Chapter 54 Alone & Suffering

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It's been about a month since I was able to find a way to stop my pain. I am currently in a family meeting. We are all discussing how there has been no more Volto sightings. He has not tried to harm anyone. It has also been only three months since we last spoke together. I think he is holding the end of his deal. I just hope that he does not take it so hard. When I break my side. I have seen the outcome sticking to the deal. I don't want that. I never want that. I am brought out of my thoughts when Meanie asks if I'm ok. Apparently they have been trying to talk to me awhile now. I tell them I'm sorry, I just got lost in my mind. Owen asks if I want to talk about it. Because it helps to share your feelings. I tell them no, it was just a day dream. I can tell he wants to believe me. But I see it in his eyes that he doesn't.

I quickly excuse myself, telling them I want to take a bath. Then take a little nap. They all give me a kiss on the cheek or forehead. I miss my Northstar kisses. He still has not woke up yet. When I get to my room. I go into my bathroom. I start the water to take a nice hit bath. I look in the mirror, and I have the person staring back at me. She is a liar, and I can't look at her. I grab the Razer tapped in my hiding spot behind the cabinet. I sit down in front of the door. Just so no one can come in here. I tell myself I do this so I can face my family. So I can hide all my pain. Even with my family here with me I still feel all alone. Sometimes I wish someone would find out what I'm doing. Maybe then I would not face what I'm doing alone. I slowly take my shirt off. I notice all the scars on my arms. They are the result of me being alone. I take the razer and cut a few lines again. One of them accidentally went a little deeper then the last time. I grab the tissue and hold it on the cuts till the bleeding slows down. When it finally slows down. I grab the peroxide and clean it up. I then get up to sit in the bath I made. I must have been in here awhile. Because I hear a knock on my door. Then I hear Trouble can I come in and wash your hair. Gabe has seen me naked. Since he has helped me out already. I have to think quick of something, so he don't come in. I tell him I already washed it so I'm fine already. I can hear the hurt in his voice. From me basically telling him no. I really hate hurting my family like I am. A few minutes later I hear a quiet tapping. I know it's my baby Mel. She wants to take a bath with me. I see the bleeding has stopped. So I tell her it's fine to come in. She has Luke unlock the door. Then she runs in and literally jumps in the tub. I help her wash up, hair and body. Then we just sit talking and joking until the water goes cold. So I let the water out of the tub. I quickly get dressed. Then I notice Meanie must have put Mel's clothes on my bed. So I help her get dressed. I hollar for Meanie to help me with my hair. I see him smile a little. But I can tell him not knowing what I'm hiding is hurting him. He takes his time on my hair. He dries it, then he puts it in a cute messy bun. Then he does the same with Mel's hair. When I go to give him a quick peck on the cheek. He turns to say something to Mel as she leaves the room. That's when our lips collide. We both don't want to miss the opportunity. So I kiss him longer. When he bites my bottom lip softly. I gasp, that's when he uses the opportunity to slip his tongue in. Our tongues fight for dominance. I give in like the sub I am. So he takes over. I let a quiet moan escape my mouth. I can literally feel him smile. I get a feeling in my clit, it just wants to be touched. Meanie lays me down on the bed slowly. Still kissing me. He starts kissing my neck. When he hits a certain spot I moan again. I also feel him down there. He is hard as can be. But I also notice he is huge down there also. His hands start roaming under my shirt. At this time I am seeing stars. I just want him to take me and use me for his pleasure already. He looks in my eyes asking if he could feel my breasts. I give him a nod. He tells me Trouble I need words. So I quickly find my voice and tell him yes. So he lets his hands go higher. When I feel his hands on my breasts. I know I want him here and now. When he starts pinching the nipples, I'm basically a moaning mess. It gets better when he bites the nipple. Then licks it to feel better. The pain and the pleasure I feel is beyond me. As he is sucking on my nipples, his hand starts to go lower. When he hits an area under my belly button. I feel a shock of something hit my body. When he sees what happened. He does it again. With him doing that he gave me a major orgasm. When he did not even touch me down there. He starts to go lower we get interrupted by LJ. We quickly both get up and fix ourselves. Well as best as we can. Which I'm feeling all hot and bothered.

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