Chapter 36 New Beginnings

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Sangs P.O.V.

When we pulled up to a big house, I was shocked. I could not believe that this beautiful house was the kids and my new home. I know that Dr Roberts wanted me to move in with him and my siblings. I was scared too. I don't know them yet. Plus I have waited many years to have Uncle and Lukie back again. I was not going to do anything to jeopardize it.

We had to go through a locked gate. After Mr Blackbourne did a hand scan. The gates opened and we were finally able to go through them. When we parked into a massive garage. We all got out, Nate grabbed Cory. Axel grabbed Lilly, while North grabbed Little Corey or LC for short. Everyone else grabbed the bags and stuff they needed to bring into the house. When I go to follow my babies. When Silas scoops me up bridal style. I let a small squeak out. Silas tells me, Aggele Mou I will never drop you. I ask him what he called me. He tells me it's in Greek for my angel. I get the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. When we step in the house it is gorgeous. You can tell a happy family lives here. I can't believe that the kids and I are apart of it now. As I'm looking at the pictures on the wall. I see one of me and Lukie. We are sitting at a picnic table, eating ice cream. We both have very happy smiles on our faces. As I look at them I start to feel wetness on my face. I go to wipe my face with the sleeve of my shirt. I jump when I feel arms wrap around my sides. Holding me close to the person. When I get the whiff of vanilla and sugar. I start to relax, I know it's my Lukie holding, hugging me for support. He whispers in my ear, that those were good times. Although now that we have found each other again. There will be plenty more great times ahead for us. As we are talking, I hear Nate say Peanut I think we need to go to the nursery. It smells like one of are babies has exploded in his diapers. I get another great feeling in my stomach. They are already accepting the triplets as their own. I go to grab LC. Knowing he is the culprit today. When Nate says. It's ok peanut I have him. We just want to show you their nursery. My face lights up. I can't help it I start to cry, I mean really let it out. I tried to stop it. I tried to leave the room. My guys were having none of that. Suddenly I get hugged by Silas, wow he gives the best teddy bear hugs. Then Brandon is the one hugging from the back. They tell me not to hold anything in anymore. The next thing I do is let it all out. I cry for my lost childhood. From the abuse I had to suffer over the years. I cry for my 2 older kids. For the way they were cheated when they came into the world. For all the pain and suffering I had to deal with all alone. I also cry because all of this could have been prevented. It could have been prevented by one man. One man who if he would have stuck to people his own age. Not raping a little girl. For him leaving two happy soon to be parents alone. Alone to raise their children in a perfect, loving home. Lastly I cry for my two parents I will never get to hold. My parents will never get to hold their grandkids. If I ever find Steven again, he will feel the wrath of my fury. I finally start to calm down. I go to stand back up, but I get dizzy and fall into Silas arms. He takes me upstairs to a beautiful room. He lays me down in the bed. He takes his shoes off. Then gets into the bed with me. It's nothing sexual or anything. He just holds me while I calm down, and take a nap. As I drift off to sleep I hear him speak in his language. I'm just too tired to understand what he says. After a minute I feel another person get in on my other side. I am cocooned in between North and Silas.

When I wake up. I have two different guys in bed with me. My Hacker and Victor. Poppet Silas and North got called into work. So the two of us got the chance to take over. I give them both a hug and tell them thank you.

When I finally take a look at my room. I am speechless. I have not had a nice bedroom like this since I was a small child. The room is in my favorite color pink. It has an attached bathroom. There is a mirror and vanity. There are pictures on the wall. Even though the room is for an adult female. The depressed child inside me is finally at peace. I don't know what I did to finally get the happiness I and my 2 older kids deserve.

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