Chapter 11 Sang

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Narrator P.O.V.

Dr Roberts was the first to start the meeting. Sang Sorensen is a strong, tiny little bird. She has been through so much already, that no little bird should have had to gone through. Even though Sang is alive, she has a fight to go through. Sang has a brain bleed. That is very serious. For this condition and the other injuries she has. We have to take into account and take this very carefully. We have to give her medication and closely monitor Sang in the icu. In some cases there have been patients who need brain surgery to release pressure on the brain. Sang has many very old, recently, and new evidence of a extreme child abuse victim. For this reason we have decided to put Sang in a medical induced coma.

The whole team sits there in shock. Some worried, some pissed, some are even numb. But everyone of the 16 men including Dr Roberts and uncle have a tear in their eyes. Luke looks up at Sean and Dr Roberts and says can you give us all of her injuries that she is gone through or is going through. Dr Roberts explains that only a family member can get that information given to them. Unless they're on the list of people that she allows. Luke looks up and says, come on that is bullshit. We should be able to see what she has been through. Dr Robert cuts Luke off and says, as I was saying is that you have to be on her list. Dr Roberts looks at Luke and uncle, and says she has her uncle Taylor on that list. Everyone is shocked. Especially since they have not seen or heard from her in over 10 years. Uncle looks up at Dr Roberts and says, come on Phil quit stalling and tell us now please. Sean does not even know everything yet. Okay here it goes, don't say I did not warn you all.

Sang has with marks on most of her body. She has bones that have been broken, and never heal properly. So I know she has never seen a doctor. She has new bruises not even a day old. She has footprints and punch marks all over her body. Luke gets up and starts pacing the room. He can't believe everything he is hearing of what he says poor Sang has been through. He wants to find out who has done this and torture and kill them all. Raven looks up and says kittens hurt. Someone hurt kitten. I'm a professional Russian, I kill who hurt kitten. North smacks the table and part of the table breaks off. Nathan jumps up needing to punch something, so he does he puts his fist through the wall. Mr. Blackborne looks at everyone and tells them all to sit down, and shut the fuck up. Everyone listens to the boss man and does, and Mr. Blackborne says please finish Dr Roberts.

Dr Robert looks it on and tells him thank you. He looks at everyone with sympathy in his eyes and tells everyone that he warned them all. If he goes further, they will hear more upsetting stuff. Worse than what they've heard already. He tells him that they need to keep calm, so he can finish and then they can all go sit by Sangs side. Okay Dr Robert starts talking again. Sang his five broken ribs. She has second and third degree burns on her small body. All of them will heal with minimum scarring. Sang is also very underweight. Please sit still as I say this. Sang has very bad scarring, from not giving birth to her kid or kids in a proper facility. It looks like the poor bird was alone when she gave birth. Every man in the rooms face goes pale. The last thing I have to say. God why do I always have to be the bearer of bad news. As he says this, a nurse rushes in the room. She tells him he is needed for a cold blue. The men all go stiff waiting to see if it's Sang. Dr Roberts says she is in ICU. Not the section the cold blue is for. Then he rushes out after giving Dr Shawn Sangs file. As he leaves he says don't let the place get too damaged please.

Sean thinks to himself, what could be way worse than he already told us? Sean Slowly opens the file and goes white as a ghost. He loses feeling in his body, and plops down fast on the ground. Mr Blackborne rushes to his friend and checks on him. Sean just needed a moment, and looks up at everyone. He says very slowly, with several tears in his eyes. He says Sang his scarring of rape and sexual abuse. The whole room goes into an uproar. They now know how she is a mom. Not a choice, but a very good mom to her kids. The whole team all decides that they will be there for the three of them. If they want them or not. Mr Blackborne looks at the team and says should we start the adoption now. The whole team says I am willing and I will obey.

Mr Blackburn steps and thinks, then looks at luke. He says Mr Taylor Senior didn't you say Sang has an older sister as well. Luke says yes Marie, but she is 6 years older than Sang. She is probably perfectly safe now. Though we should look into her anyway. Shawn gets the feeling back in his legs. He stands back up and says, the reason we put Sang in a coma. Is to help her body to heal, and recover. Come on everyone we have the biggest room. So everyone can stay with her. She'll have to stay under till the brain bleed stops. Koda your mom and sister have both kids right now. The doctor said to wait until thing is doing better for the kids to see her. So with that being said I am going to see our little bird. Everyone agrees and stands up. They all had to her room.

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