Chapter Two

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Luke Taylor P.O.V

I can't believe my best friend would up and leave like that. Why would her parents split up. They look like they were a very happy family. I was so happy that she did not have the eyes of pain. She had happy, loving, sparkly eyes. My eyes were sad, haunted eyes except when I was with Sang. She was the light to my darkness. I asked my uncle if he could look into what happened to her. He works for the Academy. It is a secret organization that takes all the crimes regular cops can't solve. Like taking down human trafficking, or Gangs, and drugs. They also work with small individuals to get kids away from abuse. Or spouses away from domestic abuse. There is no job too big, or a job too small that the Academy won't solve.

My Uncle was the one who stepped in for me. when my dad just up and left my mom when she was pregnant with me. When my mom gave birth to me, she gave me to my dad's brother, because she said she was not in her right mind to take care of a child. My Uncle raised me to believe that all my dreams can come true. I soon became a day dreamer always wanting to find my best friend. I always dreamed about Sang and I growing up together. So why couldn't this dream come true. The only dream I would fight to be true, was far away from me. I was Sangs Lukie and I will always be that to her.

When my uncle was trying to find out what happened. Sangs mom sold the house, then they left the state. My uncle was so upset he could not do anything. They had left in the middle of the night. I guess I will never know especially since we are also moving to a new state. It's called South carolina. My uncle was transferred to that Academy branch. It's been only 2 years since she left. She took a piece of my heart with her. I wonder if the stars will ever bring her back to me. I don't blame her, or I'm not mad at her. I know she had no other choice to leave me. I know one thing I will always look for my girl, my best friend, and the love of my life, my Sang. It's her birthday today she turned 9 years old today. I wonder what she is doing today.

Sangs P.O.V

It's been 2 years since I have seen my best friend Lukie. it's also been only 2 years since my torture has began. The day my life turned into my true nightmare. I don't even celebrate my birthday anymore. It's just too painful of a memory I have to relive over and over again.

Like everyday I wake up around 5:00 a.m. I have to clean the whole house. Then I have to make breakfast for my stepmom and marie. Then while I watch them eat. I have to make Marie's lunch for her for school. The only time I get to eat is if there is any leftovers, or something they don't see me grab. I know I am way underweight for my age. I have dark black bags under my eyes. And I am always in pain. I hurt everywhere. My stepmom eats breakfast then goes to her room. She is an alcoholic, and a drug abuser. All prescription pain medication or whatever she can get her hands on. It turns out my stepmom hurt so bad after my sperm donor left. She turned to abusing her body to get the paint to stop. Because of her we have had to move five times already. We have lived in florida, texas, michigan, ohio, and now we are in West virginia. The scenery is so beautiful. There are mountains and valleys, and woods. I love to take a walk in the woods. I'm currently sitting in a tree about one acre from my home.

 I'm currently sitting in a tree about one acre from my home

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(West Virginia)

(A place I live to visit in West Virginia)

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(A place I live to visit in West Virginia)


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