Chapter 50 Brotherhood

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Dr Sean Green P.O.V.

I wake up with my arms wrapped around my Pookie. My Brothers did not wake me up, so our injured family is fine so far. I'm really worried about North, Cory, and Kota. I'm so glad I have a good Doctor poker face to use. I don't want to worry my family. I can do that for the rest of them. I look down when Pookie starts to stir. I look down at her, and she blushes. Hmm.. I wonder how far her blush goes down. Ok Dr Sean get it together I tell myself. I give her a kiss on the cheek then I tell her that Gabe put some clothes in the bathroom for her. She gets out of bed and goes to take a bath to relax a little. I take that moment to change them head out to check up on my brothers.

I walk into the kitchen, and I see Kevin jokie around with Blake. One down three to go. My brothers all look up at me. I see the bags under their eyes. I know they are worried also. I tell them that Pookie is doing great. That she is resting in a bath right now. They relax a little bit. But I know they feel like I do. I tell them I'm going to check on our brothers. Owen and Axel follow me. They stop me in the hall, they tell me they know I'm trying to keep the pain from them. That they want my real medical opinion. I take a huge sigh and tell them. If that's what they want. Then the three of us walk to the recovery rooms. First we come across Cory. Brandon is also sitting by his bedside. He looks up at us. You can see the tears in his eyes. His face is also red from crying. I walk around him to do a check up on his twin. I see that all his vitals are good. I tell them that he is doing good. That it might take a few days for him wake up. Brandon looks in my eyes, he is looking for any sign of lieing. He sees none, I see his shoulders relax. I then excuse myself, to check up on our last two brothers. The next room we go too is Norths. Luke is by his side, he also looks really rough. I start to check on his vitals. I see everything is going good with him. I turn to my brothers and tell them all looks good. It might take him a few more days to wake up. As I'm telling them this, I notice the rest of our family shows up. My Pookie is even here with them. I do a short Dr talk. Telling them that both Cory and North should make a full recovery. On my way to Kota's room, I notice everyone following me. My Brother Kota is the one I'm worried about the most. I see Nate and Victor are by his bedside. I do my vital checks, check the data on the machines. They look a little bad but not too much. I go to empty his urine catheter and I notice he has blood in his urine. I tell myself it could be nothing. But to make myself feel calmer. I do a quick ultrasound and check over everything again. Everything looks ok. I also check his breathing tube. It looks good. So I explain to my family, I know they saw his urine. I explain that in any kind of major surgery, there is always a chance to have blood in the patients urine. It should clear up in a day or two. If not I will have to go back in and do exploratory surgery to see if anything else was damaged by the bullet. I also tell them that Kota has a lot of recovery ahead of him. That as soon as he wakes up, we could probably remove his breathing tube. Although we will not no the effects of everything until he wakes up. I feel so drained. I see why family is not supposed to do surgery on other family members. I excuse myself, but before I do. I tell my brothers that are staying with our 3 brothers. If there is any change. I will be in my room. I then head out and leave my family behind with our hurt loved ones. I just want to scream, hollar, and throw things. But I'm a doctor and I'm supposed to act professional. Fuck that I'm also an 23 year old man. I decided to go down to the gym. I really need to release my pent up emotions, mostly my aggression.

Owens P.O.V.

I could see it in my best friends / brothers face. The pain, hurt, sorrow, and aggression. I walk out and head to Sean's room. It is empty when I get there. I look around in most of the rooms, and he is no where. I turn to go down to the gym. Wait, this is Sean. I don't think he will ever go down to this gym. Maybe the workout room. But not the training room. I start to turn away, but I hear someone working in it. I say screw it and walk down to the room. I get the shock of my life. Sean the man I have known almost all my life. Is in this room. I know that he must be here because of one of our brothers. Or all of them actually. Sean is a guy that is all jokes and flirting. Not a killer/monster like most of us. We don't kill or hurt people for our selves. We actually do it for the academy we work for. Sean sees that I'm there. He sits down right where he is. I tell him to tell me what he is hiding. He looks at me, face stained by tears. Then he breaks my heart in 3 huge pieces.

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