Chapter 3 Heartache and Pain

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I am not afraid of falling to my death. I'm not afraid of poisonous stuff like spiders, snakes, or any wild animals like, wolves, bears, or mountain cats. I don't fear these things, because I would welcome death with open arms. Too bad death won't find me. So I will wait until it does.

It was getting dark outside by the time I noticed. I was going to be in so much trouble, since I did not make dinner. I rushed home, hoping my stepmom is knocked out on drugs or passed out drunk. I was not ever lucky with my hopes. My stepmom was waiting for me when I entered the kitchen. She was so mad at me. I knew a punishment was coming. My stepmom has gotten real creative for my punishments. It was never a little spanking, or sent to my room. No it was stuff a human being let alone a young child would have to go through. Her punishments were for P.O.W. and I received everyone.

I can remember to this day how all My punishment started out. It started out with no dinner for 3 days and nights. Then it went to the beatings. Plus being locked in the basement, that was not good enough for her. I had a lot of room. Then she locked me in her closet, for days. Then she got more creative and locked me in an old chest that was down in the basement. It was really small, and dark I cried all night. Until my step monster came the next day, and told me to shut up or I will live my last days in there. I was in the chest for 3 days. When she finally let me out. Her first words to me were. I thought you would be dead by now. What else do I need do, to get you out of my life for good. Life was like this for years. I was all alone. No one could see me, talk to me, or even look at me. Without my step monster punishing me. This went on for many years.

(The trunk Sang was locked in scared and alone)

When I was 15 years old. My step-monster decided to move in with her new boyfriend. His name was Mike and he always gave me the creeps. He even looked apart. He had greasy black hair, pointy eyes, and just stunk like alcohol all the time. He also had muscles and was about 6 ft 2. My step-master never punished marie. She was allowed to go to school, she was allowed to have friends. She was even allowed to date and sleep over at a friend's house. I was not allowed the privilege to do any of that. I was asleep in my own home.

One night Marie decided to mess the kitchen up and blamed me. Then she told my step-monster that I was talking to a boy. The stepmother was extremely pissed off. She made me kneel and rice for 3 hours. Then she made me drink a concoction of lemon juice and vinegar. As soon as it hit my throat it was pure torture. It burnt my tongue, then it hit my throat. It was like I was on fire. The worst part of it all, was the stuff did not agree with my stomach and I threw it all back up. Along with blood and stomach acid. when I was able to get back up, I ran up to my room. About an hour later my step Master hollered up to me, that she was going out and to listen to mike. That would soon turn out to be a very bad night. I was so sore, and my wrists were wrapped with gauze still, from a earlier injury.


About an hour later. Mike decided to come up to my room. He told me if I want to come out and watch a movie with him. I was very tempted, because I was never allowed out of my room. Unless I was cleaning or being punished. Plus I have never seen any movies since my 7th birthday. The only time I actually left my room on my own. Was when I snuck out to walk in the woods or to climb my favorite tree. Even though I wanted to, I still said no. At least I tried to. My throat was so raw, no sound came out. Mike looked at me, like it was a great way for me to lose my voice. I could see the joy in his eyes to see that I could not scream for help. When Mike grabbed me, I tried to kick, punch, bite, and push him off of me. But he was so strong, I was so little and weaker than him. When he forced me to kiss him, I felt like I was kissing an ashtray. I wanted to throw up so bad. When I finally did, he ended up punching me in the face and stomach. I had no fight left in me. My head hit the wall so I probably had a concussion. The air was also punched out of me when he punched me in my stomach. He then saw how I was and threw me on my worn-out, dirty, smelling bed. He held my arms over my head and took advantage of me that night. I lost my virginity to a creep I wish I could kill to this very day. Not knowing I would run into him in the future. Then his time will come. I wish I still had my friend Lukie. Even to this day many years later I still want him to hold me, and for him and uncle to tell me that, I am safe now. No more pain and suffering would happen to me. Never again. It was so long ago, but now I believe that I might have dreamed of all the happy stuff before I was seven. I will look to this stuff to help me keep pushing on.


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