Chapter 39 The Bitch Kali

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Kali P.O.V.

After I left Voltos compound, I drove straight to the clinic. I paid the man at the desk. After a few minutes an old lady called my name. I followed the lady to my room. After she got some of my history. She led me out of the room. She took my weight, then did some blood draws. I could tell this place was run down. I guess that's what I get for getting an illegal abortion. I was led back to my room. The doctor walks in soon after. He hooks me up to an ultrasound machine. He tells me he needs to see how far I am. Plus how big the mistake is. I find that part funny. When he finally turns on the screen. I see the shape of a baby. It even has a heart beat. He tells me I'm far enough along, that he could tell me the sex of the mistake. I look at him and scream at him, just get the procedure over with. I tell him. He says as I was saying you are much further along. It will be another 5k from what we discussed. I handed him the money. Then he called the lady back in. Then she assisted him with the procedure. After everything was done. The doctor said I will be sore for a few days. I said ok and then left. I went back to Voltos compound and rested there. Even though the two guys kept calling me. I know they are worried. But can they let a female rest after a hospital visit. I mean damn. I finally get enough of their pestering that I drive to their apartment. When I get there. All hell breaks lose. I told them I was attacked and lost the baby. I give them a big sob story. Just because they had the nerve to scream at me. I then tell them, I'm going to my brother's Will house. Then I left. I don't want to be around sad, and depressed people. I will give them time to come to accept what happened. Then I will go back to them. Until then I head to Voltos compound. I call Rocky up and tell him I want to have some fun tonight. He meets me in my room, with some new drugs going around. And we get lost in our minds. That shit was so strong. I loved it. It was just what I needed. Rocky and I fucked all night long. When the drug wore off, we took another dose. I can tell you that was one of my best fucks I have had in years. I finally pass out from everything, dreaming of a poly relationship with everyone, even Rocky. A girl can dream.

Axels P.O.V.

When my 2 lost brothers opened the door I was speechless. I knew the procedure. Act professional. I did not want to ruin 2 years of undercover work for them. Our 2 brothers Kevin, and Blake took this mission. So the families favors would be paid off and have more to use. Because of them, my brothers and I graduated from the academy. When we got in the room. I say Kevin hook the jammer up that Cory made. Then we were free to talk. Cory even had a freeze on any cameras close by. I grabbed both my brothers a gave them big hugs. I was in tears because I felt complete again. I told him wow, we have so much to talk about. We told them about little Luke and Melody. Then we told them about the triplets. Then we told them all about Sang. My brothers told us they were happy for us. We told them they are his family too. We then showed him pictures of everyone. Then Owen asked them. What was so messed up that they needed us to meet. First they explained everything from the last mission. Let me tell you I was pissed. Not at them, but the judge. They told us they put everything in the storage unit in Lincoln. Then I saw how Blake was really quiet all of a sudden. We sat back down. Then the two of them talked about Kali and what happened to her. Also how they lost their unborn child. We grabbed our brothers as they cried for the loss of our child. We also felt the same loss as them. Because we always accepted that no matter who fathers a child. We will all be his or her dad. Then they asked us to look into everything that Kali told him. They felt they she was hiding something from them. I guess we were here long enough for a repair man. So the three of us got up and left. Wow did we have a lot to talk about at the family meeting tonight. This is going to blow everyones minds like it did ours.

When we walked in the door. I noticed some of the family missing. Victor told me that Jessica broke down. So North and Brandon went to help her. Plus bring the kids home. I can't wait to see little Luke and Mel again. Our brothers are curious about what was going on with the decoy call. We explained to them, that there will be a family meeting tonight when everyone gets here. I see Owen texting probably Sean. To let him know about the family meeting tonight. Marc comes up to me and tells me to come sit down with everyone. I did not notice that I had tears running down my face. I look over at Cory and notice he is the same as I am. Owen is the only person still holding it sort of together. I know that this is going to affect all of my brothers. And we will all get to the bottom of this. As I sit down I look at Raven, he is holding Cory his love. As he cries on his shoulder. Raven looks like he wants to kill the person who hurt his love. After a while I hear a car pull up in the drive way. I noticed that it's Brandon and North. But he has the kids and Jessica with him. When Jessica walks in. She takes one look at takes the kids to the movie room. Brandon runs over to check on his blood brother. Then Norths voice booms out. What the fuck happened to make you three this bad off. As he says this, Sean walks in the house. He sees Owen and comforts him also. I look up at Owen. He silently agrees. Everyone is here, let's begin the family meeting. I say out loud. The family looks at everyone and agrees. Marc is sitting by me. Cory is sitting with Raven, and Owen is sitting with Sean. I guess I'm the one starting the meeting. Since Owen looks like a lost puppy right now. This even has Sean worried about what I'm going to tell them next. I ask my brothers to please not to interrupt me. That I'm having a lot of trouble getting this out. As I say this Cory speaks first and says, even when you hear our two brothers names. Please be quiet. I see most of them looking at each other. Wondering which two we are talking about. That's when I tell them, stop looking to see who it's about. The two are not in this room. But they are still our true brothers. That's when Luke speaks up, he says Kevin and Blake. It is them what happened to them. Why are you three so shook up over this. Talk now or I'm going to be worse then Raven and North.


I wonder how the rest of the guys will take the meeting. When they find out about the judge, their brothers, and the baby they will never get to hold. Will all of them mourn the baby. Will any of them go off the deep end. I guess the next chapter will tell us. I don't even know yet since it is not written yet.

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