave us. Unless she tells us to get lost. Pookie starts crying, saying how we can be so nice to her when the people who raised her were monsters.

I have to take the floor again. Then I ask again if she wants anyone in the room to leave. She said she rather tells all of us at once. So she did not have to repeat her self multiple times. Corey and Luke got up and sat on each side Pookie. They help her hands for support. I asked her if she wanted to talk first, or for me to start. She explained that she wanted to say her part first.

Sangs P.O.V.

(Sangs says in her mind first) Wow I must really trust these people. I'm just so scared how they will react to what I have to tell them. I have a feeling why my mom explained what happened to me. I know in my heart Volto raped me again, then got me pregnant again. I know they accept little Luke and Melody. Will they accept another one of Voltos children. I know they hate the man. Cory and his brothers have been wanting to find him for years now. I take a deep breath and talk.

I know you guys know about what happened to me. Some of you have seen my scars. What I went through actually started out before I was born. Please don't stop me until I'm finished. It is taking everything out of me to explain this. If you don't believe what I tell you. You can speak to Dr. Roberts he was there. He actually was the one to deliver myself and my siblings.

It all starts out with my Mom Melody and my real dad Alex. I will explain to you how I found out. It's strange, but in my heart. I know it's the honest truth. When my mom was 16 years old. She had a boyfriend, that for a while had a rocky relationship. So she was spending her time alone. She loved to walk in the woods like I do. (I can feel the tears in my eyes. I fight them trying to not let them see me as a weak nobody). Well her Uncle Steven seen how she loved to walk in the woods alone. He watched her a few weeks. Then one day when she had a fight with Alex. She took off and ran to her favorite spot in the woods. Steven decided to follow her. My mom was 16 years old when she was raped by him. He threatened if she said anything. He would kill everyone she loved. So she kept quiet. Then one day she had enough of it all. Her and Alex ran away together. They were happy. They found out mom was pregnant with me. The timing was perfect i was Alex's. Well one day Steven finally found my parents. He shot Alex two times. Once in the head, the other in his chest. Then he grabbed my mom. He carried her, with her fighting him all the way to his car. He grabbed a bottle of stuff, dumped it on a rag. Then covered my mom's nose and mouth with it. She fell unconscious. When my mom woke up she was in a basement. She did not recognize the place. She then heard Dr Roberts talking to Steven. He was telling Steven how far along my mom was. Then Steven told Dr Roberts to induce my mom. He told him if his daughter could live. Do it now. He wanted his wife and him to raise the baby. Dr Roberts had no choice. He knew mom was pregnant with 3 kids. He hid 2 of us, before Steven could see us. Then he told my mom that he will make sure, that all of her kids grow up happy. He was able to do that for my brother and sister.

Then I jump a few years to when and why my supposed dad left us. Then how Christy and Marie turned into evil bitches. How they tortured me. Then how my Christy ex-boyfriend ended up raping me. Then meeting the Toma Team. I explained to them how the kids were born. Then I explained my last vision. The one where Marie was paid by Volto, so he could take advantage of me again. Then he made sure I would not remember it. With tears in my eyes. I turn twords Dr Sean and tell him. That I think I need a pregnancy test. He looks at me very worried and tells me I'm not pregnant right now. I tell them I'm done. I could see my story affected everyone in the room. I look and see Raven is on the phone talking to his dad. I can understand a lot of what he is telling him. I look at Kotas and see he is counting to try and calm down. Others are doing what they need to calm themselves.

Dr Sean Green P.O.V.

I look at my pookie and tell her thank you for telling us. We all know you have had a hard life. Well we also have some news for you. After we found out you slept with Corey around the same time you got pregnant. We decided to do a paternity test. To see if he is Mel's dad. It turns out, our dear pookie that Corey is Mel's dad after all. Sang looks like a big weight has been taking off her shoulders. I really don't want to put it back on. She has the right to know. She also has the right to see her beautiful babies. They also need names soon. I look at my pookie and tell her everything. How she almost hemorrhaged to death. Then how she delivered 3 angels. She looks at me like I was lieing to her. I asked if she wanted to see them. She looked up crying and saying. OMG yes, I can't punish them by who their dad is. Or how they were conceived. Victor walks over to me, giving me a big hug. He tells me princess we all 14 want to look after you and the kids. We want to be the only father they will ever know. We would also like for you to move into uncles house. North and Lukie live with him. We want to buy a house big enough for all of us, or even build one. My mouth dropped open from the shock. Marc looks at me and says honey, I think you need to close your mouth. You might get a bug to fly in it. I close my mouth fast. My cheeks were so red. Plus they were extremely hot. I look at each of the 14 men in this room. I tell them I think we should start dating first. I ask them if we can talk about that when I'm discharged. Then I say ok take me to my new bundles of joy. I call the nurse, then tell her to bring a wheelchair to Sang's room. The nurse was pretty fast. We helped pookie sit. Then we were on our way to see our little miracles.

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