Chapter 58 All the Kings Men

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After the BlackbourneToma team got North and Sang to the academy hospital. Dr. Sean was able to take a breath. He hated that he was the only one keeping his family alive. At first they put North and Sang into separate rooms. Everything was the same until both of them stared going down hill fast. So the guys decided they wanted to be with both of them at once. Especially for their final good byes. When they brought North into Sangs room. Both of them started doing better. So they decided to keep them together at all times. A little after they got North and Sang stable the Anderson team showed up. You could see the grief on each of their faces. Lilly Anderson was the first into the room. She quickly grabbed Sangs hand and kissed it. Then she cried holding her hand. She was also praying that both would come out of this fine. She also grabbed Norths hand and whispered something in his ear. Then she sat down next to her husbands still holding Sangs hand.

About an hour later Aria walked in with Zamir and William. Followed by their dad Dr Roberts. When Lilly saw Sangs siblings walk in the room. She got up along with her husbands. To let Sangs siblings have some time alone with their sister.


I can't believe since we met our sister Sang. She has had a rough life. From her kidnappers murdering her parents. Then raising her well, at least until she was 7. Then her world went to shit. Then she suffered major abuse, and rape. She had two children when we met her. My niece and nephew are just perfect. She raised them well. Then her triplets were born. Then Volto kidnapped her and the kids, by also faking their deaths. To us finding them again. Finding out she has two more beautiful twin kids. Then Volto trying to kill them again. A few of the guys got hurt. North has not recovered yet. Now my sister is at deaths door. While I'm sitting with Sang I get a call from my boyfriend Jackson. We had a date tonight and I forgot to call him. I answer the phone and walk out of the room for just a minute. My brothers give me a look asking if I'm ok. I give them a fake smile, saying I'm ok.


I had a date with my girlfriend tonight. But when I got to her house, you could tell no one was home. I knew in my heart that Aria would have called me if plans have changed. So something must be wrong. I don't take a second and I call her right away. When she answers the phone. I could hear it in her voice the pain she was in. When she told me her sister was in the hospital dying. I told her I would be right there as soon as I go home and change. But instead of that I went home to tell my chosen dad what was going on. I knew that him and Ma would want to know right away. They had me keeping track of Sang since we found out about her. They had no way knowing that their daughter had triplets. Not just twins. They have already had to deal with their granddaughter faked death and kidnapping. What people don't know is their were three people acting like Volto. They have one. But the other two are in our dungeon / torture chamber. No one messes with a Colter and lives to tell about it. Now I just have to figure out how to tell my chosen parents that their blood granddaughter was in the hospital dying.


After I hung up with Jackson. I took a deep breath and walked back into the room. I notice that my brothers are now sitting where I was. So I walked over to the couch where Kota and Luke where sleeping. I also notice that Dr Sean and Gabe was asleep. I was told they have not got much sleep since what happened with my sister. I see my dad and I run over to him crying. Telling him to use his money to get all the best doctors here. That we need to figure out what is happening to my sister and North. I know I don't know North much yet. But I know in my heart, he is one of my brother in laws. My dad pulls me into his arms where I cry for awhile. I stay in my dad's arm until we all hear a commotion happening in the hall. So my dad gives me to Zamir and William then he walks out the door. Dr Sean is now following him, since the noise woke him up.

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