Chapter 41 Volto

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Voltos P.O.V.

I can't wait until my plan falls into place. I also can't wait to see my Sangs face, when she finds out she is raising my son, and daughter. I remember the day I put my plan into action. I just finished one of my shipments of girls. I was so happy with how much money I had made. When I got home that day. It was only the two girls at home. Christy was off whoring her way around town. She did not know I knew about it. I just did not care. I only had eyes on her youngest daughter. Every time I see her, my dick gets hard. I decided that tonight I would have the one I'm after. That was soon forgotten about. Sang was already so bloody, that if I touched her she would probably die. So I went to Marie's room instead. I told her to go stop the heavy bleeding on her sister. Then meet me down stairs. She agreed, even though she hated the idea of helping her sister.

Trigger warning

I pour two glasses of whiskey. I then skip my new drug that I created into Marie's drink. This drug made the date rape drug look like vitamins. When they were compared next to each other. This drug made the person know exactly what was happening to them. It made them more horny. More willing to sleep with anyone. Then after two hours the drug made the person forget about anything that happened to them. I mixed in the right amount. There was no smell, or residue left in the glass. When Marie came down I handed her a glass. She took it then sat down to watch TV. The first glass she downed pretty fast. She asked for another and I got it for her. When she drank that one, I could tell the drink was taking effect. But I like to hear the fear in my girls eyes as I take them. So I grabbed Marie and threw her on the couch. I ripped her clothes off. The whole time she was fighting me. She kept begging me to let her go. So I punched her a few times. I grabbed her throat and put a lot of pressure on it. I pushed myself so hard and fast in her. She had no time to adjust. She screamed in so much pain. Her blood started to make it easier to go faster. I could see the drug making her horny. So she started matching my thrusts. When I was done, I finished inside her. She passed out from everything. I cleaned her up, then put her in bed. She will not remember a thing in the morning.


The one other thing I added to this batch. Was it guaranteed for the women to get pregnant right away. Step 1 plan complete. Get Marie pregnant. Step 2. Get Sang pregnant. Step 3 takes both the kids, and Sang. So yes both kids are mine. I can't wait to see her eyes, when she loses all hope again. When I break her. When I finally make her mine. I get my thoughts interrupted by my phone. I see that it is the moron judge calling. He better have good news for me. I have gave him long enough. I answer the call like I'm pissed off. Either way I don't care if he succeededs or not. I'm starting to like Claire already. I might make her my next slave along with Sang. I wonder how long Little Melissa will last. You can see it in her eyes. Her will to fight is slowly fading away.

The Court House

Judge Swanson: what do you mean our evidence locker was broke into.

Officer: I'm sorry sir, but a few people's cases are missing all the evidence.

Judge Swanson: how many cases are we talking about.

Officer: Around 5 sir. One case is a high priority case sir. The Sorensons case. There is nothing left.

Judge Swanson:Are you all imbeciles down there. Did you check the cameras out side the door.

Officer: Yes sir, but they used the door that's has been closed for a decade now. No one really knew about it, until now that is.

Judge Swanson: Now I have to dismiss this case. I'm not the one going down for this.

The Judge hangs up his call. Then calls the prosecutor. He tells them everything. They have no choice, but to let the Sorensons go.

The judge hangs up happily. He calls Volto from a burner phone. Then said it's done. Now release my family.

Volto P.O.V.

I get off with the moron. I tell Rockey and Kali to take the family, and drop them off. The Moron pulled through. I walk over to Claire. She is trying to help Melissa's injuries. I grab Claire, when she screams. Melissa jumps up and says she will take her place. I push Melissa back down. I take Claire and give her a fat kiss on the lips. I tell her I will see her soon. Then I throw her at Rockeys feet. I tell them no playing with the family. Just drop them off and leave. They leave to do as I say. I look at Melissa. I want to have some fun. I know it won't happen tonight. If I want to keep her around that is. I decided she is fun to have. So I decided to go upstairs and finish up my paperwork. We have a few new shipments or drugs and guns coming in a few days. As I'm doing my work I hear doors and windows being broken. I grab my important stuff and head to my secret chamber. I wonder who found my fortress this time. When I see who it is the blood in my body boils. How did they find me. What are they looking for. I smile knowingly I will always be one step ahead of them. I see a women dressed in black, she picks up a file I left behind. I never do anything on accident. This was on purpose. The lady starts to go through the file. Then she gets a pissed off look on her face. She turns and shows one of the others she is with. They look equally pissed off. They get a call on their phone. I guess they finally found my playground. I see an ambulance take the girls out. One of the guys grab Melissa. Too bad she will live. We already took her family. So she will be an orphan now. I turn off the monitors and go to sleep. Dreaming of finally having my family in one place.

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