Chapter 23 Sang or Poppet

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Axel P.O.V.

After talking to Owen, the guys and I all decided that saying needed her rest. So we were all meeting back at home instead. When we got to the mansion everyone was home, but Gabe and Silas. We were told that saying has been having nightmares every night. That when she was home she slept with both of her kids. Which helped the nightmare stay away. So she does not like to sleep alone. I wondered to myself how long this bird has been tortured by her own family. Every one of us and our team has had some family abuse. A few of us have had where our parents abused us. A few of us have had our parents abused each other. Two of us, no longer has parents, due to domestic abuse. There are many different types of abuse, being mental, physical, and against a loved one. From what I have been told, and have seen for myself. That this poor bird has been through more than any of us combined. When we were told by her two kids that she was hurt. We never expected to see what we did that night. That night will probably haunt my dreams for a very long time. As my thoughts start running away, I think to myself that this little firecracker is going to be trouble for us. I don't know if it's good trouble, or bad trouble. I am trying to decide which one it was going to be. When I hear North say that they heard somebody pulling into the driveway. Corey jumps up grabs his computer and looks at the camera. He tells us it is Jessica. So we open the door to letter in. We noticed that there were two kids in her arms. They were crying so bad that their eyes were red, and their noses were running and red also. Jessica said that the kids are wanting their mom. When she told them that she was still in the hospital resting. That they wanted to come here instead. When we had all heard this, Nathan and Victor jumps up and grabs both kids. Jessica gives us all a hug, and then she goes home. That's when Marc says why don't we have a sleepover in the theater room. Both kids eyes light up at the mention of a sleepover. So we all jump up grabbing pillows, blankets, and snacks to get this sleepover started. When we ask the kids what they wanted to watch for a movie. They both look up and ask us if we have any Disney movies. The kids tell us that they have been wanting to see Aladdin since their mother would tell them stories. We said yes we could watch it. Victor orders it and they all watch it together. Did kids tell them that this is one of the happiest times I've ever had. Which they all of a sudden got upset. When Sean asked them what was wrong. They said they felt bad that they were having a good time. When their mommy was hurt and locked up in the hospital. Brandon looks at both kids, and tries to calm them down. He tells them, that their mom is not alone. That if they look around, they will notice that Gabe and Silas are not with them right now. The reason for this is, they're having their own sleepover with their mom Sang. Both kids do look around, and notice the two guys are gone. So they get excited again and start watching the show. It was so cute to see the kids try and sing along with the songs. I did a look at all the guys, and they looked at me. We silently agreed, that these kids would be ours, along with their mother. Even if their mother only wants to be friends. They will be forever our family. Because family is a choice. And family always comes first. The Academy comes second.

As everyone is watching the movie, we all get the shock of our lives. Little Mel walks over to Raven, puts her hands up. To get him to pick her up. When Raven picks her up she cuddles into him like he is her big teddy bear. It was so cute to see, the biggest guy here. Holding the smallest one here.

Corey's point of view

When I see the kids cuddling into the guys. It makes me realize that we have already bonded with the children. I think to myself maybe I could accept their mother. From what the guys tell me, she is a sweet and caring girl. She is also a strong one. It sounds kind of like how my Poppet was. I start to wonder myself if I'm chasing a dream. Yes I had good times, and some serious times with poppet. But it is so hard to find a ghost. I really want to make sure she is safe. She is the only one that has ever slipped through my team's hands. I think it still bothers everyone to this day. They did not understand how her situation was until after I told them. When we were getting ready to take her, it was already too late. I mean I don't even know if she's even still alive. Is it fair to be the one to break up a team (family) over someone I don't even know if I'll see you again. Is it wrong for me to make my family wait to be whole again? When Luke was asked if we found pop it before he found his Sang, would he give her up. He told me he would try, but will always try. He would still want to find Sang, just to make sure she was safe. I wonder if I could be as strong as Luke. Should I give this little bird a chance. Am I ready to be a father, because she already has kids. Don't get me wrong they are wonderful children. They have been through a lot also. These two kids and Sang will need everyone in their corner. I finally decided, I want to give Sang and I a chance. It's the least I could do for my family. When I look up, I see the movie is over. Then in fact I'm the only one awake. Mel is cuddled with Raven. Little Luke is cuddled with Mr Blackbourne. I look at the clock and notice that it's 6:00 a.m. . Where has all the time gone? I nudge Raven very quietly to wake him up. I asked him if he would go to the hospital with me to visit Sang. He says yes, and starts to put Mel in Nate's lap. I guess the light sleeper that Mel is, has also woken up. She wants to come with us. We both said it was ok. I tell Raven to ask Axel, Brandon, and Marc if they also want to come along. They all agree, so we write a note to the others. Then head up to the hospital with Mel. I wondered to myself, if I will see what everyone sees in this bird. If I can do what Luke was going to do. And accept his bird and let mine go. Even though I still want to find her to make sure she's safe. So we all pile into our SUV, like Mel and her child seat. Yes both kids have child seats. That's just what Gabe does. They even have their own room decorated how they want it. And they have many toys and games to play with. I guess they will be staying with us now. Unless we need to go on an assignment. And their mother still in the hospital.

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