Chapter 40 Family Meeting

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As the 14 guys and Sang sat around the room. They each were scared of what their brothers would say. Axel and Owen are the two main leaders of the family (team) then Kota and Mark were the family (team leaison). Victor and Corey are computer geniuses. Raven, North, Nate, Silas and Brandon are the muscles. Gabe is the organizer, disguise master, and making sure everyone looks nice. Luke is the secret ninja for the team. He can get in and out without anyone seeing, or hearing him. Lastly we have our Dr Sean Green of the team. He is a medical genius. He graduated high school and medical school faster than most people. It is nice to have a doctor in the family (team).

Ok sorry back to the meeting. Axel looks at everyone of his brothers. He lets a sigh leave his lips. Then he begins talking.

Axel P.O.V.

I look at my brothers, and our little bird Sang. I take a deep breath, a small sigh slips out. Then I begin.

Axel talking to the team

Ok guys please keep the anger in check. As you all know about the call that came in the dummy phone. What you don't know is the customers on the other end, it was our brothers. It was a shock to see them answer the door. They let us in. We put on the jammers, and camera freeze equipment. Then we greeted each other. Then we had a long talk. They told us how Judge Swanson reached out to them. As you know he is the one in charge of the Sorensons case. Well the judge had a job for them to do. I guess his family has been taken by Volto. When I said this I heard a small gasp next to me. I could see the fear in Sangs eyes. I guess North saw it too, since he got up and pulled her in his lap. She was stiff for a minute, then she calmed down. North was rubbing her back, when she let out a little moan. I felt my pants getting tighter in that area. I also noticed some of my brothers adjusting themselves. North that was holding her. Kissed her on the forehead, then passed her to Nate. Then North went upstairs to take a cold shower. Sang looks up like she did something wrong. She tells us she is sorry to make North leave like that. She is too innocent. I tell her he just had to take care of some business. Then he should be back in a few minutes. Then Luke's smart ass says yep. He needs Rosie and her five fingers. Mark smacks him in the back of the head. Poor Sang looks like she is going to cry. Then poor Sean, being the doctor he is. Had to sit down and explain what happened. Sangs cheeks turn bright red. Then hides her face from us all. She looks like such a doll. That's what I'm going to call her. My doll. Right after we tell her North comes back in the room with wet hair. Sang even turns more red, while everyone else busted out laughing. North looked at us all. Then said ok spill it, what do funny. Then my doll said how did Rosie feel? Did her five friends join in also? North is now beat red. I can't believe she asked him that. He sits down, grabs Sang back. He whispers in her ear. She turns even more red. I wonder how far the blush runs down. I will find out soon hopefully. Then North grunts and says, well? I clear my throat then tell them. Well the judges family was taken by Volto. He wants the Sorensons case dropped. So the judge called our 2 brothers. He gave the 1m dollars to sneak into the evidence room. To destroy all the evidence.

I could tell my brothers got pissed for this information. I could tell they were holding everything in. One to let me finish. Two so they did not scare Sang.

When our brothers did this. They made a back up of everything. The. stored the information in our storage unit.

There is more. This information I was told. Will need all of our help. Blake and Kevin have a relationship with Kali. They are using her to get in good with Volto. They were told some devastating news. That sounds fishy. So we need to look into this. To see if she is lying or not. Kali came to them this morning and told them she was attacked. She was so bad she ended up in the hospital for a few days. The boys looked on, not caring about this part. She supposedly told them the attack made her have a miscarriage. That the baby was one of theirs.

I look at my brothers faces. Some have pissed off looks. Some have concern look. Others have confused looks. But every one of them has silent tears falling down their faces. Sang even has tears. Owen cleared his throat, then said let's find the truth boys. With that we all said we are willing and will obey. That is the academy's way of voting. I get up and walk towards our kids room. I just need to hold them. To feel them, and to love them. When I get there little Luke runs to me, hugging me. Melody runs to her mom. Sang bends down to grab her. When she flinches in pain. Corey bends down to grab Mel up. Then North picks up Sang. Then takes her to her bed to lay down with her. It has been a long, exhausting day. Tonight it is Marcs and my turn to sleep next to her, and hold her. I can't wait until we can do much more. We just have to go at her speed. She has a lot of trauma she needs to heal from. I know in my heart, that my brothers and I will be there for her and the kids. They already worked their way into all of our hearts. As I'm thinking about this I hear a small sniffle. I look at the door to see our two oldest kids. They both look scared. I tell them to jump in with us. They do Melody between Sang and Marc. Then little Luke between Sang and I. I drift off to sleep feeling like our family is finally complete.

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