Chapter 28 The Test are Back

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Dr Sean Green P.O.V.

As I'm walking down the hall to the lab. It only takes me a few minutes and I walk in. I noticed that Lisa is there. She is a little redhead demon to everyone else but to me an angel. I think of her as one of my sisters. I know she wants more, but I am a one-person man. My brothers and I have to decide on one girl. One girl that we all will love unconditionally. That we won't let no one hurt. Lisa looks up at me and says, I just ran all the blood work you gave me from Miss Sang Sorenson. The one when she came in a few weeks ago. I'm sorry but we are so backed up in the labs it is crazy. With all the layoffs and people being sick around here. Would you like me to explain the labs to you Dr Green. I look at her and tell her no thank you. As I'm walking out the door. Lisa tells me she also has the test results ready for Melody Sorensen and Corey Henshaw. I grabbed the files from her and walk upstairs to my pookies floor. I did not mean to be rude to her. I'm just so stressed out and worried about what is in these files. As I'm walking up to the conference room I green line on my brothers. And then called a family meeting. It only took a few minutes for everyone to file in the conference room door. I then close the door and look up into my brother Cory's eyes, and say, ready to find out if you are her father.

Corys P.O.V.

As Sean shuts the door. He looks up to me and asks if I'm ready to know if I'm Mel's father or not. I tell him yes, but even if the test says I'm not. I will still be her and little Luke's dad. All my brothers and I agree with that. Those two kids will always have 14 dads. Sean hands me the envelope and gives me space. I slowly opened it. I was feeling like I was on a rollercoaster coaster. I just did not know if I would like this ride or not. I pull out the test results and look. I look at the results. My whole body is in shock. I slowly fold the paper back up. Then put it back in the envelope. I noticed I'm still standing, so I sat back down. I am still trying to process this. Am I upset about what the results are, or am I happy. I look up at my brothers. I have an unreadable face on me. They are all waiting for my answer. My twin Brandon looks at me and asks if I'm ok. I look up at him, and have a huge grin on my face. I tell him and my brothers. That I am indeed 100 percent Melodys father. They all jump up to congratulate me. Patting me on the back.

All of a sudden my mind starts wondering. Then my happy face turns into a depressed face. I have missed so much of my little girl, and her mom's moments. I can never see what poppets looked like when she was pregnant. I was not there to help share in the moments of delivery. I did not cut the cord. I was not there to help her name our baby. Even though she picked a great name. I was not there when she took her first step. I was not even there to hear her first word. I was not there when she had a nightmare. There are no pictures of any of these milestones. I do know that I will not miss one more thing about my little girl. I will be there for every little thing that happens for her. We will make a lifetime of memories together. I tell this to all my brothers, and they tell me there will be many first. That she is only 2 years old now. That we have her, or them all now. They will only know love from now on. We will protect are family till it kills us. As we are all talking about this, I hear Sean clear his throat. He says I also just finally got back pookies test results also.

Dr Sean Green P.O.V.

I clear my throat to make my brothers look at me. I tell them I just finally got back pookies test results also. I open the file and look at all the results. What I see shocks myself to the core. I know my face probably turns green. Owen looks at me and asks me what's wrong. I tell him that I need to talk to Sang first. With the HIPPA laws and all. My brothers notice I said Sangs name instead of pookie. North jumps up and said that's bull shit Sean. Then he punches the wall. Nathan looks pissed off, then he leaves the room. Marc goes after him, to make sure he does nothing stupid. More of my brothers are furious. I tell them if pookie agrees then I will discuss with them. I know in my heart I'm not going to like her answer to how. My poor pookie you have been through enough to last a lifetime. When is it going to be your time to just relax, And watch the world go by.

I grab the file of my pookie and head to her room. When I get there, I notice that she has some new visitors. They are all talking to each other. Although pookie looks like she can't trust them yet. I bet she thinks the world is out to hurt her. I turn to my mentor Dr Phil Roberts and give him a nod. He is with his three kids, and they are all talking together. I know two of them are her blood siblings, and one of them is a sibling by choice. I can see tears in my Pookies eyes. She is trying to hard to get to know them. She looks over at me and smiles. She reaches her hand out to me. I grab it and give her the support she needs. I ask Dr Roberts to step out with his kids for a bit. So I can talk to Sang. He looks at me, then grabs the teens hands and walks them out. I can't believe how much pookie and her sister look a like. The only difference is their eyes. While Arias is happy, Sangs has haunted eyes. You can tell that she is a fighter. By her eyes.

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