Chapter 60 The Final Trial

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As Sang, North, Luke, and Silas sat down at the table. They had to set this just right. Because if Sang was to die during this last trial. She would automatically be sent to the afterlife. The guys would still live if they completed the trial. But would they want to live without their soon to be wife.


Ok so the first trial we need to bring in Nate, and Brandon. Plus you Luke. That should be good for the first trial. No matter what we have to win this trial. So what do you think about bringing in all our brothers, or just the ones we need. We can do a small vote, to get your opinions also. I say only the ones we need right now. Luke says I disagree, I say let's bring them all in. The more people to protect
Cupcake the better. I agree with my North Star. Let's bring them in if they are needed. Said Sang baby. Silas what do you think, I think we need to decide who we need for this trial first. Then we can bring those in. Said Silas. So I agree with both of you in some ways. Then some ways I don't. We still need to keep some of our family at home. The children will need them, plus Sean needs to help keep us alive.

After some discussions on the last trial. The group all agreed with Silas. So the group decided the ones to protect Sang would be, North, Silas, Raven, and Brandon. No matter what the group decided that these four people would be the great protectors. When the group started going to the trials next. Zeus and his daughters walked into the cabin. Zeus was holding something in the palm of his hand.


I see you four have decided who the protectors of Sang will be. We need to call them here first. As I will need to talk to them alone. They need to be ready for when this trial begins. Hades army will advance, while trying to kill Sang. He will have his strongest men, beasts, etc to battle her protectors. They will also still be her protectors even after the trials are won. Their is no better job worthy of a protector. They will also have a great afterlife. So please let us know who the protectors are, so we can bring them here first. We will also give you some alone time to explain everything to you family. That's when Sang started listing who they chose for her four protectors. They are North, Silas, Raven, and Brandon. As soon as she was done speaking their names. My daughters immediately zapped them here. Well the two remaining that were not here. We let the new members bond with their family. Then they explained what was going on. That also they were on the final chapter. Sang also told them that the four of them were now her protectors. That was my time, so I zapped them to my home in Mount Olympus. You could tell the four were very confused. But also very interesting. Silas also looked like he was in heaven. I then brought to my war room. I needed to explain this quick, then get them back to Sang.


As you all can see there is ten swords that you all must chose from. Well the sword will chose for you actually. You must be worthy enough to have a sword chose it's next protector. First I will explain what the swords are. Then each one of you will walk over to them. When a sword chooses you. You will get a great strength of power. You will be a proctor of life.

The first sword is the Excalibur

The first sword is the Excalibur

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